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Everything posted by iRoddles

  1. Hey guys! Even after this last patch, my mosin still is having a shooting issue. On my screen, it does the animation like the mosin shoots, but when I empty the rounds, I still have 5 bullets. Even while I'm shooting, there is no dust cloud. Does anyone know a fix to this? I've re-installed this game so much and it almost seems like no one else has this. I even stream on Twitch and people who have seen this problem are like WTF!? Thanks in advance. -iRoddles
  2. Hello! Is anyone currently experiencing any issues similar to mine. Basically what happens is, I shoot my gun (it shows the animation) but I never see the dust clouds or the # of bullets never change (in the magazine) unless I spam it. It happens with all guns, but it bothers me the most when I'm trying to snipe with the Mosin. Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks!