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Everything posted by ruecanonrails

  1. Seeing as how the standalone from what I can gather is using the modified arma 2 engine that was created for Take On Helicopters along with adopting the flight simulation aspect of it I have a question for everyone. What would you like to see for how the helicopters flight behaves? Personally I'd love to see it forced in the games "Expert" difficulty setting with no OSD of your gauges, instead how it should be where you have to look at the dash on the helicopter itself. Along with pre-flight visual inspection for deterioration and general wear and tear. I'd even do away with the 3rd person view while in a helicopter which isn't enabled on expert to begin with. The helicopters are rare and hard enough to find/repair them.. Flying should be no different.
  2. ruecanonrails

    Standalone and Helicopters.

    hehe, I always try to help. And it honestly is once you understand how the basic mechanics work on the helicopter you start to know what needs to be adjusted without thinking about it. The trim is never correct when you start in free flight. You will almost always be spinning to the right the moment you load into the game by easing a little on the collective you will slow the spin enough to regain control. If you find you are starting out to close to the ground and crash before you get a chance to recover turn on auto hover and gain a bunch of altitude before you try to gain control without auto hover. I know what you mean, there is no twist grip method of controlling the throttle which is why I have set it to a couple toggle type buttons on my hotas controller (of course only used in take off and landing). However turbine and many piston helicopters use a governor or electric system to maintain the rotor speeds so the pilot does nothing other than adjust closed, idle, and full. The throttle is used to keep the rotor spinning at a safe speed it is never used to help maneuver the helicopter. If the throttle is lowered to much you will stall and the engine will shut off, if you over throttle you risk damaging losing stability and control At least that's what I have been led to believe but not being an actual pilot nor the money to go for courses I can't say for certain. Having the governor or some electronic system to control the throttle speeds is one less thing for the pilot not to worry about. Walrus2517, Don't force yourself to keep playing if you don't like it. I'd recommend for anyone who has tried the demo and doesn't like it to wait for the dayz standalone to be released. At which point we will know for certain how the flight mechanics work and at that point decide if you want to try to become a pilot then come back to take on helicopters. The dev team may keep the current flight mechanics no one really knows for sure. If they do end up keeping the current flight mechanics and you just spent several hours forcing yourself to play a game you didn't like for no reason well that would just suck.
  3. ruecanonrails

    Standalone and Helicopters.

    Using the collective does have a delay in a sense as it should. You are not actually slowing or increasing your rotor speeds. when you are flying the throttle is opened at full and the rotor maintains a steady speed. Instead to what you are doing is changing the angle in which the blades are sitting. When the collective is at absolute 0, the blades are flat which does not give you any lift. As you increase the collective you change the angle allowing more air to be pushed below the helicopter providing lift. Adjusting this airflow allows you adjust your altitude. The reason it feels laggy is because as you are adjusting the angle of the blades the helicopter has to cancel out opposing forces reach a 0 G of movement before it can change from going up or down. -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2+ 3+ 4 +5 If you are gaining altitude at a speed of say +4 and you want to land. Before descent can happen you need to bring the helicopters lift to -1. If you push the collective right down to 0 it will go from +4 down to -5 fairly quickly and while it will bring you to the ground fairly fast however the descent speed is far to fast to land safely and you risk damaging the helicopter by putting too much toque on the engine if you have to bring the collective back to full to stop the descent. What you want to do is slowly decrease the collective to gently bring the lift from +4 down to +3 then +2 and so on until you get to a near hover then decrease a little more until you reach your desired descent speed, never bringing the collective to 0 unless in an emergency. The closer to 0 you keep your lift, the easier it will be to make adjustments to your altitude speed and prevent crashing. That's not to say you must take 20 minutes slowly inching it to the ground from 200 meters. The key to remember is when changing your altitude you must give the helicopter time to cancel out the opposing forces before you make further adjustments to your collective. If you slam the collective to full it takes time to cancel out the descent speed but once it does you will launch into the air almost uncontrollably then likely you will slam the collective to 0 and repeat the process never leveling out at a stable hover. To help out a little bit more with the spin and the feel of no tail rotor. It sounds like you're setting your collective to high, try lowing it to about 50-60% just enough to generate the lift required to stop from crashing. The lower the collective, the less force being put onto the tail which makes you spin. I have never tried to use the keyboard to fly in TOH, so I'm not sure how precise of adjustments you can make. You simply might not be able to fly in expert with only a keyboard and mouse I know it's possible in lower difficulties. One last thing to keep in mind is the size and weight class of the helicopter you are trying to fly. They all handle different finding the one that works for you is just as important as getting a good key config. The light helicopters for example feel like they hover even with 0 collective and feel light on the skids while on the ground. They also are very susceptible to cross winds and over correcting making the controls feel a lot tighter than others with every movement feeling exaggerated. The heavy class require about 60-70% collective just to stay airborne and will drop like a rock if any less is applied. However the rotor wont cause spin nearly as much if the trim isn't set correctly and all the controls feel a lot looser and sluggish taking more time to adjust altitude and basic maneuvers.
  4. ruecanonrails

