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About NPG

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    On the Coast
  1. Right then folks! As most of you are aware the recent updates/patches/gamespy switchover caused no end of issues for us and you our community members. These issues caused, downtime, server issues/connection issues, more ingame bugs than the ones that already existed and of course dayz commander & playwithsix no longer being supported. Yep a whole lot of problems which we felt extremely frustrated about along with with our community because you guys couldnt fully enjoy our servers. This has severly effected our regular player numbers in the servers sadly as most of you are aware, we can get it back im sure of it! At the same time we recently celebrated NPG becoming 2 years old! yes thats right its been that long As a bonus to all our dedicated community members and players new and old for enduring the issues over the past 2 months and sticking with us through the good and bad times we decided to give you guys something back in the form of a competition. Its very simple really, the admin team have banded together to make this possible and we have some awesome prizes to give away. First prize is a Roccat gaming bundle Second prize is a CM Storm gaming bundle We also have 10 runner up prizes of games. Terms of entering are simple. You must be a member of both our steam group and facebook group. Lastly you must have an active character on our server, what we mean by this is a character with time played in one of our servers. if you don't meet all of the above creiteria im afraid you can't enter Now for the competition question... Look at the picture below, how many pieces of Lego are inside the bag? The competition will close on the 30th of September and the winners will be drawn/announced on a live twitch stream on Friday 3rd October. Games will be sent via steam gift and the gaming hardware will be sent via courier (yes we will send worldwide!)
  2. Right then folks! As most of you are aware the recent updates/patches/gamespy switchover caused no end of issues for us and you our community members. These issues caused, downtime, server issues/connection issues, more ingame bugs than the ones that already existed and of course dayz commander & playwithsix no longer being supported. Yep a whole lot of problems which we felt extremely frustrated about along with with our community because you guys couldnt fully enjoy our servers. This has severly effected our regular player numbers in the servers sadly as most of you are aware, we can get it back im sure of it! At the same time we recently celebrated NPG becoming 2 years old! yes thats right its been that long As a bonus to all our dedicated community members and players new and old for enduring the issues over the past 2 months and sticking with us through the good and bad times we decided to give you guys something back in the form of a competition. Its very simple really, the admin team have banded together to make this possible and we have some awesome prizes to give away. First prize is a Roccat gaming bundle Second prize is a CM Storm gaming bundle We also have 10 runner up prizes of games. Terms of entering are simple. You must be a member of both our steam group and facebook group. Lastly you must have an active character on our server, what we mean by this is a character with time played in one of our servers. if you don't meet all of the above creiteria im afraid you can't enter Now for the competition question... Look at the picture below, how many pieces of Lego are inside the bag? The competition will close on the 30th of September and the winners will be drawn/announced on a live twitch stream on Friday 3rd October. Games will be sent via steam gift and the gaming hardware will be sent via courier (yes we will send worldwide!)