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Whydoch (DayZ)

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About Whydoch (DayZ)

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  1. There IS a penalty to killing players. Ammo lost.
  2. Whydoch (DayZ)

    Change lee enfield mag to CZ550 mag?

    Nope, they're different caliber bullets
  3. Whydoch (DayZ)

    Chicago 28

    It's worse than that' date=' someone got thrown in the air and died. Looks like an adminhijack. [hr'] Could someone look into this? People are dying, and there might have been a carpet bombing
  4. There's a distinct possibility that I read the entire thread an happen to disagree with you. The game isn't even that hard, for christ's sake. Maybe you just suck at it.
  5. Whydoch (DayZ)

    What weapon was underwhelming to you?

    The fucking M9SD was the most disappointing piece of crap ever. Silenced, yes, but inaccurate and does as much damage as fucking poking someone.
  6. Whydoch (DayZ)

    A week Playing as a Non-combatant Medic.

    You're a better man than me, I wish you luck on this quest.
  7. Whydoch (DayZ)

    Best gun?

    Against zombies? M1911. All you'll ever need. Seriously, this thing kills in one shot, is common as dirt, has ammo that is even more common, good accuracy, decent mag size, good reload time. As for fighting players, it's fairly situational, but the M16 203 and the M14 are my favorites
  8. Whydoch (DayZ)

    DMR vs. M14

    Go for the M14, you're more likely to see people at close/mid range unless you only camp fields.
  9. Whydoch (DayZ)

    Wheelchairs anyone?

    I'm shoving money at the screen why isn't it accepting cash Make them upgradeable with car wheels so you can bmx the wheelchairs off of hills. Also add fire extinguishers. Rocket powered wheelchairs.
  10. Whydoch (DayZ)

    I'm going to stop playing DayZ

    Oh man oh man I was totally about to unleash a giant image about how no one cares about you leaving because you don't like the latest fix But now
  11. Whydoch (DayZ)

    We need to be able to defend ourselves

    >No guns >Die >Spawn >Prone'in every day all day >Hey, I'm by Cherno! >Buncha zombies, I don't give a fuck I'm on my stomach >Ten minutes in find m1911, 6 mags for it and a crossbow with 2 bolts in the supermarket