    Standalone and Helicopters.

    The biggest problem with TOH, is the controls. You really have to sit and adjust them to make them work for you. They can be a little weird like you said the common issue with the collective and throttle. Depending on what set up you have, I personally use a saitek x52 pro and I am still fiddling around to get a perfect setup. I use the analog throttle as for the collective as would anyone but for throttle I have the three possible rotors increase/decrease bound to different toggle "buttons" Of course due to the way TOH behaves if you find yourself in a death spiral or or just spinning you need to have 3 buttons configured for easy quick access. Manual trim set Manual trim release Auto Hover on/off When you are spinning first throw on auto hover to let the helicopters auto pilot balance you. Knowing which way the helicopter wants to move, turn off auto hover and quickly correct the spin using the pedals, once the spin has slowed or stopped use the manual trim set. It will set your trim to that position allowing you to take a quick breather correct more angles and use the manual trim set again to achieve a more level hover. once you are level use the cyclic to angle yourself for basic maneuvers and flight. If you find you have over corrected a turn or you are starting to roll the helicopter quickly turn auto hover on, AND press manual trim release let go of the cyclic and adjust your collective to help re-balance the helicopter then repeat the first steps to get moving again. If you leave your manual trim engaged while you use auto hover it will throw you around even more. My quick tips: Use the auto hover to take off and land (it is a somewhat accurate portrayal of real auto hover in many helicopters. It's more accurate to use it then it is to say it's not accurate to real life and refuse to use it.) Once you get off the ground by increasing the collective slowly to gain altitude turn off auto hover and correct yourself using the manual trim set. If you cannot correct yourself in a short time use manual trim release and turn auto hover back on. Take a breathe and try again once you regain some lost altitude. 80 To land (abusing the excessively strong auto hover) fly to the area you want to land then turn on auto hover and manual trim release while increasing the collective when you pitch upwards and lower when you pitch downwards to try and not overshoot (assuming you are not flying around past 80-85% collective) once you have come to a hover lower the collective enough to get close to the ground (don't drop the collective to 0), once your about 30-40 feet increase ever so slightly to slow your descent down more so but not too much that you start to gain altitude, if you do gain altitude it's fine it will take a bit of practice to get a feel for the descent speeds. once you touch ground softly bring the collective down to 0 to remain stationary on the ground. Side note, make sure the landing gear is down if the heli doesn't have skids. TOH is entirely possible on mouse and keyboard but you are much better off spending $10 at a local pawn shop for a HOTAS set up as it will make your life easier. Like I said before you really need to make sure you have the three keys bound somewhere accessible. If you want more info on take on helicopters check out the main forums for it, here is a thread with some feedback by actual pilots on things that should/have been fixed. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?122626-Flight-Dynamics-Feedback-From-Real-Helicopter-Pilots Hope that helps the trail pilots out there who are putting TOH down because of its learning curve which is only steep at the very start once you get the basics and know how to control the situation everything should be manageable.
  5. When I use dayz commander it never extracts the files. it gets to 99 or 100% then sits there after awhile it disappears then when I refresh it offers to download again. However if I close dayz commander down then go to wherever you set dayz to install/download to the downloaded maps are right there ready to be extracted. Right click and select extract here then re-launch dayz commander it will recognize the new maps. If you have trouble still, look into manually installing like the good old days of dayz it's slightly more complex if you don't know what your doing but it works well.
  6. ruecanonrails

    Standalone and Helicopters.

