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Everything posted by benislegend

  1. So I purchased DayZ SA in the recent sale. Only got round to playing it Tuesday. I managed to get quite far and then I got desynced. Having played the DayZ mod I just put it down to some random spike. Today I fired up the game again but only managed 5 minutes before I got desynced. After joining numerous servers I kept getting desynced somewhere between 10 seconds in or 5 minutes. I must also stress I might not be using the right term when I say desynced, what happens is the red chain link comes up as broken and it starts timing how long I have recieved no connection from the server. The game is unplayable for me at the moment. In the past I would have put such as issue down to poor internet but I have what I would call good internet now which has no problems playing anything else. Any fixes or potential explantions why this is happening would be much appreciated, thanks in advance.
  2. benislegend

    Every server I join I desync/ time out

    Bumping this because I'm still after a fix.
  3. benislegend

    Random Disconnects

    I keep randomly disconnecting whenever I play DayZ and it's getting really frustrating as I keep having to make my group wait for me to get back in etc. About every ten minutes or so I will just randomly disconnect from the server and my whole internet on my pc will go down. Now your first thoughts would be that I have poor internet but the thing is I can play any other game out there on my internet and I have no problem, it is only DayZ that seems to posses this power to shut the internet down on my pc. Due to it not being an issue with my internet (other people in the house can still access the internet whilst mine has disconnected due to DayZ) I wondered if there was something I could do to fix this or I could at least find out what the issue is? As I have no clue myself due to it being such an odd thing to happen as it is only caused by one game. Any help would be appreciated and thanks in advance!
  4. benislegend

    Random Disconnects

    Well I managed to port forward but it doesn't seem to have fixed the issue :/ Can anyone else help me with this? as its making playing DayZ with mates extremely hard :(
  5. benislegend

    Random Disconnects

    Thanks for the help but on that website they don't have Arma 2 as a listed program that you want to port forward for. It's definitely not a virus or firewall. It does seem to be a port issue but I'm useless at this kind of thing.
  6. benislegend

    No dots on recruit?

    When I first started playing on recruit I had dots to see where the zombies were. I left the game and came back to it later but now I have no dots? I have joined multiple servers restarted the game etc. but the dots don't appear anymore, my friends get them the same servers but its only me without them. Anyone know if there is a fix for this? Or is it something I'm going to have to put up with :) Thanks
  7. benislegend

    No dots on recruit?

    Oh, but there is no way I can fix the bug?
  8. benislegend

    No dots on recruit?

    On recruit white dots appear on your screen where zombies are. If you stand on a hill over a town you can see lots of white dots even if a zombie is behind a building you can see a dot to tell you one is there.