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About euanford12321

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    Northern Ireland
  1. euanford12321

    DayZ Cinematic Series

    Hey, so i wanted to make another thread about DayZ cinematic series. Me and a friend are working on the series and have come up with a story line. We have already made 2 episodes and now want to work on episode 3. However, we need people to come help us out for episode 3. We need actors. Without actors, there will be no episode 3 and we can't continue the series. If you want to see what the series is about you can go here to watch the recent episode 2 or here for episode 1 Any help with this series will be appreciated a lot! Any people helping out will be credited. If you are willing to help out, add me on skype. My skype name is euan.ford1 Thanks!
  2. euanford12321

    DayZ Tantum Cinematic

    Still need some more people to help out!
  3. euanford12321

    DayZ Tantum Cinematic

  4. euanford12321

    DayZ Tantum Cinematic

  5. euanford12321

    DayZ Tantum Cinematic

    Hey there! So me and a couple friends are working on a DayZ cinematic series. It's got quite a complex story and we've made 2 episode so far, however, we need more people. In order for us to film episode 3, we need at least 3-4 more guys/gals to come help us out. Everyone that are willing to help and play a part in the story will be credited. This is something we really want to continue but without actors, there is no story. Thanks, and if you're willing to help me out, add me on skype (euan.ford1). If you want to see our previous episodes of Tantum, here's the links. Episode 1: http://youtu.be/rEVh...LglkIGvCzNxiOJQ Episode 2: http://youtu.be/w5_9P1lLTjQ
  6. euanford12321

    DayZ Tantum Cinematic

    Hey there! So me and a couple friends are working on a DayZ cinematic series. It's got quite a complex story and we've made 2 episode so far, however, we need more people. In order for us to film episode 3, we need at least 3-4 more guys/gals to come help us out. Everyone that are willing to help and play a part in the story will be credited. This is something we really want to continue but without actors, there is no story. Thanks, and if you're willing to help me out, add me on skype (euan.ford1). If you want to see our previous episodes of Tantum, here's the links. Episode 1: http://youtu.be/rEVhIcFbj34?list=UUbsgK5iVLglkIGvCzNxiOJQ Episode 2: http://youtu.be/w5_9P1lLTjQ
  7. euanford12321

    DayZ Cinematic

  8. euanford12321

    DayZ Cinematic

    I agree. So is there anyone willing to film this with us for episode 2? Anyone who participates will be credited of course!
  9. euanford12321

    DayZ Cinematic

    I would, i looked for a long time and apparently its not possible
  10. euanford12321

    DayZ Cinematic

    Hey, me and my buddy are filming a DayZ cinematic series and have just completed episode 1 a couple days ago and we are currently filming episode 2 and we need some actors. We need about 2 people to help us out right now. My skype is euan.ford1. Please add me and we'll talk from there. If you want to see the 1st episode, go here http://youtu.be/rEVhIcFbj34?list=UUbsgK5iVLglkIGvCzNxiOJQ