Pink I think it is at its core a deathmatch game, unfortunately. It is basically a slow gear grind, just so the player can kill 'noobs with impunity. I personally was attracted to the game because of videos showing cooperation between total strangers in a post-apocalyptic setting. I mean there are a least 10 good FPS games out there that dont require 10, 20, 30+ hours to gear up. And I enjoy playing them. But this was supposed to be something different. I choose to play it differently that I think its designed to be played. I play a survivalist, and in all my time playing (maybe 50+ hours in game) Ive only ever shot 1 other person, and that was because he scared the shit outta me when I opened a door and he was standing five feet away with a gun pointed at me. Im sure he was alt-tabbed cause I went 'tharn for about 5 seconds. But Id love to play co-op where I dont feel like Im going to get a face full of lead by helping someone. But like your post, its too risky for a geared person to help and to much incentive for a newly spawned person to just blast away. The only true way to fix it is to incentivise cooperation, by either not killing other players or helping them instead. And to do that you break some of the realism. But then again this is a game with zombies... I think your original post is only one step in the process.