Hazard's Island OverPoch NAPF Information Below: We are looking for new players, old players, and clans to come join us. To play OverPoch NAPF you need to have Overwatch and Epoch downloaded and use the following launch parameters: -mod=@DayzOverwatch The server is running the latest patches (Epoch; Steam Update 125548; Overwatch 0.2.5) Server Address: | Website | Teamspeak Address: What makes Hazard's Island wonderful: Great Admin Team Epoch Base Building/Houses Epoch and Overwatch Weapons Custom Building CCTV Events Self Bloodbag Spawn Select Spawn Vehicles(Survivor, Hero, Bandit) Missions Group Management Tow and Lift Anti-Hack Snap Building Repair and Refuel Set View Distance Safe Zones 3 Hour Restarts 20% chance of Night and more...