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Everything posted by BeaverProductions

  1. BeaverProductions

    1st person cameraview is to low

    when was lamecore brought up?
  2. BeaverProductions

    1st person cameraview is to low

    Cap'n, its you thats making the issue here. No-one cares about elitism, were talking about camera heights etc
  3. BeaverProductions

    1st person cameraview is to low

    I think you might have overshot here regarding any 1PP elitism. I don't think ricp was being elitist. He didn't say anything like "All you 3PP players are a bunch of noobs" Take a breath
  4. BeaverProductions

    1st person cameraview is to low

    I agree that it feels too low. Makes the game too clostrophobic in 1PP. Can we dial down the breathing while we are at it in 1PP? I dont like having a sex pest heavy breathing right in my ear all the time.
  5. BeaverProductions

    I suck at killing zombies

    Dont stand toe-to-toe with them Wait until they are about 4-5 feet away from you then sidestep to the left as they get close or start to attack. Once they run past you, close the gap and you will have a few seconds to attack them before they enter their attack animation again. Keep circling them to the left while hitting them with your melee weapon. Dont use the dot on the screen to aim your weapon - thats for picking up items and to help with gun aiming. Melee weapons have different swing arcs and you have to learn them, how far you need to be to hit the zombie etc If you dont have a melee weapon (Axe, Pickaxe, Hoe, Sledgehammer) and only have your fists, punch the zombies head and he will fall to the ground (Keep strafing and only stop in between attack animations). Move around to where his head is and keep punching the head while he is down and getting to his feet and he will instantly hit the floor again. Once you master these techniques, zombies will be a just a minor annoyance
  6. BeaverProductions

    Low FPS issues.

    Before you go out and buy a new processor, there are a number of things you can do to improve your FPS. Try the suggestions in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-qwJyvUnHY Also I believe Intel processors have a much easier time with DayZ than AMD.
  7. I know, right? It was just a few minutes later we met the "friendly".
  8. BeaverProductions

    Why are the devs making the gaming so diffcult?

    Troll alert Troll alert Troll alert Begone and don't darken this forum again
  9. BeaverProductions

    Removing a certain sound effect?

    The devs have said that almost everything in the game is currently a placeholder. Once the new sound engine is done they will most probably rework all these sound files. But in the meantime I agree that they could tweak this one. We got new door opening sounds recently, so a new munching sound file would be nice.
  10. BeaverProductions

    Laser range finder not magnified?

    PongoZ did you see the part of the video where I let everyone know we had huge lag and dsync spikes then once it stabilised, took another range to confirm then killed him in one shot?
  11. BeaverProductions

    Laser range finder not magnified?

    I know right? I got a range of 833m on the hospital and 770m on the church as a secondary estimate. Good enough for a confident 800 range adjustment. We don't need to know the exact distance.
  12. BeaverProductions

    Laser range finder not magnified?

    Rangefinder was completely fine for my 830+m sniper kill. First few minutes of this video, 3:20 for the kill
  13. BeaverProductions

    I decided to try being friendly at NWAF

    DayZ Standalone - Beav - Solo Journeys Part 6 - The Adventure with Dimitri I was at NWAF and spotted a dude. I decided to try and talk to him. We had a fun adventure.
  14. BeaverProductions

    830 meter bandit sniping with the rangefinder

    We returned to Elektro in this video and spotted 2 players camping on the hospital roof. I provide sniping cover from over 800m+ away
  15. BeaverProductions

    830 meter bandit sniping with the rangefinder

    Hey - it was our Friday night boys session and 2 guys were camping on the roof....what else we gonna do but shoot them :)
  16. BeaverProductions

    830 meter bandit sniping with the rangefinder

    Yeah, a copyrighted song in Germany, sorry.
  17. BeaverProductions

    830 meter bandit sniping with the rangefinder

    I'm afraid its blocked in Germany, not sure if that's your location?
  18. BeaverProductions

    LRS messed up?

    Try validating your cache?
  19. BeaverProductions

    The Inept Bambi Bandits

    I spawned near Elektro and was confronted by 3 inept bandits within minutes. I led them on a merry chase. Didn't work out well for one of them.
  20. BeaverProductions

    The Inept Bambi Bandits

    Cheers man, he was to worthless to kill :P
  21. BeaverProductions

    Behind Enemy Lines

    Nicely done. I think you need to drop Martin from your team, more of a liability than an asset :)
  22. BeaverProductions

    so i found this server... (insane loot)

    I dont think you are correct. Persistence used to be "opt-in", but now its "opt-out" by server admins. Played on lots of servers without persistence in 0.50. I'm sure I seen a dev twitter or post explaining this.
  23. BeaverProductions

    How Persistent is Persistence?

    I believe its supposed to work like this: Items spawn and degrade over time from Pristine to Ruined. Once they are ruined, they despawn and another item respawns on the map. If you drop an item, its supposed to degrade to ruined and despawn. An item should last <24 hours when dropped. Items in a backpack should last a few days when dropped Items in a tent should last forever.
  24. BeaverProductions

    Stable Branch - 0.50 Discussion

    You can criticize all you want. I personally understand that this game is 11 months into a 3 year development cycle. If you cant handle the terribly slow progress of game development, this isnt the place for you
  25. BeaverProductions

    Cooked meat and healing

    Erm I think its always been Bright Green Energised and dark green hydrated to start "healing"