    That would make for an amazing game if you ask me, you need to repair a broken leg and a trauma center mini game starts haha I would play the hell out of that game Digging holes for my new base would mean I can hide it a lot better than it is now. A rate of failure could be applied to everything with a mini game associated with each action you want to gut an animal for meat run your mouse through a maze if you hit the side you get less meat or no meat. It was also talked about a long time ago about adding in durability for weapons and having them jam if not taken care of. I think your missing the point between choosing arma 2 flight mechanics and the ones in take on helicopters. It has been stated by the dev team that the dayz standalone will use the flight mechanics from take on helicopters. it wont be an option to use the old one. What hasn't been said is what difficulty they will use, maybe the difficulty will be selected by the server. as for auto hover... That I can see staying in the game, it's available even on expert in take on helicopters. Sure it makes it easy to land and take off, but it is realistic to an extent. Most if not all military helicopters have an auto pilot/hover ability as a feature. Now there is more limitation to them than is portrayed in the game the big on is that it can only be initiated when your moving very slow and have come to a hover already unlike currently where you can enable it anytime and it will bring you to a halt.
  7. ruecanonrails

    Few ?'s (Ghillie suit/Debug Mode)

    If you are using steam, validate your install. I'd also recommend removing dayz and re-adding it. Simply locate the install directory and remove "@dayz" then using the launcher of your choice re-download and install dayz. If you are still having problems I'd suggest do a full re-install of arma 2 and dayz. After reading your last bit about the alice pack, you should check what your resolution is set to in the game options, both of the resolutions should be the set to the same and one that your monitor is capable of displaying. The 3d resolution might be above 100% and cutting off a bunch of your viewable screen, which would also result in not seeing how many days you are alive.
  8. ruecanonrails

    How much ping is too much?

    You wont notice the lag playing with a 200 ping, however the lag is there and it can get you killed easily. Lets say you have 250 ping and you run into someone on the battlefield also with a 250 ping. What happens is that it is essentially causing half a second of delay during which time bullets fired by both parties will be registered and if both players are accurate both will die. If each player had a ping of 20 the delay between action by player and the server are so quick that the person who fires first is the person that will survive. Higher pings will result in trading shots a lot more often, and you will also always be one step behind allowing you to be shot while running behind cover. when you experience the game as laggy that is caused by desync and will cause the gameplay to run choppy or view objects moving straight in the last direction they were going then seemingly teleporting back when everything resyncs
  9. ruecanonrails

    Standalone and Helicopters.

    I am far from an expert pilot. but anyone can pick up and learn basic maneuvers in only a couple hours of playing TOH. as for landing in 1st person, it's not too bad as long as the helicopter is stable you can look down through small windows to ensure your not going to land on anything hazardous, you just ease it down gently watching your descent speed. being in 1st person forces you to become aware of your surroundings and the chopper and do fly by to see if you can land somewhere before just landing. anyone who likes flying or wants to try I highly recommend you check out the demo http://takeonthegame.com/take-on-helicopters-demo-download/ I'm not sure if Chernarus is available for the demo but if it is it's a lot of fun flying over your various base locations and trying to land on certain buildings in various types of helicopters. If you decide to give it a try I recommend you do a single free flight on the easy difficulty to make sure your controls are set up in a way that works then crank it right up to expert and dive in with both feet. once you figure out how to gain control by adjusting the trim everything is pretty straight forward
  10. ruecanonrails

    Standalone and Helicopters.

    If you are a good pilot, it will highly increase your chances of getting to fly simply because clans and groups will have the need to find a pilot. There could be a whole forum section where people pilots post their flying stats and their conditions on flying for groups. It doesnt mean you have to join or be part of a clan to fly, you just need to have the ability. Of course you are not going to learn how to fly in dayz, you learn to fly through practice in the normal game. The start up procedures may look complex at first but they are very easy and take no time at all. Battery > starter > wait a few seconds > increase throttle to idle > wait 15 seconds > release starter > wait several seconds > throttle to full. You are now ready to fly in 5 easy steps which can all be done in a lot less than 1 minute. a sticky note with the order of things to do beside your keyboard is enough to ensure you can take off. Actually dayz is a survival simulator using the Real virtuality game engine which is designed for simulation and realism. If dayz were an arcade style game then flying and game mechanics should be simple. Look at how you pick up gear and move items in your bag. It's not as easy as running past it and pressing a button to have it magically teleport into your hands. You have to stop, look at it, crouch down then manually select and place them in your inventory. Once again I'm more interested in finding out which difficulty they decide to go with when implementing the helicopter flight mechanics. If they allow the player to select the difficulty based on their skill then everyone will choose beginner training mode because it requires no skill and the helicopter flies it self without the need to worry about making adjustments to the trim. As for the argument of finding people you can trust to fly your clan in and out of hostile locations. A sub forum section will most likely get created for known good pilots. For people like myself that spend time enjoying flight simulators there is more to flying a helicopter than going from point A to B.
  11. ruecanonrails

    Standalone and Helicopters.

