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Posts posted by Airborne13F

  1. Today I was at the NWAF ACT, when two guys came in and started shouting at me to come down with my hands up. Not friendly or nothing, just screaming like they were a SWAT team. So I told them to piss off if they didn't want a face full of AK bullets. They said they had M4s, I told them bullshit, I saw you come in with the Mosin and the SKS. Then they said the only way to get out alive was to do what they said, so I told them to sod off again. Shouting continued, finally got fed up with it and decided that this was the special occasion I'd been saving my RDG-5 grenade for. Pulled the pin, tossed it down the stairs, EXPLOSION, one guy dead, the other KOd so I tied him up and waited for him to come to, then shot a full clip into his face, as promised.


    Thank god for that grenade though, or I might've been dead.


    That warmed my heart.

  2. This happened about a week before "The Great .49 Wipe" but a funny story nonetheless.  Not a sob story but rather the one time I didn't get the short end of the stick....


    I'm in the second floor room of the NW building of the Balota airstrip.  Whenever I enter a building, I always close every door I enter through so I can hear someone else come in.  So I'm minding my own business getting ready to swap my worn Gorka jacket for the pristine equivalent I just found when the door flies open and a guy wearing a white bandit mask and cammo runs in, bleeding from every orifice, with a Zed right behind him, screaming to me in a thick Indian accent, "Dude! Please! Can you give me a bandage?!?!"  


    Before I get a chance to react, the Zed starts hitting him, and somehow I'M taking damage from it!  So I have to kill the Zed before I can do anything, so I'm telling him to relax and let me kill the Zed first, otherwise the bandage isn't going to do him any good.  "Please hurry, I'm bleeding!"  Yeah...I can see that.  So I take out my fire axe and I kill the zed.  "Please man, I need a bandage or I'm going to die," he says, and I can't help but laugh into the microphone now because he sounds just like Apu from The Simpsons.  So once again I tell him, "Relax, I'm gonna bandage you now, just stop screaming into the mic."  So he stops, and I bandage him.  


    He thanks me, and then tells me that he needs food and water badly.  So I open up a can of Tac Bacon and drop him a couple cans of soda as well.  He thanks me profusely, but asks for more food.  I tell him I can't give him anymore food, but said that I had just come from the barracks and I saw a bunch of food in there that he can grab.  He thanks me again.  I say, "Take care," and I wave to him.  Just as I start to take off down the stairs, I see him try to take a swing at me.  I stopped and turned around.  "Dude, did you just take a swing at me?"  He says nothing.  "Did you really just try to knock me out after I just saved your life?" (also pertinent to note I was wearing a pristine ballistic K-pot)  Again, silence.  I say, "I'm gonna take your silence and the fact that your dukes are still up as a yes."


    He says, "What are dukes?"


    While my AK101 with 75-round drum is in clear view over my shoulder, I decide to try out my .357 Colt Python.  I draw that, and point it at him.  "Oh no man, please don't kill me!  I pressed the wrong key!"  


    "Yes you sure did."  I shoot him in the balls and leave.

    • Like 4

  3. Just to make sure, as my friend was doing the same thing and was getting no wood, are you sure you are using the mouse scroll wheel or F key to chop the tree?  My buddy was just hacking at trees like they were zombies and expecting wood to appear.


    If you're doing it correctly, I dunno how to help.  Not had a problem with every tree I have chopped down,  Firewood/kindling is in the vicinity window at the base of the tree if your inventory is full.


    Thank you.  I was just left-clicking the mouse.  I hit F and poof, kindling/firewood.  


    I don't know how I forgot that....

    • Like 2

  4. Anyone else having difficulty actually getting wood/kindling after chopping down a tree?  I have chopped down several trees and there's no wood, when before every time I would chop down a tree I would get wood.  And yes I made sure to clear enough space in my backpack/clothing.


    P.S. - Please spare me the innuendo that popped into your head 10 seconds ago.

    • Like 1

  5. On my current character I spawned two days ago about 100 yards north of Cernaya Polana.  Spotted a firehouse, and in ten minutes I had a pristine fire axe, a .357 Magnum with 25 rounds, 20 7.62mmx39mm rounds, a pristine green coat, and a pristine beanie hat.  Moved north to Novodmitrovsk and in 10 minutes I had my choice between an SKS and a Mosin, but took the SKS because I had rounds for it.  Also got pristine jungle boots and gloves.  There's plenty of loot outside of military bases.  Firehouses are my favorite.

  6. And it just happened AGAIN.  I was on a server with 3 other people from clan |SK|.  I was nowhere near a military base or a big city, I was not server-hopping.  I was moving along a treeline when I was shot in the back.  


