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Everything posted by Dazinth

  1. I have a two part a-hole story. After two days of searching I finally found a mosin, had a scope and compensator in my bag since I spawned in pretty much. Plenty of ammo on me also, was of course an un-eventful evening of SNF and running around with my Mosin, made a fire for the first time outside of Elektro and got warm while I threw back a Pumpking and watched the Cowboys destroy the Saints. I log out for about 30 mins to eat and log back in and see that I need a drink. Glug, glug, glug... "You have been kicked from server" had an AK101 on my pack and had to drop the Mosin to drink... Tried quickly logging back in, get the 60 second timer. "You have been kicked from server" so that was my first a-hole. Second a-hole, and in more ways than one. I run over to Cherno for a bit and figure I will check out the Piano House, what do ya know, another Mosin sitting pretty. I had a spare compensator but no scope, so I go back on the hunt this evening when I got home. Get back to Elektro to check the office building roof. On my way up a Zed aggros me, I drop my Mosin (with rounds in it) in the hallway near the top of the stairs. I leave it there since I can't climb up with it. I reach the top and there is my scope. I get up top and go prone, need to make a spot in my bag to grab it. So this is when I realize my mouse is about dead, red light is flashing and I can barely drag and drop items around, I eat an orange by mistake and then I hear someone talking. I peek over the ladder and there he is about halfway up. I pull my AK101 out and let him know I'm armed, he says something like "I'm friendly, I don't have ammo, I'll just clear out". I'm thinking BS, there was a loaded Mosin in the hall, I am working feverishly to get my mouse to move onto him as he climbs down the ladder on the outside of the building back to the street, scope in and see a Blaze on his back, I can't believe he didn't see it. I come down the ladder, I can't leave the Mosin sitting there for too long before he grabs it, I see he hasn't gone down the other ladder, he was waiting for me to come down. I can't spin around at this point mouse is not doing anything. I strafe and run down the backside of the building to the opposite platform as I hear him swinging fists at me. I see him bolt down the stairs when I get to the other side. STILL doesn't see the loaded Mosin on the ground. I stop and pull the battery out and put it back in hoping for a miracle. He climbs up behind me and hits me once. I run back to the other platform and pull my AK101 and take him down. Funny my mouse lasted until I was well out of Elektro before it finally wouldn't turn on anymore. Not that I did anything smart during this encounter but man, talk about having all the chances in the world to take me out and coming up nil. Sorry dude, I prob would have geared you up if you had just backed down and waited. Long winded post, thanks for reading if you did.
  2. Dazinth

    Coincidence? Or...

    Same set of circumstance got me killed in Elektro, I would lean more towards a server hopper than it being a hack with that little of information. I was in Elektro on a low pop server, klling my way through zeds so I could get past the Fire Station on the way down the road to the Police Dept. Guy popped me from the church, just assume you are never alone. The route less traveled is your friend, you never know when a squad of 5 are gong to server hop and land right where you are.
  3. Dazinth

    How did you last die?

    Dead 4 times in the last 2 days, 1st was the hack that turns you into a woman and resets you. The other 3 were from logging out for a few hours then logged back in on the coast. I don't mind dying when I have some control over the outcome, in the previous 400 hours before .49 I died in firefights or from not being prepped with a splint to climb some stairs. I don't even get to see any action before I land back on the coast. Hasn't been a fun 2 days.
  4. Dazinth

    I think it's time.

    Won't it be great when in the future a bunch of the people who were so critical of the Alpha are the guys who will one day say "Man, remember the good ol' days of Alpha, those were some fun times." I hope that isn't the case, but normally when I take a liking to a game so hard and so fast I get disappointed in the final product, but I have hope.
  5. Dazinth

    First blood!

    I've been playing DayZ for a couple of weeks now and finally just had my first kill last night. I am typically a very passive player, don't get too close to me and I won't get too close to you. I throw that out the window if I am a fresh spawn, nothing to lose other than location at that point. I have met only one friendly person so far in the game, he was crawling on the ground outside of Msta (broken leg) I helped him figure out how to harvest some sticks so he could make a splint, we teamed up to Elektro and got gear and weaps and my power kicked out, logged back and he was gone. Never got a name or steam info, too bad I suppose, seemed like a nice guy. Anyway, I was in Elecktro across from the "Police Station?". Front door is closed, side door is closed, looks like it hasn't been touched yet so I head in the front door. I hear a zed aggro on me so I run straight up to the tower at the top and crouch with my axe out waiting for the zed at the stairs. I continue to hear the zed for about 15 seconds and then my arm fractures. I figured I had a special zed on me that could hit through floors (wouldn't be surprised in alpha). I run down to the second floor to get out of dodge and move into the ammo room. I am just about to bandage when some dude comes round the corner with a mosin and pops round at me, I assume he missed me at point blank range because outside of my arm fracture and the bleeding I was already doing my condition didn't worsen substantially for the length of the encounter. He drops back behind the corner for cover while he works the bolt, I fat finger my keyboard and pull out my axe again... He comes around again and shoots another round at me at point blank and ducks back for cover. I finally switch out to my 9mm and put probably 6-7 rounds in him before he drops, I didn't hear it but after looting his Mosin it had 1 round left in the clip so going off that info he missed me 3 times, hit me the first time which broke my arm. Definitely got the blood pumping on that one. I had my sound on and not a word was said, no clue he was there. Easily could have played the friendly card and killed me. Oh well, the kill feels a little bit better being justified on a KoSer.
  6. Dazinth

    First blood!

    I have yet to try and use a Mosin in CQ so that may be par for course, it just seemed like he couldn't hit water if he fell out of a boat on this particular day.