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About Rippone

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Rippone

    Graphic Issue

    That was already my resolution, so it wasn't the problem
  2. Rippone

    Graphic Issue

    The postporcessing is set on high EDIT: It's ok now, I haven't changed anything, I think it was a server problem since we got a patch yesterday
  3. Rippone

    Graphic Issue

    First time I play the game since October I think, have a new rig with these specs: Motherboard: ASrock H97 pro4 CPU: i5-4460 GPU: r9 280 RAM: 8Gb HDD: 1Tb Here's a screen of my problem, what could it be? http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/55498567952362568/1AFC5EAA1EB56CCEDB7FDA7DB43EBF5B1FC49256/
  4. Here's a screenshot of the problem: http://steamcommunity.com/id/rippone/screenshot/52111350257762570 How can I fix it? I already checked the cache's integrity and reinstalled the game, but the problem remains.