    There's just too much playable space for this to be another coincidence.  I was in the woods south of the town of Nadezhdino.  I can see camping an airfield or military base or even a big city, but camping in the woods south of a small town waiting for ONE GUY to run by?  And he does?  Nope, that dog won't hunt.

  7. Thing is, I wasn't server-hopping because like I said earlier my character was fully-geared.  And I didn't even have to be at the airfield that night, it was just that my curiosity got the best of me and I wanted to see if there was any new loot lying around.  And curiosity killed the cat.  In the back.  

  8. You'll never know.


    It could have been a hacker, or it could have been a genuine player who you didn't see. It's not that unbelievable that you were both at Balota - after all, you chose to be there. No point in agonising over it, in my opinion. A death's a death's death.


    What I would be genuinely interested in knowing, however, is why you play on empty servers when you obviously enjoy the tactical/stealthy side of the gameplay. Doesn't this just remove any challenge and tension that you might otherwise have in full servers?


    This was Sunday night, there were a ton of people playing and I was having difficulty joining servers regardless of the population.  I started trying to join servers with lower populations just to actually get logged into the game, and when I did that I finally got in.  Then I died, lol.

  9. I don't necessarily mind dying as I have been playing this game for over a month now and each time I die, I have been able to fully-equip my new character.  But something happened a few nights ago where my most recent death was a little suspect....


    I logged on to a server with about 3 other people logged on.  I took my character from a house in the town of Balota and moved to the air strip.  I scoped out the area very carefully and it looked clear.  I checked the server and saw that now there was just me and one other player.  I moved to the building at the western corner of the air strip.  I went in, looted a few items, then came back downstairs.  I opened the door, I came out and checked my perimeter.  All clear.  Began moving east and three seconds later - two shots from behind and I'm dead in less than 15 minutes after logging on.  


    Keep in mind I was playing a fully-outfitted, fully-equipped character donned in all OD green camouflage.  No matter the server population, I always play as if there could be someone in the same town.  I move slowly and tactically.  I never take the most direct route, I take the most camouflaged route, and I'm always watching my six.  On a playable map this massive, it's hard to believe that the last remaining person on the server was in the exact same location I was in.  I had previously read somewhere that there is an exploit/hack where another player can find you.  Is there any truth to that?  It just seems like a very odd coincidence.  Yes it's plausible, but odd nonetheless.



  10. Played a character for 2 1/2 hours.  Had a fire axe, a backpack, food, water....suddenly I couldn't open any doors.  Found a house with doors already open, went inside and got to the second floor.  Sitting idle on the second floor checking my inventory and from out of nowhere screen goes black with "You Are Dead".  


    Start a new character.  45 minutes later, another bug - my character can only run in a straight line.  I can look, but I can't turn.  Change servers - I'm a new character again.  Change servers - I'm a new character again.  Change servers - I'm a new character again.


    Screw this, I'm going to bed.

    • Like 1

  11. So the character that I have about 10 hours of playtime on and got decently geared is completely gone, and all I did was change servers. 


    Now, every single time I change servers, it's a new character.  And yes, I'm playing on public servers.


    W. T. F.  


    Searching the entire town of Kamyshovo and having EVERY SINGLE BUILDING be empty (didn't even find rotten fruit) is bad enough, but if I have to start from scratch every time I log on to the game then there's something really wrong here.  At this point, DayZ has been nothing more than a running simulation.

  12. you can also eat yourself bright energized and hydrathed, to regain blood. salinebags also help

    Awesome, I appreciate the info!  My status shows that my character is energized and hydrated, but I was concerned about what effects eating and drinking too much would have.  I didn't realize there were different levels of green to look out for, thank you.

  13. New player here with about 15 hours in.  I've been having pretty bad luck for the most part, every time I try to loot buildings I end up with multiple Zeds chasing me out of the town, and when I finally do get to search buildings in those few times I didn't have a Zed on me, the frigging building(s) are empty.  Can't even find a lousy can of soda or an edible fruit.


    I finally managed to reach a firehouse and got the fireman's axe, which completely changes the game when you are able to actually kill the Zeds with one hit.  I then made it to an airfield and got some decent military clothing, backpack, food and supplies (no gun of course, still unarmed after all this time) a few lagging Zeds have ruined my clothing and backpack and bled me to the point that I can only vaguely see color now, and things are a bit blurry.  I managed to go back to the airfield later and replace my clothes/backpack with worn military fatigues (which is better than ruined) but my character has a bum leg and can't see very well.


    Do I need a blood transfusion in order to be able to see color and see clearly again?  And don't say go to the hospital because I've been to multiple hospitals and literally couldn't even find a rotten apple.  It's ridiculous.  
