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Everything posted by Destructo_Brat

  1. Destructo_Brat

    Idea to increase the need for teamwork...?

    1. Nuke the max sprint with reduce run times and a period of recharge at which point you are reduced to normal run speed). Wonder if you will still be so keen when being chased by a Loony with an axe who wants your flesh from breakfast.. ( I think not) 2. Introduce item weights, and possibly reduce carrying slots by 10-20%. Some of the new packs already have less slots. And its Allready hard enough to carry everything you need. 3. Item weight reduces max movement speed, and turning (slightly) speed. It also allows through prolonged carrying, and running, the ability for your character to move as the game is currently setup (when not carrying over a certain max weight), increasing the importance of that particular character as an investment (less suicide, etc.). Tho this doesn't make much sense im sure it would probably be hard to implement. Its already crazy enough now. 4. Make non-soft cloth equipment like helmets, heavy machine guns, ammo crates/piles, and some clothing create way more noise. Guns and boots and heavy equipment DO make noise. 5. Introduction of actions that require two or more people to carry out. Such as erecting the wall of a shack. We DONT erect shacks. Let alone tasks that require 2 people. And even if we did. Orchestrating two people moving 1 item across two characters that maybe on opposite sides of the planet may cause mass dev suicides. Organized groups already DO specialize. 1 of our team carries meds another food another water. Etc etc As well as fundamentals each character needs. Also Should the Ammo carrier get sniped. WHO do you suggest runs into the line of fire to retrieve his pack so the group can fight.? Or the medic.? My 2 cents
  2. Destructo_Brat

    Girl Gone Wild: Chrissy goes crazy in dayz!

    What the hell is Cray Cray.? Isnt that like 5 yr old baby talk..?
  3. Destructo_Brat

    Game is making strides.

    Apart from the cannibalism im loving the direction its going and the upgrades are soo enhancing gameplay. CANNOT wait for barricading and base building :-D
  4. Destructo_Brat

    Suicidal Loot

    They Die from UNworthiness.. Once ON the sacred ladder it instantly recognizes they are Nubs. And it casts them from the rung for even daring to touch. ONLY the worthy may climb to gaze upon the reward hidden at its Peak.
  5. Destructo_Brat

    Stable - 0.51 Discussion

    I Never got reset. Dunno why you did.. You should NEVER get attached to your gear anyway. Theres always gonna be some bum out there gonna try to take it off you. Its an Apocolypse.
  6. Destructo_Brat

    DayZ Vehicles (first implementation)

    I was EXCITED about NOT dying. And glad he got His. It wasn't a clipping issue. I hit him head on. I deliberately ran him over because he was trying to Kill me.
  7. Destructo_Brat

    Cant Loot Dead Bodies

    Good. Hopefully it will negate a reason for dimwits to KOS. :-D
  8. Destructo_Brat

    DayZ Vehicles (first implementation)

    No problems.. I just want to give a shoutout to the MORON who thought standing in the middle of the road and shooting at me as I drove my truck through Novo today.. Was a GREAT Idea.. Your Dead.! HAA HAA Oh and I dragged your corpse down the main street till everything ruined and fell apart and bits dropped off. Your body clung on for the longest time though. Nicely tenderised for all the Cannibals in town. LOL The Impact Did however ruin my backpack gunholster and Jacket. But Meh.! A small price to pay to watch your body dance on the back of the truck. Hehe Have a Great day :-D
  9. Destructo_Brat

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    Cheers. it duplicated and Cant remove it Sorry
  10. Destructo_Brat

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    Played most of the evening testing 1st and 3rd person servers. (Experimental) 1st runs like a charm. Sure it crashes or hangs but heyho. That's Experimental. 3rd however. I got through Electro enroute to the gas station. And the server reset. When I tried to log back in the screen is WHITE. I cant see anything nor can i move. Ive tried closing out Steam and restarting Nothing helps. Yet going back into 1st person the graphics are fine. Any ideas.???
  11. I was on them too. One server reset. And no all I can see is weird white graphics..
  12. Destructo_Brat

    DayZ Vehicles (first implementation)

    Saddleup.. Lock_N_Load.. You drive I'll shoot.
  13. Destructo_Brat

    DayZ Vehicles (first implementation)

    Suhweeeet.. Oh This is gonna be.... Traumatic.. Scary.. Crazy.. Visually insane. But most of all.. FUN FUN FUN.. EXP Here we coooooome.. Whoop Whoop
  14. Destructo_Brat

    Devs you need dis!

    But we can still dream.
  15. Destructo_Brat

    Devs you need dis!

    We can dream tho right :))
  16. Destructo_Brat

    WARNING Don't log out while climbing a ladder!

    Anyone who logs out whilst climbing. Ladders deserves to log back in dead. That's a day1 noobie stunt. Even IM not that dumb lol
  17. Destructo_Brat

    Newspawns asking to get killed

    Omg.. And you wonder why people hate you.. How hard is it to whip out your axe and help him on his way.? If I get killed in cherno and spawn in Vybor suicide is the way to spawn nearer the coast. But if there is nothing to jump off your screwed. I think its guys like you who don't belong in games. If your not going to interact with people why the hell are you here.? And by Interact I don't mean breaking his legs so he now has to crawl back.
  18. Destructo_Brat

    Why do the majority of players i encounter suck?

    I always view a (Lets play) of every game before I buy. After 5 mins of Nether I vowed NEVER. And 7days2 Die the same. BOTH utter tripe.
  19. Destructo_Brat

    Why do the majority of players i encounter suck?

    And if you want a PVP one Nether still has vacancies. We have a right to play the game the way WE want too. I prefer to play as a Survivor/Helper Its more fun for me.
  20. I will now I know about you guys, :)) And thx
  21. Bump. Simply because I wish I'd heard of them last week. I got trapped in a garage by two zombies I had a busted leg and no axe. Lost a lot of gear bc two loosers found me helpless.
  22. Its not prefferencial its for medical emergencies. Does your clan run to aid others in need at the own risk.? Without asking reward.? At anytime.?
  23. Destructo_Brat

    Shoot On Sight

    Rofl. They shoot everything that moves then kick it bc its not moving and complain because everything they are wearing is. (Shock horror.) Ruined and they cant use it... Hmmmmm I Wonder why.!? Refrains from inserting Dumbasses anonymous number..
  24. Destructo_Brat

    Shoot On Sight

    Got KOS again... And I don't get the logic.. I have.. SKS 5 rounds Sawed off. 7 rounds. machete. I heard a shot NEAR me. So I head away not wanting the confrontation. I have little ammo. Very lil food. No water. And yet.. He chases and hunts me. Why.? If I Could have shot you. OR wanted to try to., I WOULD have, I didn't bc I figured your trying to survive. I WILL NOT Be tainted or turned to killing anyone I see in revenge. Go play nether if you want to kos. Or even try.. C o m m u n I c a t i o n I know its an alien concept. ya'll redneckers mb caint speel. But you were taught to talk as a baby. So its like riding a bike. English... Do you speak it.?? try it.