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Crankey (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Crankey (DayZ)

  1. Crankey (DayZ)

    Colour blind support

    Thumbs up for support to look at this :) I am colour blind and the typical red/green and ALL shades/colours in between. approximately 10% of male population are colour blind, I think the statistic is that 85% of those are Red/Green deficient. It is rare but not impossible for females to be effected. It is hard for none colour blind players to perceive the issues so here is I hope a simple example. A normal vision player will see a ghilli suit in the trees if it moves or he gets lucky. If that ghilli suit is red/orange colours it will stick out like a sore thumb. To a red/green colour blind person they will both be as hidden as each other as the mind does not pick out the red pigment. A green health metre against a predominently green/brown background is difficult to see. If you see someone checking his health bar by looking at the sky, then chances are they are colour blind. They are seeking a background which allows the health bar to have a high contrast background. The main areas which could be improved would be name tags, health&food meters and general inventory screens. For me I accept the game adds the additional challenges however easy mode for me is the desert Takistan map which has very small area of green scenery The most modern and practical game I have encountered with good colour blind options is world of tanks with their 'blue' targeting option. Any colours which have red/green as part of their makeup eg browns, purples etc will effect most colour blind players