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Cowman (DayZ)

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About Cowman (DayZ)

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  1. It's a sandbox mod. Doesn't mean you can change/add content to it.
  2. Cowman (DayZ)


    Why did he get pissed off about the nuking then? That's pretty anti-game and balance ruining so it should fit right in. While we're at it, let's make it a true anti-game without any balance and make everything one hit kill, no matter what, and nobody can run more than 30 meters without having to sleep otherwise they get internal bleeding and die. Sleeping attracts zombies though so watch out!
  3. Cowman (DayZ)

    Crying about current issues?

    THIS GAME IS PERFECT GUYS ROCKET IS GOD ALL BOW DOWN TO HIM Get your head out of rocket's ass and realize that some people don't like these changes and will voice their opinions on it. Not everybody is as "eloquent" a jackass as you so they rage about them instead of being constructive.
  4. Cowman (DayZ)

    You're all pathetic

    People are quick to react and voice what they dislike and the fanboys are quick to defend everything because they think rocket is infallible. He's not, he's human not a god and can and will make mistakes, that's why we have patches and discussions on features.
  5. Cowman (DayZ)


    People are allowed to have dissenting opinions on the changes of this mod. "It's in alpha" is a shitty excuse because the players are doing what they are supposed to do, discussing changes and whether they were good ones or not. Telling them to get out because they don't like these changes is just stupid and turns this into an echo chamber and ruins the whole point of this forum. This shouldn't just be a circle jerk about rocket and DayZ, it should be a discussion of the game, positives and negatives. If someone dislikes a change let them voice their opinion for god's sake.
  6. Cowman (DayZ)

    Xbox 360 Xmapper Presets Created for Day-Z

    Not really.
  7. Cowman (DayZ)


    God forbid people have an opinion about a new update and want to speak their mind. Maybe some are angry about it.
  8. Cowman (DayZ)

    Xbox 360 Xmapper Presets Created for Day-Z

    I meant more why you would want to use a controller period.
  9. Don't you see man? It's like real life, you sit around doing nothing and wait for something to happen. It's the anticipation, the preparation for that 5 minute fight with someone who has no clue what they're doing so they just empty their clip into your general direction while you sit there calm, cool and collected patiently waiting for their head to line up in your scopes and then the sweet release of clicking a mouse button and causing them to die. That's what this is all about, none of that "instant gratification" stuff, where you can just turn the corner and get into the action and fun. That stuff is for CoD fanboys because CoD is the worst game ever made and no other game on earth has any similar play style, you know where you can get into a firefight pretty quickly? CoD invented that. People have different opinions about what they think is fun and suggesting features to add in is harmless and a good way to discuss different playstyles. You don't have to be an elitist douche like a lot of people in this thread seem to be. As long as you're having fun and enjoying the game, who the hell cares how you play it? Dismissal of these suggestions and differing opinions will just cause the playerbase to lose interest and the game itself to stagnate, causing it to become like Counterstrike or DotA type games where you pretty much can't play if you're new to it without being harassed, insulted or in general having your game ruined. Let the suggestions come in and discuss the merits and feasibility of them. Who knows? Maybe one of them will actually be a good idea? Ah, Quake, Goldeneye and Unreal Tournament all spring to mind that did that stuff before CoD.I am for suggestions! I just think the "carebear" comments are the ones stagnating it and not letting it move away from Arma the way it needs to. I look at things like the way you open/close doors or climb a ladder - these actions are painstaking slow and I think that's because Arma was meant to be played in a slower manner where you don't have 20 zombies chasing you. When you're in a DayZ situation like that you can't affored to have clunky menu systems hampering you. Likewise, you can't afford to have DayZ which is an open-world survival game play like a military-sim. I was being sarcastic and making fun of the "carebear" comments. I agree with you. Edit: Also Rocket isn't infallible. Just take a look at the newest patch, it's a very transparent "fuck you" to new players.
  10. Cowman (DayZ)

    Xbox 360 Xmapper Presets Created for Day-Z

    Why bother questioning it? Some games work better with mouse and keyboard' date=' some don't. He's obviously one person who wants to use a controller for whatever reason.I use KB+M but I know if I was laying down in bed and wanted to play a controller would be handy! If you don't find this useful then don't use it, but don't be a jackass about it either. [/quote'] I wasn't being a jackass I was asking a question. I wanted to know why that's all, quit being an over reactive baby.
  11. Don't you see man? It's like real life, you sit around doing nothing and wait for something to happen. It's the anticipation, the preparation for that 5 minute fight with someone who has no clue what they're doing so they just empty their clip into your general direction while you sit there calm, cool and collected patiently waiting for their head to line up in your scopes and then the sweet release of clicking a mouse button and causing them to die. That's what this is all about, none of that "instant gratification" stuff, where you can just turn the corner and get into the action and fun. That stuff is for CoD fanboys because CoD is the worst game ever made and no other game on earth has any similar play style, you know where you can get into a firefight pretty quickly? CoD invented that. People have different opinions about what they think is fun and suggesting features to add in is harmless and a good way to discuss different playstyles. You don't have to be an elitist douche like a lot of people in this thread seem to be. As long as you're having fun and enjoying the game, who the hell cares how you play it? Dismissal of these suggestions and differing opinions will just cause the playerbase to lose interest and the game itself to stagnate, causing it to become like Counterstrike or DotA type games where you pretty much can't play if you're new to it without being harassed, insulted or in general having your game ruined. Let the suggestions come in and discuss the merits and feasibility of them. Who knows? Maybe one of them will actually be a good idea?
  12. Cowman (DayZ)

    Xbox 360 Xmapper Presets Created for Day-Z

    Why would you want to use a Xbox 360 controller for this? Precision is kind of necessary and controllers definitely aren't anywhere near as precise as a mouse.
  13. Because i'm going to believe anything some predditor piece of trash says? I don't read Reddit, the only thing I've heard about is the whole child porn debacle and how some really creepy people wanted to keep it. Why would anyone associate themselves with a child porn distributor? There are some extremely sick people in the world, apparently they think child pornography is okay, but getting people upset for 10 minutes in a video game is a crime against nature. I'm glad that I chose that reddit server to nuke over and over, those people are disgusting! I don't see anything wrong with nuking a server full of pedophiles who are actively harming children. Good job.
  14. Cowman (DayZ)

    To the 3 guys in the church I killed...

    I assumed the paranoia and lack of trust was a part of this game. I mean' date=' in good zombie films it isn't about the zombies so much as the breakdown in communication between the survivors and the paranoia it develops. If everybody were allied together against the zombies it would be pretty boring because the zombies aren't too difficult. In short:
  15. http://i.imgur.com/g7wDN.png http://i.imgur.com/MzmSw.jpg I guess that that staff member was using scripts. In b4 rocket says 'IT WAS JUST A JOKE'. That's why you deleted the thread within minutes' date=' damage control anybody? [/quote'] You seem to have missed the part where that developer who said he got banned was joking around/trolling. It obviously backfired because people like you think he actually got banned. Source - go find his post on Reddit, I'm not wasting my time trying to find it. Because i'm going to believe anything some predditor piece of trash says? I don't read Reddit, the only thing I've heard about is the whole child porn debacle and how some really creepy people wanted to keep it. Why would anyone associate themselves with a child porn distributor?