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I Ate Yoda

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Everything posted by I Ate Yoda

  1. I Ate Yoda


    PVE server, PVP game with PVE, gay as $F&K. We wonder why society is failing. Here is your hint. in addition... its Origins, #2 gay comment, same as above.
  2. I Ate Yoda

    Why No Epoch Servers With No Traders?

    I'm putting up a server with traders BUT.... the user base has to put items into the traders or else you get like 1-2 items once gone... gone until someone sells something. this makes the player base have to go look for things. Server will have traders for the fact of buying armored things but... if you don't look for things to sell you won't get any money to buy any upgraded resources which will be at an extreme premium. I doubt if I would get any interest from the forums but 1 person or 50 people doesn't matter long as its fun and challenging. most of the player base has become lazy, actually this is a growing trend in gaming period. I agree with you Epoch has trended in a direction where Arma 3 version has no zombies (thanks to B.I.) and everyone wants easy mode.
  3. UPDATE: TAG has an admin abusing his powers. Banning two of our crew then after getting unbanned He TP'd about shooting his DMR at us, TPing his mozzie toward us trying to ram the two guys flying. Best advice is find another server. Cheers
  4. Changed and updated. I talked to the server owner (I am assuming). One of his new admins overstepped their powers and banned two mates because they found a C53 working helicopter. In which they found a base to land in. Apparently the over-stepping-admin's base. Without getting back to finite details, lets just say the owner was on top of the incident wishing to correct any false bans that were received. Posting about such events isn't a troll but a way to keep everyone in check. - I Ate Yoda