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About boringbugz

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. boringbugz

    Changing Servers...

    Similar thing appen when your bag is full (maybe not only when its full). You need to throw some items away from your backpack/pants so you can loot but once on the ground, you can't reach them (on the tab character sheet) anymore even if you see them on the ground... Fix this by opening the tab character sheet again pointing the stuff on the ground then drag those (item on the ground) like you wanted to throw them again... And you will now see the item appear on this tab sheet. Another thing appened, I freshly spawned with a flash light... Gone offline for 30 minutes, login back in and this flash light was not there anymore... I was... "ok whatever i don't need it.." And the very first item I looted(a map), as soon as I took it, the flashlight appeared like magik in my equipement.. And of course this gearing thing not spawning in my character when I log back in.. It's appening all the time but I don't mind cause respawning make me learn something new all the time I start playing an empty character. I don't even get mad cause this game is so awesome and it's a pleasure to grind gear more and more and more.. Sorry about my english I hope I wrote understandably?!!?
  2. boringbugz

    DayZ is peaceful

    A bug here about the windows/Submit buton not refreshing the page.. Sorry
  3. boringbugz

    DayZ is peaceful

    Oooohhh myyyyyy goooood.... Took me so much time to catch the captcha thing...Placing the damn puzzle... I tought that was ads... (3 hours later..) Whatever, I'm Bugz, a natural born gamer. Does not mean I'm a pro player tho.. It's just fun to chill out with some people all around the world. I'm a french Canadian from Montréal in Québec and Russians gamer say that I'm American.... Why??????? Anyone?????? I'm here for DayZ Standalone, looking for some french people to play with because I can barely speak english as you can see in this post.