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Integra (DayZ)

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About Integra (DayZ)

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    On the Coast
  1. Integra (DayZ)

    Confirmation of Changes : Session lost

    Tried just deleting the battleye folder and still not working. I will have to try what Icenhower said worked for his friend. Thanks guys!
  2. Integra (DayZ)

    Confirmation of Changes : Session lost

    I appreciate your help, my game is finding the servers but once I join, it says confirmation of changes: session lost. I had my brother go onto my steam from his computer and play the game and it worked completely fine. With that info, I still have no idea whats not working on my client. I have validated game files as well. Thanks!
  3. I am having this problem as well. Come on, fix it already!
  4. Integra (DayZ)

    Confirmation of Changes : Session lost

    I'm having the same exact problem. I have never cheated (don't even know how to) and never been banned. I keep getting "Confirmation of Changes: Session lost" message. I cannot find a fix anywhere. Please help, this sucks majorly.
  5. Integra (DayZ)

    Confirmation of Changes : Session lost

    I'm having the same exact problem. I have never cheated (don't even know how to) and never been banned. I keep getting "Confirmation of Changes: Session lost" message. I cannot find a fix anywhere. Please help, this sucks majorly.