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Everything posted by lfalletta

  1. Everyone, I'd like to introduce Primacy Gaming! Our game servers has been optimized for HIGH in-game FPS. Some of our members receive around 60-80 FPS! Come and enjoy the greatest PvP and in-game experience of DayZ Epoch! www.PrimacyGaming.com ** Balanced loot and 300+ vehicles! ** ** 4000m View Distance ** (right click Binoculars in-game) ** Group Management ** (right click Radio in-game) - Scripts/Mods - | Coin Currency | Spawn Selection | Skin Selection | Advanced Trading | Group Management | Animated Suicide | Harvest Weed | Weed Dealer | Safe Traders | Missions | Deploy Bike | Auto Refuel/Repair | Tow/Lift | Self BB | Take Clothes | Snap Build Pro | Indestructible Cinder | Custom Northern Airfield | Helicopter Crashes | - Versions - DayZ Epoch (1.63 - 125548) - Admins - steamROLLER Werewolf Kenny Stephen - Server Specifications - Intel Xeon (8 Core) 16GB RAM SSD 1GB Uplink Network (DDOS Protection) - How To Join - Ensure that you have the latest version of Epoch installed. Use one of the following parameters shown below to connect. DayZ Commander -mod=@DayZ_Epoch; Steam Connect -mod=@DayZ_Epoch; -nointro -nosplash -connect= -port=2308 If you have any issues joining the server, please come in our TeamSpeak and we'll assist you with any issues you may have. TeamSpeak IP: - Arma2: Epoch #1 - IP: Port: 2308 - Arma2: Epoch #2 - IP: Port: 2312 Thanks, steamROLLER
  2. New coin currency system implemented! Features Buy/Sell with Gold CoinsGive Coins to other playersTake Coins from Dead BodiesDeposit/Withdraw Coins from Safes, Lockboxes, Vehicles & Wood ShedsConvert all your old currency into Coins at Hero & Bandit Traders
  3. New hardware was installed and trader menus, locking and unlocking vehicles and load times are 3x faster
  4. CHRISTMAS SALE: All donations are double the gifts until 12/27/2014 - This sale does NOT include Loudouts! Visit: www.PrimacyGaming.com
  5. New juniper router and core switched installed on the network for better performance!
  6. New juniper router and core switched installed on the network for better performance!