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Everything posted by BeaverProductions

  1. BeaverProductions

    In response to characters being reset:

    The Devs have confirmed that the red message warning you that it couldn't retrieve your character is a bug.
  2. BeaverProductions

    Stable Branch - 0.50 Discussion

    .....and yet another player who clicks that "I Agree" button every time before playing and doesnt read the text. Next time why not pause a second and read it.
  3. BeaverProductions

    Side chat poll!

    More interested in functioning walkie talkies to communicate
  4. BeaverProductions

    37 Seconds that will Blow your mind

    Was the same on Experimental too. Novo tower is the best place to pick up firearms when a fresh spawn. I counted 17 in the tower last time I was there (includes 3 Crossbows)
  5. BeaverProductions

    Persistence explanation?

    Items are supposed to degrade over time, but I think there is a bug at the moment where no items are degrading. Items should respawn elsewhere once they degrade to "ruined", but Ive no idea how the code is handling that when nothing is degrading.
  6. BeaverProductions

    Dead zombies blocking stairways

    Go prone to get through blocking Zeds. I have reported on the bug tracker that you cant "hide" their bodies
  7. BeaverProductions

    So, are vehicles coming in 0.50 or not?

    Because they wanted to make the most complex vehicle to make sure everything was working before developing simpler vehicles
  8. BeaverProductions

    A rare sight in Standalone!

    I found nothing but friendly Germans on Experimental over the last few weeks :) Met and chatted with about 6 of them up north exploring, all individual encounters. I spotted them all first :P
  9. BeaverProductions

    Quarry sniping. A beautiful way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

    If you havent seen Mike's Green Mountain video, I can highly recommend them
  10. BeaverProductions

    So, are vehicles coming in 0.50 or not?

    I dont think the weight or size of the truck is of any consequence. A truck is basically an object, like a fireplace kit or a player. Its just that the object can move and is affected by physics. Comparing a functioning truck to dynamic persistence loot spawning is apples vs oranges
  11. BeaverProductions

    So, are vehicles coming in 0.50 or not?

    I know, right? The current experimental testers (you know, us who join experimental to find the new items and test them and feedback the results/issues) wont even be able to join the Exp servers with all the vehicle slags trying to get in. Then once their vehicles are wiped with a new exp update, they will be apoplectic :)
  12. BeaverProductions

    Repairing items and clothing

    In the next patch you will be able to repair almost everything with a either a sewing kit, leather repair kit or duct tape
  13. BeaverProductions

    So, are vehicles coming in 0.50 or not?

    There is not a chance they will push the truck directly to stable without experimental testing. They will increase the spawns of essential items to get the trucks working so the small experimental population can test them.
  14. BeaverProductions

    so....? (Character reset question)

    Thats the Battle eye message that was for the 0.49 update/wipe which still seems to be broadcasting on some servers. We are now waiting for the 0.50 stable patch, so no wipe is coming that we know of.
  15. BeaverProductions

    Cooking with stove, insta-burnt - Fixed? Plans?

    And how many of your "issues" have you reported to the Bug Tracker?
  16. BeaverProductions

    so....? (Character reset question)

    ...and don't title posts with ambiguous titles please.
  17. BeaverProductions

    Is Fire useless for Hypothermia?

    Always wise to test things like this out before you get to the point where you will die from it
  18. BeaverProductions

    Improvised bandages

    Hoodies can also be made into rags. Sewing kit can be used on Exp to stitch up your wounds.
  19. BeaverProductions

    Locking doors in experimental.

    Ha - thats a great idea. We can taunt them from outside the windows :)
  20. BeaverProductions

    Locking doors in experimental.

    Erm You obviously didn't, or did not pay attention :)
  21. BeaverProductions

    Locking doors in experimental.

    Someone didn't have the patience to watch a full 2 mins 30 video :)
  22. BeaverProductions

    Beav - Solo Journeys - Part 4

    While you all wait for the new patch, here is my new video showing some friendly encounters, some not so friendly and lastly, my first sniper kill. Hope you enjoy.
  23. BeaverProductions

    Beav - Solo Journeys - Part 4

    Thanks mate Hopefully they are improving every time. Usually trying to get one out each week, either the squad play with The Weegees series or my Solo Journeys.
  24. BeaverProductions

    Bug Feedback is VERY important

    Have a look at this feedback. http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=17319 This was closed due to inactivity but we all know its still happening. This happens to a lot of us. I see it posted daily on the forums and reddit. How many of you have actually send some feedback to the bug tracker? If you just whine on the forums, nothing will be done and bugs will be ignored as the devs don't think its a big issue. Please complete the form, thats why you are playing the alpha.