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About Automodown

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  1. Automodown

    What happened to the servers in the Dayz mod?

    You need to go to the tab labeled mods on the dayz launcher....from there download what ever mod you are looking for(1.86, epoch, overpoch etc) after that finishes downloading click on verify to make sure you have the correct content, then from there load Arma 2 and then AOA. You do not need to play them just load them up and quit out. Then go to the tab labeled servers on Dayz Launcher and the servers should populate and choose what ever version of the mod you downloaded. That should work let me know if it doesn't.
  2. Automodown

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    Use dayz launcher. Make sure you download the mod you want to use via the mod tab in the launcher. Verify that you have the correct files then launch servers via the server tab.
  3. Automodown

    Need HELP can't join servers

    Ok... Download dayz launcher. Go to the mods tab and download what ever version your looking for (1.8.6, epoch, overpoch etc) after mod version is downloaded next to it via the mod tab there should be a verify, click that to make sure you have the supported files. Also make sure that you open arma 2 and aoa so that you have the correct files, you don't have to play the game just load it one time. You should see servers populate under the server tab via dayz launcher.
  4. Automodown

    What happened to the servers in the Dayz mod?

    Do you get the error messages when trying to join a server?
  5. Automodown

    Need HELP can't join servers

    Have you download 1.8.6 via dayz launcher then verified it?
  6. Automodown

    What happened to the servers in the Dayz mod?

    Download dayz launcher...haven't experienced any issues following OA patches. Dayz launcher hasn't failed me yet.
  7. Automodown

    Vanilla Taviana Servers

    Tried it about a year ago based on what a couple of interested parties requested.....failed miserably. Found a way to upload 1.8.6 mod with Taviana map. Not sure if this is of any interest or will it garner any type of player base but its possible.
  8. Automodown

    Top hosting company

    Vert hosting
  9. Automodown

    Taviana Dayz Servers

    Hmmm. Sometimes it's not booting back up after restart. I manually rebooted, should be back up.
  10. After seeing a lot of talk of no vanilla Taviana servers we went a head and created just that. Using the Epoch Mod as a platform to create a Vanilla Taviana server we have adjusted loot tables, vehicle spawns, nutrition system, the ability to carry weapons on back and various other small details that would make it current to what the vanilla dayz mod is doing. You will not find Traders, Currency, Base Building, 10,0000 Vehicles or anything that relates to the Epoch Mod at all besides the UI and the carry weight system. There is a day and night cycle 3 1/2 hours of day and 2 1/2 hours of night on a 6 hour reboot. Posted below is the IP and Port. You will need Epoch and Taviana 2.0 to run. I suggest using Dayz Launcher as Dayz Commander fails to find new servers consistently. Thanks! IP Port 2462
  11. Automodown

    Taviana Dayz Servers

    It is just the platform. There isn't one thing from epoch in game besides the UI. If there was a way to load 1.8.3 we would.
  12. Automodown

    Taviana Dayz Servers

    It will be moved to 50 tonight. That was an old server we had used on Vert and they just bumped it over.
  13. Automodown

    Taviana Dayz Servers

    The server is finished and went live last night. I will post the info below. If you notice anything buggy please repost or send me a message via steam same user name as on the forum. Now the next trick is to get a full populated community on this server. To run you will need Epoch and Taviana 2.0 I suggest using Dayz Launcher as Dayz commander is inconsistent in finding new servers I P address Port 2462
  14. Automodown

    Taviana Dayz Servers

    I had heard that 3.0 was almost going to be released but never quite made it. We would defiantly be interested in taking a look at it if Sharkking is interested in sharing. Keep me posted. Thanks!
  15. Automodown

    Taviana Dayz Servers

    Taviana 2.0 is the last update and is dead as dead. There have been a lot of people looking for a vanilla Taviana server as of late and there are none. We have taken the Epoch mod shell and updated Taviana to reflex its true vanilla experience while updating things that have been lacking from the original vanilla Taviana as best we could, new loot tables, ability to carry weapon in hand and on back, nutrition system, vehicle spawns and other small features that bring it up to date with the current dayz mod. Things you will not find, traders, currency, 100000 vehicles, base building, OP military vehicles or anything related to the Epoch mod in that sense. Hopefully this gains enough support to see it become a full populated server.