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Posts posted by goofert

  1. My whole gaming in DayZ is based on the mosin :P i do not only use it for killing, but also for scouting areas before i enter them (airfield for example)


    Safest way to play in my opinion. If i spot someone near me (which means <700m) i will try to kill him as he is a potential risk for me.


    That way, my current main char (whitelisted server) is alive for almost 4 weeks, and i did not take a single bullet since then. (full 50 person server)



    One thing you should also notice: You do not need to enter military areas if you play with the mosin. Mosin and ammo can be found in residential areas, ttsko stuff in barns, Uk assault vests near trucks. So no need to touch the dangerous areas ;)

  2. Ghillie suits do not make any sense for the average person spending 1 or 2 hours each session on the game... If i start playing, i log in and want to "see" some people, (means shooting at them or talk to them in a friendly manner). What i do not want to do is switch servers every 20 minutes because anyone else already has found the netting on the current server.



    Seriously, the ghillie suite should be rare, but at the moment, getting them ruins the rest of the immersion.. 


    (And i am sure, once i would handle to get one, it would be like *plink* headshot-->you are dead" )

    • Like 1

  3. It is a sandbox multiplayer where everybody should be able to do what they want. But please stay away with things like Levels, skill, and certain abilities.... Medical stuff? Well, everyone should be able to bandage a wound...

    Driving cars? ;)

    Flying helicopters? You don't learn this from books. You have to practice, and that is a task for the player, not the character.

    (Ps. I agree though, controlling a heli in DayZ should be quite challenging for the player)

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  4. 0.51 update was unfinished and they pushed it on stable


    I think 0.51 is one of the best patches on stable i have ever seen to be honest. They fixed so many things that did not work on 0.50 and earlier. The cars are working like a charm (at least for me) and ghillie suits are great. So why is it unfinished?



    OP: Are you sure you did not join a private hive server?  You have to be careful at the moment:


    There are First Person Only / First person and third person servers (so 2 different characters there)


    and there are private and public hive servers for each, which also have different characters.

  5. Vybor is a dangerous area in general. The northwest airfield is just around the corner, as well as the Veresnik MIlitary Compound. I play only in this area, and i have never seen a friendly person, they ALL start to shoot on sight. (And most of them will kill you with their first bullet as this is a perfect area for sniping...)

  6. drinking from ponds does work again


    cars work flawless for me, i was quite surprised how well they work ..


    painting a firefighter axe does not work as mentioned above


    netting is really really rare.. (so it is quite hard to get a full ghillie, which is good.

  7. Most of my mishaps however are due to poor or sometimes stupid decisions. Not considering a situation clearly enough or rushing into locations without properly scouting out the 'lay of the land' etc. 


    These are the most common reason why people die. Especially rushing into a city without prior scouting. people can be everywhere in this game (as most of them will play similar to you, means running at the edge of forests etc) so one should REALLY take care for his/her surroundings for every single second in this game.

  8. You won´t have any problems if you cannot talk. There are multiple ways to communicate without voice, the most efficient ones are the F keys. Try out F1 - F8 and check what your character does, you can easily show your intentions with these.


    Other than that, press the    -    Button, it will open a chat-window where you can quickly type a couple of words in.




    Anyways, i do not talk really much ingame, most of the times the other player starts shooting first (or i start shooting him because i need some loot )

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  9. i don´t like the idea of player stats.. The maximum should be a counter on your days/hours you have survived. Maybe something like "Average Survival Time", Maximum time survived, and things like that. PLEASE do not insert something like Kill/Death-Ratios. It would destroy the game

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