    It's not a suggestion. This belongs here in general chat. I'm not trying to suggest anything, I'm looking for a discussion on the general aspect of helicopters in the next rendition of the game. All we know is that dayz will use the flight simulation from TOH but it hasn't been stated how complex the flight will be. I think it would add more to the game in such a way that if a group has a helicopter it means they require a pilot, not just any random person who jumps in and holds Q. It could open up a whole new "job" for people that play the game you have medics that run around healing people, now clans could recruit skilled pilots, or pilots could outsource their skills in exchange for gear.
  12. ruecanonrails

    Falling damage, very unrealistic!

    The falling damage is not problem, nor is changing it the solution. Currently the fall damage has enough unknown chance that it mimics real life quite well, you never know if that next slip will have you landing awkwardly spraining your ankle or breaking your wrist from bracing impact, or just simply a sore bottom. The fall damage needs to be random to keep it more authentic. Add on top that you are carrying roughly 90 pounds of gear and equipment. Your average assault riffle is about 10 pounds plus all ammo adds up fast. What I think needs to be done is more control and type of warning system if your about to fall so you can quickly correct yourself. I could see making use of the zoom function. When the character approaches an edge at any speed for a split second the character will stop moving towards the ledge (continue whatever other direction) and the camera would zoom in quickly depending how close to death they are. Of course it would only last for a split second just enough time to react and let go of your direction keys to re-orientate yourself. A slight hesitation before you fall, nothing more, nothing less that's all I really want.
  13. ruecanonrails

    How do I properly break a keyboard?

    haha I was JUST about to post that linus video, looked it up on youtube copied the url then scrolled down and saw your post.
  14. I vote for some sort of USB add on with shock pads, simply attatch to your stomach when are about to play. A shock will tell you your hungry haha That could be expanded upon for any type of physical feed back just pray they dont add a bladder system after. I think a combination of both visual and hearing notifications of body status are needed. instead of it flashing red when you need to eat you keep the same darkening red theme but when you are really hungry your stomach wont stop making noise. similar thing with thirst but you cough a little or something.
  15. ruecanonrails

    Better drink my own piss

    Your piss is probably better than the most likely infected water of those stagnant ponds you are filling up your water bottle with. As a trolling method it would be great piss in bottle leave in loot pile. It would also have to introduce a bladder system and the need to stop and empty it every so often.
  16. ruecanonrails

    DayZ realism (NEEDS Smoke and Liquire)

    While completely not needed for the game.. imagine the outrage from all the anti smokers and alcohol people suprised peta hasnt tried to stop the animal slaughtering yet heh. Anyways a smoking animation while afk would be interesting, have it start up after 2 minutes of no mouse movement or something along those lines. It would allow a little bit of relief when you run into someone that wont respond in game. You know he is there aiming a gun at a hallway. Seeing a small puff of smoke would let you know you can safely walk past him or shoot to kill without worrying about trading shots. Alcohol not sure what the pros would be to using unless they add a sanity bar based on your actions if you start to loose it completely you need some meds or alcohol. The side effects of alhocol should include having to take a leak every 20 minutes of gameplay where your player stops in place for a few seconds like when you switch weapons twice. And of course consuming alcohol should make it nearly impossible to hide from zombies due to you being so loud, clumsly and poor judgement underestimating zombies.
  17. ruecanonrails


    Hackers will always be a problem. There is never a cure all to hackers. But this mod has a seemingly good detour-ant where you are banned from the entire mod. If you get banned you must spend more money on another copy of the game. No matter what anti hack methods are put in place the next day they will be bypassed. Hacking games is a lucrative business as people will pay to cheat. it also acts as a challenge to some to try and hack a game (creating the hacks, not using a pre-made script) Of course I too loathe hackers however they should be viewed as just another challenge to this game where your life can end in an instance. No need to get your panties in a bunch just deal with it and move on. FYI The standalone will have the exact same issues with hackers, only difference is the dev team will be able to apply patches to better protect and ban the hackers along side battle eye
  18. ruecanonrails

    I love Green Mountain!

