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Everything posted by dallasd00d

  1. dallasd00d

    Stable - 0.49 Discussion

    Yep every new patch wipes on experimental. The exception is a hot fix. I don't mind the wipes because it makes you go out and look for stuff and try new things. I am very happy they finally wiped stable. Haven't played on stable for a long time because of those folks that had bugged/exploited equipment.
  2. dallasd00d

    Stable - 0.49 Discussion

    LOL No kidding lets get this going.
  3. dallasd00d

    Stable - 0.49 Discussion

    Yep hopefully they start pushing to us soon.
  4. dallasd00d

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    I know my Hunters back pack disappeared after a restart also lost a mosin too. I was on the same server and did a big circle of the map went through two restarts. I even left a few small items food and ammo it was all gone. I doubt it was found by another player since it was tucked under a tree there was no way to find it unless you crouched under the limbs. I had used the same spot on the last few builds and it always worked great. Just my observation. Edit: Wish I would have grabbed my protector case those are a pain to find. Also is it just me or is it impossible to find a pistol magazine other than the Makarov?
  5. dallasd00d

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    I found a tent finally!! actually I might have found all of them.