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call him Steve

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Everything posted by call him Steve

  1. call him Steve

    Does anyone else want to be captured/tortured?

    I was captured and made to fight another captive just outside Berzino. I beat the first guy but, there was another captive walking over to us. He kicked my butt and, the team just chanted " Kill kill kill"! Blamo shot in the head, no second place ribbons!
  2. call him Steve

    How are we supposed to play the game right now?

    I find sticks all to time. Just look in the bushes or off in the woods, it's easy.
  3. call him Steve

    Flashlight pool

    I keep both until I need something more. Like food, rags, battery, and then light. However if I come across a mag for a gun, well bye bye light.
  4. call him Steve

    DayZ moving to new engine - ENFUSION

    Wow I read the first page and then jumped down here, lucky number 13. And to my surprise you guys are still ON topic! Cheers everyone. I have no idea of what a NEW engine consists of, so I will go back to read now.
  5. call him Steve

    I am shaking...but!

    Where do you tend to hang out? Be cause I am cold ALL the time with my down jacket, ect. I am up north, mostly in Novo and Svet. I do kind of remember reading that the north will be cold, being in a higher elevation. May I should relocate to sunny and warmer places down south. I just don't like Electro and Cherno with all the PvP and KoS. I do want to run into people, just don't want to be shot without cause!
  6. call him Steve

    DayZ map development

    an "american" map, based on the (mostly rural) northern part of the US, with great lakes, cities looking like chicago, small farms etc. I would love this idea, being my home town and all.
  7. call him Steve

    How did you last die?

    Fell/glitched through the floors of the ship wreck Rifty, Broke a leg off in my @ss!
  8. I am looking for the realistic simulation of SEX with corpses, not Zombies because they bite.
  9. call him Steve

    Hello people, I'm a big boy!

    I'm a big boy now! I have made a bow and arrows for it! No need to go to the cities and get ammo or food. No more forced feedings from crappy @ssholes, no more getting shot for walking out of the door of green piano house, and no more being chased and shot at while I run away from said @ssholes! That is it I am moving up to the north and west corner of map, just on the border of the dead zone where the plants don't grow. Just need to stock up on chicken feathers after wipe!! Good bye cruel world, the people were more dangerous than the total "Z" populace.
  10. call him Steve

    Uhm, what happened?

    lame, they don't bother chasing you after awhile (a block or so), run with fists up, put tools/weapons away, there are lots of steps to help with YOUR speed