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Everything posted by Abram_

  1. Abram_

    Stable Branch - 0.50 Discussion

    New, unlooted items... Yes. But everything degrades usual. Still, i prefer the varied states of decay.
  2. Yes. But only if you're being a Whore about it. I wouldn't blame anyone for server hoping to find a mag or two for one of the new guns. I'm pretty sure we all do it too some extent.
  3. Abram_

    What can i do if i dont trust anybody?

    Keep your head on a swivel and verbally engage of you see someone. I try to avoid groups of 3 or more, and try to stay out of sight before i use myic I start with a "hello" or a "how's igoing?", and ask if they need anything, helping of i can, or two then if came across gear or food they're looking for. If they draw, flee while assuring then that I'm not looking for a fight. Your appearance seems to play a role in how intetactions go. Don't cover your face, travel with empty hands or a melee weapon out, and verbally communicate. As the game progresses and folks have more interactions with others, the Kos rate seems to be going down if you're not in a military base. In my experience anyway. One common thing that comes up after a short chat is that we're glad to have an encounter not end in murder. But there will always be dicks. Once you generally stop caring about losing your gear, you can take these chances.
  4. Abram_

    Stable Branch - 0.50 Discussion

    Vanishing items. A buddy had his LRS vanish of his rifle, and the full yellow case I my drybag vanished. Good times.
  5. Play another game. Quit whining.
  6. Ya, i'll give you that. Though the majority of my robbing experiences is when i don't have much for great and make an easy mark. It's like picking a fight with a child.
  7. I saw down the shotgun any time i get a chance. I usually carry around the first saw i find. It fits on your pack, so why not? When exploring on persistent servers, i sometimes drop my long gun and any "intimidating" gear to go into large towns. More than once, I've had some arse try to hold me up, assuming I'm not armed, then i blast him when he drops his guard. Robing people of a real dick move, so they only deserve death.
  8. Abram_

    are duping and hack issues fixed ?

    Cheating douchebaggery is an unfortunate pay of multiplayer gaming. The anti-cheat people do their best, but as with any cheat/anticheat battle, they're anyways catching up to the shitheads. Fortunately, it's still fairly uncommon. I've only encountered one confirmed cheater. I left the server right away.
  9. Abram_

    Raindrop pattern to keep dry?

    I use this method to test of a tree provides cover from region : put a bother or canteen in your hands and try to fill it with rainwater. If you can't, then you're not getting rained on. I guess you can also wrong out your top, and wait to see if it gets soaked again..
  10. That Dell has an IPS panel, and they are awesome. Whatever you get, i strongly suggest getting any panel type other than the most common, the "TN Panel". You alm never see the panel type on the box, so look up what ever model you're looking at.
  11. I run dayz on Dell u2410 at 1920x1200. It works fine.
  12. Abram_

    Christmas Ceasefire

    I don't bother with holidays, so I'll be killing as much as i do now: poor attempts to be friendly or passive, but kill any i run into a player with their gun out. It's what Jesus would've wanted.
  13. Yup. Darringer, lever action rifle, pump shotgun, magazine for one of the new AKs. Truth be told, i "Found" the pump action by killing it's owner. I Isiah try to be peaceful on Exp, but i saw him running around and thought I'd try my luck with the hoe. One hit did it. But then i soon got my comeuppance when i was shot in the back in the same area... Also saw the 2 new backpacks, and some of the other new items. Pretty neat. No server or client crashes over 4 hours or so.
  14. Abram_

    Video Card Suggestions

    Whatever you can afford. Nvidia or AMD - no matter. Bang for buck is pretty much equal.
  15. Abram_

    Killing zombies

    Works fine for me. If punching, aim for the head. Screwdrivers, axes, pickaxes, shovels, hacksaws, and hoes seem to do the best. Of course this may change a bit when we get to future versions. As fur movement, just steel to the side. Ashtrays. That way, even if you get a bit of lash, they still will miss you.
  16. Abram_

    One moisin shot to body kill?

    I heard a confirmed headshot one once when i didn't communicate properly and a buddy killed me. A single shot to the chest can certainly drop you to unconsciousness. Though Prostine vests seem to be able to prevent it.
  17. Abram_

    Hopes for 0.50 stable

    Working gunshot audio, far fewer server crashes, and reasonable Footwear degradation, and I'm happy. I played the .50 Exp a ton before those constant server restarts drive me back to Stable, but it was pretty awesome, otherwise.
  18. Abram_

    Do you guys like the locked doors idea?

    Once they're persistent, yes.
  19. [quote name="Whyherro123" We can.....gather feathers from chicken coops? TELL ME MORE! Chicken coops are in back yard. Little chesy-high wooden blocks with a tiny ramp and a open hatch at bottom right. Walk up, and collect from there. Search success rate is pretty high. I sideways knew they existed, but i didn't notice how abundant they were until i stayed looking for them. .. I still have yet to see a Chicken. Hmm, i guess thef silty to steel those feathers came with the last update. Good .
  20. Just look around, you'll find them. As for those heatpacks, a Damaged one took me from Freezing to Cold fire about 5 minutes. Not spectacular, but better than nothing.
  21. Hah. Awesome. Thanks, phone. I think I'll leave it as is. I RECALL reading i fix. Yeesh.
  22. The trick to a straight (horizontally) shot is to watch your hand sway, and fire once it's s to the far left. It's not really viable past 40m or so. The do and the slow does of the site make it nigh useless beyond that. But it's pretty fun to build and use. More that we can gather feathers from coops. Still lemme that we cannot stack then. One father per slot. So silly. Perhaps they'll make a recurve or compound bow one dsu. Remember they the game calls it a "short bow".
  23. Go to the Battleeye website. I rectally they provide info on reinstalling the files. Perhaps running the Verify Files function in Steam will help.
  24. You get that after the server had restated. You may notice that you cannot interact with the world or your items a few seconds before that message. If YOUR connection drops, you get bored bsck to the server list with a mate in a read box. I forget what it reads. SOME servers are configured to display a restart warning to players. Usually 5- and 1-minute warnings. Then again, some servers crap out before they're supposed to.. Especially on the most recent Experimental.
  25. Abram_

    Where am I ? (The Official)

    I personally love when i lose track of where i am. By it rarely happep these days. Or... DayZ.