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Jack Black

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About Jack Black

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    On the Coast

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  1. Jack Black

    Cant get optimal game settings

    What kind of performance do you get on a GeForce 610m? I would have thought it would be unplayable but I've heard of people running it at 1080p on that card. Just wondering. Also, Bakermensch, post processing shows you your health level so it's useful to have it set to low, or just to switch it on and off to check if you think your health is low.
  2. Jack Black

    DayZ has stopped working

    I'd guess that RAM and CPU may be ranked as a 4 on Windows 7? The GPU's capability of running Aero is usually the lowest denominator in WEI, so that 2.1 is probably the graphics, and no graphics card lower than a 6 will run DayZ at all.
  3. Jack Black

    Support Version help.

    OK, this is a very common problem when you first start the game, I had it too. Go to Documents > DayZ > DayZ CFG file, alter it so that it reads Resolution_W=1280; Resolution_H=720; - change the numbers in bold, I'm assuming yours will be a lot smaller. Save the file, start the game and now you should be able to see the menu. I've got a feeling this problem happens with video cards which don't support the default resolution when the game first starts. As you've only got 2GB RAM, which isn't really enough to play the game, I'm assuming your graphics might not be up to it either. Find out your card and post it here. To find out your Video Card, right click on the desktop, click on Screen Resolution, click on Advanced Settings and it should be next to where it says 'Adapter String'. If you're on a laptop it might only tell you your integrated graphics, so go to Control Panel, View By: Small Icons, Device Manager, and then under 'Display Adapters'. This method will tell you everything about your hardware. You can also find your CPU on here. This should work with both Windows 7 and 8.
  4. Jack Black

    Blurry Screen.

    This particular problem has nothing to do with the power of his computer, though it IS underpowered for DayZ. To fix it, go to Documents > DayZ > DayZ CFG file and make sure these lines read: "Resolution_W=1280; Resolution_H=720"; then save the file and start the game. You should be able to see the menus now. On the down side, your PC has Intel HD graphics and isn't upgradeable. I know people who do run it on integrated cards and are happy with the results, but you will need to use the lowest settings possible, with the resolution I gave you above. Also, follow EVERY step in this: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=216291078 Turn off shadows, clouds, put textures on low and video memory on auto. It'll still look alright and you'll maybe get 20-25 fps outside cities That's if you've got HD 4000 graphics though I have a bad feeling it might be worse on a c260. Right click on the desktop, > Screen Resolution > Advanced Settings, then tell us what it says next to 'Adapter String'. Terminal Boy, why do you post things like that? It's not helpful to anybody.
  5. It IS your graphics card, I'm afraid. I just replied to a similar post on here. I have a Radeon HD7670m/ Core i5 3210m/ 8GB RAM and I can run it at an average 30fps with everything basically on Low at 1366x768. Forget systemrequirementslab.com, they're rarely accurate. This website: http://www.game-debate.com/hardware/index.php?gid=1457&graphics=Radeon%20HD%206450%202GB%20DDR3%20Sapphire%20Edition (I found your card) is far better. You can input all your system specs and it will actually give you an accurate idea of what you can run, and where your card ranks. Yours is entry-level, ranked 3/10 - worse even than an integrated Intel HD 4000 and far, far worse than a 6770, which is mid-range . I tried playing DayZ on Medium and got 15-20fps average. I then turned everything down a bit more and it's far more fun at 30fps. So it looks like anything less than my card won't do the job. You have a desktop though, so you should be able to upgrade pretty easily and for not so much money. Something like this http://www.dabs.com/products/xfx-amd-radeon-7750-800mhz-2gb-gddr3-pci-express-3-0-hdmi-97M5.html?utm_source=google&utm_medium=ppc%20product%20search&utm_campaign=Components%20and%20Storage%20-%20Graphics,%20TV%20Tuners%20and%20I/O%20-%20Graphics would make a massive difference if you can afford it. The main settings I found to increase performance were turning off shadows completely, textures on Low or Very Low, video memory on Auto, clouds Off, and you'll probably have to go for 1280x720 too. See this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3CMa-PXwqA
  6. Jack Black

    Day Z running problems, lag or laptop?

    Your laptop just isn't good enough. In my opinion I run the game fine (over 30 frames per second) on pretty much the lowest settings, 1366 x 768, and I still think it looks good. I have: AMD Radeon 7670m 8GB Ram Core i5 3210m I don't think it would be possible to run it at playable frame rates on anything less. It also depends on how many frames per second you're willing to put up with - some people can't cope with anything less than 60, in which case you're looking at a serious upgrade. If you're looking for a new laptop which would run this, don't get anything with a graphics card less powerful than a Radeon 7670m or a Geforce 630m, preferably better. And Terminal Boy: It's not just 'because it's a laptop'. Not everybody can afford a super rig and the people who can always seem to look down on everyone who can't. It's not 'wrong' to play on an under-powered computer, in fact it can be fun to play around and get something working well on a low-powered laptop. I've played PC games for nearly 20 years using low-powered computers, starting with Doom, always overclocking and messing around to try to get the best results. This is the best computer I've ever been able to afford and I'm very happy with it. Sorry if that wasn't what you were getting at but I'm sick to death of the snobbishness of people who don't seem to understand that a PC capable of playing games at a steady 60fps is way out of most people's affordable price range.