I have been playing in exp servers in first person since I purchased the game, but as of a day or two ago I'm unable to join any. I'm told my version is incorrect and I must restart. I do see stable is on .48 and exp on .49 so my question is how am I able to join the exp servers now? Thanks in advance, really enjoying the game. Maleleauge Edit: Thanks for moving my post to the correct section. Edit 2: After reading the thread in its entirety am I to believe that only a select few can play experimental? well that's a bit of a blow, just for pig iron's sake how do you become one of the select few. Giving people an advantage by allowing access for them to gear up. All hotspot's will be filled with people already geared to the nines waiting for the poor freshies to enter looking for anything GG. How did this come about? I could enter before this new patch without a problem why the shift.