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Everything posted by Valtorious

  1. Hey everyone. Sorry if this info is already out there, but I wanted to say something just in case. If you have been in melee and taken a hit...even if you aren't bleeding or are healthy and have no fracture warnings....you still might have a small fracture the game hasn't alerted you. If you have a scoped weapon and notice that your aim is very wobbly even when you have full breath and are otherwise healthy, try crafting a splint or using morphine. I have an AK 101 with a PSO scope and a bipod, and when I did this my aim went from a bit of wandering to very steady.
  2. Valtorious

    Does your aim seem to stink?

    In the past, I have gotten a notification. I think it said "my leg hurts" when it was a minor fracture and a more extreme message when I had a true break or fracture. A true break or fracture will also show next to your body in your inventory screen. However, the injury I am describing never showed up in the bottom left dialogue or on the inventory screen. Maybe it's a sprain, I don't know. Regardless, until the notification system is totally fixed, randomly check your aim after melee combat in a fully rested state (not out of breath). If you see a lot of wobble, craft a splint and use it just to be sure.
  3. Valtorious

    Bipods not working

    Hey. I tried with both the AK 101 and the AKM...and the bipod seems to not stop any gun movement. I deploy the bipod and get in the prone and their is no difference. The bipod isn't damaged either. Thanks.
  4. Valtorious

    Bipods not working

    And that was exactly what it was. Thank you. I saw a "my leg hurts" on the bottom left of the screen one time and never again so I thought it was just a glitch and that was several days ago. I injected some morphine and I'm steady now. Thank you.
  5. Valtorious

    Bipods not working

    No, completely healthy. And yes, I have a stock. Does it matter what kind?
  6. Valtorious

    OK seriously! WTF!

    This is getting out of control. This is now the 3rd time it has happened to me in 2 days. I can't go more than 1 hour without this happening.
  7. Valtorious

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    Yeah...sort of bummed that this happened to me just now. Fully equipped character that has been alive for about a weeks playing time.....and I am teleported completely ungeared to a bridge with everyone else on the server. What made it better is when I was hacked to death by two dudes with axes. Sort of kills my motivation to play.