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Everything posted by SNOWPOWDERITA


    Tatanko's Monthly Social -- May 2015

    Ahahahah i won't m8, maybe it will rain ;)

    Tatanko's Monthly Social -- May 2015

    Guess i won't go climb that weekend, and if someone wanna co-op in the meanwhile add me on steam: SNOWPOWDERITA ;)

    Massivly unplayable

    Well, not brocken, let's say a little bit boring. Yes, the game has to be difficult, hardcore as some say, and must be fun. Pick apple from a tree is not hardcore neither is difficult, it's just boring. Also the process to hunt, farm and then eat should be fun. How can it be fun? It should be a challenge. If there are zombies everywhere farming wouldn't be so easy, you would need a weapon first to kill the infected, and difend yourself also from other players, then you could farm, or hunt, and do everything you need to survive. What i'm trying to say is that farming shouldn't be difficult, but the process to create the condition to farm should be difficult. I'd like a zombie apocalyose simulator, i'd like to kill a lot of zeds trying to move from a safe place to another, i'd like to team up with people because none of us have enought ammo to defeat the zombies that surround the house, or fight him to stole his ammo. That is what i like and what i'm waiting for. Now the game can be fun, but to me is kind of boring a lot of times. Hope for the best, prepared for the worst ;)

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Found a bandit on top of a building i tried to kill him with a hammer but failed miserably and fall off the roof ;) As a fresh spawn i run inland without even check a single house on the cost, and in less than an hour, at the first village, i found a mosin, long range scope, ammo, tons of canned food, 2 pet bottles; everything i need to continue the journey,help survivors and kill bandits.

    Tatanko's Monthly Social -- May 2015

    Thx m8 will def look for those servers.

    Tatanko's Monthly Social -- May 2015

    This sound awesome! Is everybody free to join? Looks like a good way to meet some fellows to play with. Thumbs up. ;)

    What clothing set/weapons would you add if you could?

    We need tuxedos and longboards, longboards to ride down the hills!!

    dark nights, when?

    personally i don't give a fcuk about others.......because the night is dark and full of terrors ;)People who higher the gamma should play on 24/7 daytime servers. I really don't get why they play on night servers.

    dark nights, when?

    Couse the night is dark and full of terrors.

    New favorite activity: tent hunting

    lol, that's why i can't nevet find usefull stuff, time to tent hunting. ;)

    so much for the struggle

    Amazing book if you ask me, movies is ok but not as good. ;) Anyway i really like the direction the game took with 0.55 (even with the brocken loots spawn), let's see what the future will bring us, but i'd prefer an hardcore survive base game and then mods for PVP, that i'd play for sure from time to time!!
  12. Thx for the reply m8, and well, seems a good change to have a more stable experience. See you!!!

    I've been everywhere man... - A diary of a traveler

    Let's agree to disagree, it helps me in varius situations in the past ;) Anyway need to find water or i'm gonna die, still haven't found a bottle or an animal...damn!! I found a v3s tho, but the server disconnected before i could enter it, hopefully i'll be luckiest next time!!
  14. This suck if you ask me. Is it suppose to be like that also in the future? Correct me if i'm wrong but in the past (especially in the arma 2 mod) i could hear flyes and find a lot of dead bodies.

    I've been everywhere man... - A diary of a traveler

    Thx m8, will def try it, i've a cleaver, it should work hopefulluy couse i really need to carry some water. Will look for a longhorn too,damn i really like that pistol. See you in Chern bro ;)

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    Hei m8, i've a laptop too,a Asus i7 3630 2.4 ghz, 16 gb ram, GeForce GT 750 M. Not the best for gaming, but i still have a lot of fun. I run DayZ with everything low at 1366x768 and got an fps of 40/50 out of towns and 20/30 in town. Would like to change the video cart to a gtx860m, but not sure it's possible.

    I've been everywhere man... - A diary of a traveler

    Nice m8, i'm too travelling a lot north these days, found a mountain backpack that can hold everything i need, i also found a makarov and 45 rounds for my derringer at the NWAF. I also met another player, fully geared, he spot me first but fortunantly didn't shoot me. I lay on the ground as soon as i saw him, there was no chance for me to evade or kill him so i just hoped for the best. He point his weapon at me for a couple of sec then run in the woods. Now it's time to set my farm and grow some food. I'm curious, how did you built a leather bottle? Couse i can't find canteens or pet bottles! And i need them to bring water to my plants ;) Another thing. I log out from the server at the NWAF saturday. When i rejoined the server sunday (more than 10 hours passed since my latest log in) at the NWAF i found the exact same things i saw the previous session a part of a couple of backpack with stuff in them, one with the makarov (maybe someone got killed and those were the stuff that the killer didn't bother to carry). But shouldn't a server restart respawn all the loot? So why was the NWAF still empty after 10 hours? Keep up your story, it's a really relaxing reading ;)

    is this a good way to start?

    There is no wrong way to start, i usually find some food and go inland, then if i want to kill some bandits i go back to the cost with whatever weapon i've found!!

    so much for the struggle

    lol, you know different people can have different opinions. I liked the "brocken" loot in 55, it added more immersion, at least to me; i'll enjoy to run around as a crazy man with a shotgun now that we are back at 54 loot spawn. ;)
  20. Bro it doesn't matter how long your sessions are, you could play half an hour every couple of days and after a week be full gear, ready to fight when you can have a longer session. Also don't give up and come back in a month, when the new patch will be out, chance are a lot of things will change, and maybe you'll find the game fun again. ;)

    I miss my dot

    I'm smoking crack and i prefer the new one.....just jocking......i prefer the old one.......no seriously, i don't smoke crack and i love almost everyrhing about the new patch, apart from zombies that always ruin my shoes. ;)

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    lol, yesterday i open the entrance of an hospital and in the hall there were like 6 zombies, i closed the door and move in the opposite direction. ;) I'm really liking the game after the new patch, i have like 130 hours in the game and it's the first time i have no problem to find weapons and bullets. in previous patches weapons were in high dangerous places, guarded by thousands of bandits with their super skilled mozins ;) Now is a lot easier to find a weapon (luky those who keep the MP5 from last patch couse police station are full of MP5 mags) and ammo. Was a little bit pissed of by the rounds change for the longhorn since i found myself in a difficult situationa and after i shot the 7.72 bullet i had in the pistol before the patch i couldn't reload it because now it use the 308 rounds....well the bandit killed me so everything ended quite fast. I also found a truck and i was able to drive it for the first time, roadkill zombies is funny! It is harder to find food and beverages, but it also add some spicy to me. i got lucky with my last character because i found rice, 1 peaches, some beans and 3 bottles, but i died of dehidratation the previous life. I'm drinking water from ponds and rivers like ther is no tomorrow, let's hope not to take cholera. To me it's the best patch till now, i feel the game to be a lot more immersive. Only downside: can't find matches for a fire, i'm gonna freeze. ;)

    Reason to Walk

    we need bicicles.....and longboards.....would be epic ;)

    Zombie Hoards?

    When in number zombies can be dangerous, i hope developers add more of them soon or later, something similar to the DayZ mod of Arma2.......horde of zombies and survivors that are force to collaborate to survive. PVP would be funnier, KOS on fresh spawn would be less present because of the zombies you can attract by shooting, and it would be cool to go from town to town with your mates trying to kill all the Zeds and save other fellow survivors ;)

    Zombie Hoards?

    zombies are supposed to be stupid....i miss the arma2 mod, where hordes of zombies could chase you, and there were trapped survivors to save, people who teamed up to escape a horde, pvp gunfights stopped by tons of zombies attracted by the shots. more zombies are essential to me.