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Everything posted by Dazinth

  1. Because this is a video game nothing will change, the only thing you will have are private shards where everyone can RP a reputation of themselves and play hero or bandit. People will still yell "friendly" only to shoot you in the back once you let your guard down. Other than taking the game mechanics away that allow this behavior you will most likely be stuck to private shards if it is a deal breaker.
  2. Dazinth

    Cant i have a bowl of cereal!

    Tanks, Helicopters and F-16's are more important than cereal right now. Some day in the future as you are lauching heat-seekers with one hand you will have a glorius bowl of cereal in the other hand.
  3. Dazinth

    The struggle when you look too sexy.

    Every sense of the phrase.
  4. Dazinth

    Why all the judgement?

  5. Dazinth


    Yeah, stop abusing those zombie mechanics. Our characters make marathon runners look stupid for even trying, no one is abusing the run speed mechanics by running for miles and miles without stopping to catch their breath every few minutes right?
  6. Dazinth

    Need motivation to play 3p view servers

    I have played both 1pp and 3pp on DayZ, neither one is easier or harder than the other. Just play which one you want to play, Given the option there are no right or wrong answers. An open world sandbox type game is best enjoyed in 3pp for myself. If this was a standard map FPS only game I would probably play in 1pp.
  7. Dazinth

    Need motivation to play 3p view servers

    I didn't realize how serious this topic was, I am having my tombstone re-quoted today.
  8. Dazinth

    Spawning noise?

    I always thought it was a good idea to have a very low but audible noise for when someone joined the server. They could be near you, they could be on the other side of the map. It is up to you to be more cautious with that information. Though a nearby noise wouldn't stop server hopping by any means it would make the hopper have to find a location where most likely no one would be before they logged out and back in. It would definitely give the player currently in the area a better chance to come out the victor.
  9. No, I don't feel like I was reaching with my comment. If I was wrong, then I'm wrong. I still think the person who owns the server wasn't worth the time it took to post.
  10. I think the server owner got exactly what he wanted here. Bringing it to the forums and airing it out shows to me that this struck a nerve. If I was trolling for a reaction this was exactly the reaction I would look for.
  11. Dazinth

    Reporting servers

    I have not personally done so, but I did help make a video with my buddy to submit of a server who was basically just a Clan farm server and kicked anyone who tried to join. That was 3-4 weeks ago, the video showed him and myself being kicked about 20 or so times in a 3 day period and that our pings were low and it was not a battle-eye kick. The server is still running, and I join and get kicked almost daily just to see. So unless my buddy was no longer angry that he lost all of his gear and lied to me, it seems like they aren't doing anything. It could also be a long and tedious process to punish offenders. It sux, but take the loss in stride and stay away from those servers.
  12. I was semi-looking for heli crashes over the last two days. I was maybe hitting 4-5 locations while running around, server resets as I am passing by the first. There was no warning so I was about 30 seconds away from seeing the half buried crash in the ground. I did everything I could think of, used my inventory to see items tried rolling into the heli and nothing not a single piece of loot near or around the heli. No signs of any people looting, big open field around the crash so I would most likely have seen the person looting at least running away as I was coming up on it, I would also think that someone would have left something there, if there way just some junk that would be left behind at least. Then this morning I log back into the server once again near a different crash site nothing there so I start running away from it, server resets again. I come back in and I am almost literally on top of the crash site, once again not a single piece of loot in the half buried crash. I know the smoking above ground heli's spawn loot as I found 3 mid morning, do the other crashes have a chance to just spawn nothing?
  13. Dazinth

    Heli crashes with random no loot?

    ... I just found another half buried heli that was looted of anything good, there were items (pants and glasses) on the ground around the heli that no one wanted. This is what I was expecting to find. I was simply asking if these sites have a chance to spawn no loot.
  14. Dazinth

    Heli crashes with random no loot?

    No heli there before the restart, once the server restarted it was there but no loot.
  15. Dazinth

    Heli crashes with random no loot?

    Also strange then, there was plenty of loot in Zele military base and in the city itself. Just nothing on the heli's.
  16. Dazinth

    Heli crashes with random no loot?

    Yeah I suppose, the person or people must be lightning fast. I was only 30 seconds from the first site and I spawned back in the second time with the site in view. I can't imagine they had any time at all to loot (everything) and get 200m away to the tree line. The server had just restarted both times, they must have some incredible luck.
  17. Dazinth

    So I finally found a tent... any tips?

    I must be really lucky, tonight will be two weeks for some of my backpacks and just shy a few days for my tents. Last time I was in camp was Tuesday, and I was headed back last night before I logged, when I get back on I should make it back there by late tonight (long run). I can update with my experience. Tuesday may have even been two weeks already for one of my hunting packs, and nothing has been eaten and no backpacks have walked away. I do store them inside the tent if that makes any difference. If everything is all good, I will take some screenshots and wait another week or two and double verify.
  18. Dazinth

    How many grenades is too many?

    I have run across the "dupe" that doesn't actually duplicate the item it just duplicates the icon of the item. Pulling an AKM out of my tent straight to an empty shoulder resulted in showing that I had the rifle on me and in the tent still. Dropping it on the ground made the one in the tent refresh and go away. So while it seems like you duped the item I would consider it more of an icon glitch that doesn't update the original one as gone. If this post breaks the rules please delete, I figured it was okay to share since it did not result in a duped item.
  19. Dazinth

    To the guy I just murdered..

    This thread has made me start thinking about my life choices, the thousands, maybe even hundreds of thousands of pixelated characters I have murdered over the years. What do I do now? How can I continue on with my life with all the horrible things I have done? Oh yeah, I remember, its a video game. If you get ruffled that badly from being killed in a game, stop playing it. There is obviously some serious disconnect from reality going on. If you don't like people telling stories from their time in DayZ stop reading the threads, put it in your sig or whatever you need to do to vent your frustration. I personally like them, I don't feel the need to comment on threads I don't like because (shock and awe) I don't like them...
  20. Dazinth

    Playing without a mic (or when you can't use a mic)

    You can friendly dance if you want to, you can leave your beans behind. But if you don't dance, you won't have a chance, to be a friend of mine. Yeah, I know, I'm really tired right now.
  21. Dazinth

    Playing without a mic (or when you can't use a mic)

    Basement? Office? Hardly used bathroom? I play on occasion with no mic, laptop in the living room. That is my gathering time, I avoid everyone and everything if I can't talk. Normally I just grab what I want or need and bring it back to camp. Been killed a few times because of this, no mic = "You Are Dead" for most people. Office is for when I want the volume cranked. I have a nice headset, but I tend to use my speakers and a standalone mic more often than not.
  22. High loot servers are usually reset every 2-4 hours. Compared to a server that resets every 24 hours that would be considered high loot.
  23. Dazinth

    The new tent spawn

    Found 3 tents yesterday, all of them were on the balcony. Is there such a thing as a pristine tent? I found damaged x2 and worn x1.
  24. But I said "I'm friendly" like nine times. My cat jumped on my keyboard, I didn't mean to unload my whole drum mag at you.
  25. Dazinth

    Bandits are hilarious...? and liers?

    I thought I was having a seizure. Nope, not this time.