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Everything posted by mdms

  1. The lack of indoor shadows is disturbing :)
  2. I am getting the same. Worked like 10 minutes ago, now I get kicked from all servers. EDIT: Fixed it with Steam's "VERIFY INTEGRITY OF GAME CACHE", two of my .pbo files actually failed md5 check. Weird.
  3. Time to shoot down birds with the .50 cal :)
  4. What happens if you disconnect while dead in Your corpse still disappears?
  5. Oh wow. Our group was searching for a server to start playing and found yours in the browser list. There were no accusations made, just a question with proof. But thanks to your hostile replies, P5yk0HD - we will surely divert our eyes to non-butthurt-admin server. Thanks for the heads up.
  6. mdms

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    Last 3 guys who I shot disconnected instantly. So I think I will adapt this tactic myself.