    If I'm running past it, I always check around for loot. I've got some decent gear from it. It's where I found my first tent. There's also a lot of zombie soldiers to farm some ammo.
  19. ruecanonrails

    Crossbow tweak?

    I've used the crossbow many times and implementing a large quiver would make the weapon way to overpowered. What I believe would be perfect is if each bolt counted as a magazine containing 2 bolts, maybe 3 per slot. Keeping 6 slots open for bolts is very easy if you ask me and running out of bolts only happens if you aren't stealthy enough or don't recover the bolts. If those same 6 slots could carry a total of 12 or 18 bolts that would probably work best. If a quiver is added the crossbow must be balanced, I think they could keep the same power and simply have each bolt count as two.
  20. ruecanonrails

    Just found Mountain Dew please help me

    If you scavenge and survive by grabbing food and drinks from any and every building you can find you will run into many mountain dews... At first I tried to hold onto them because they are "rare" but after a little bit you quickly realize you can fill that item slot with some important ammo, vehicle parts or even an empty tin can. Simply grab that mountain dew and drink it when your character gets thirsty no need to horde or idolize it.
  21. I voted no because I believe even though this may or may not be a bug it seems like a step in the right direction to me. Server hopping is a VERY big problem. People abuse it to loot, infiltrate camps/building, get behind snipers and other players, and use it to safe travel. All of which to me are game breaking issues which take away from the gameplay experience. The way it should work is simple, you find a server which is good for your needs and has little lag for you then you add it to your favorites or a preferred list and you make it your home. There is no real reason to server hop. Some may complain they have friends on other servers they want to play with.... both of you need to meet up somewhere sometime, join a different server and you will be spawned somewhat near each other. People need to stop server hopping and find a more permanent home. Doing so they can slowly build a community on that server by having familiar faces whether good or bad you will build grudges, conflicts and friends by simply meeting a few of the same people over and over.
  22. I'd be pay any amount as long as the game development and support continues and improves. If I can put 500 hours into the standalone game paying $50 is only 10 cents of enjoyment per hour well worth it in comparison to other forms of entertainment If there was say a VIP package where you get a bunch of bonus shit including a t-shirt, a map, some other useless crap like stickers and hit and of course a voucher for some beans at the local super market I would easily pay $150 - $200 for that kind of set. Of course for the no frills game download I would pay $60. A retail physical copy I'd bump that up to $10
  23. In that last picture you posted, that guy is most likely NOT a hacker. He is using a hacked gun as it is a TWS AS50 which is not in the game. However look at the rest of his gear he is not decked out like your run of the mill hacker. Looks like he either obliviously found the weapon had it givin to him or got it by some other means. Do not assume everyone is a hacker. By being ignorant and thinking you are "helping" by being an asshole exploiting a bannable glitch and killing innocent people will get you banned. In some way I am kind of hoping you get banned rather than have you ruin the day of more people logging in.
  24. Spawning in the debus forest has been an issue for a long time it has been fixed for the most part. Look at the clouds they always move east, then run south east for a few minutes and you will find land. You can also try log out/log in and it will occasionally move you out of the debug forest. And I cannot stress this enough labels in this game are simply entity identification based on arma 2. If the labels had anything to do with hackers then banning them before they got into the server would easy. You are currently doing enough big no no's in game that can get you permanently global banned or banned from all hive servers. First you exploiting by simply being in the debug forest (no one cares you got glitched and spawned there, it happened before and it will happen again) second you are using hacked and or duplicated gear which may not even be in the game of dayz. third you are killing people upon logging in. Suggestions to avoid a perma ban is simple. DROP YOUR HACKED GEAR, stop killing everyone in that area and run with your tail between your legs to the south east to get back into the map so you can either start playing the game or kill yourself to respawn fresh on the beach.
  25. What you are doing is a bannable offense. The label you claim hackers have is simply arma 2's soldier class identification. sniper is someone who has a ghillie, rifleman is someone who has camo. man/civilian are zombies. and dayz took the liberty of making their own class for the normal default player which is labeled simply "survivor"