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Everything posted by llaaggeerr

  1. llaaggeerr

    Mr.Piggy (extreme funny)

    We found this person and hade some fun, it took a random turn and my friend shoot him when we was going to make him dance
  2. llaaggeerr

    DayZ Community Live Streams

    Finding alot of intressting things here!
  3. llaaggeerr

    DayZ Community Live Streams

    Sorry ill change it
  4. llaaggeerr

    DayZ Community Live Streams

    Do u like Live streaming ? and Dayz? http://youtu.be/5jQN9gULBxU If u like it you can go and follow, Give me some help and join my growing community :beans: :thumbsup:
  5. llaaggeerr

    No loot on dead players

    This is a Bugg i think, whenever i kill a player and going to loot his gear its empty, i can see in all the slots ex backpack, shirt and pants But there is nothing there just empty, and i doubth a player is running FULLIE geard and got nothing in backpack and other slots
  6. llaaggeerr

    Amd processor users

    Putting this out here, running amd hexa core 4.1ghz and dune it along time now, good fps outside cities but BAD in the cities, yes u see the framedrop at Balota Nw airfielld Ne airfield Etc Etc, Will this be fixed for all the AMD users? or are we doomed to have low fps while Intel get all the fun ? My setup Amd fx 6300 4,1ghz alll the time Msi 760 oc edition 8gb ddr3 1800mhz SSD 120gb
  7. llaaggeerr

    Amd processor users

    This is the stuff i want to read about!
  8. llaaggeerr

    Amd processor users

    u should run about 30+ if u set it up right, the intel is the optemized one,
  9. llaaggeerr

    Amd processor users

    Okey becouse so far i know intel users get higher fps allower so far
  10. llaaggeerr

    DayZ Community Live Streams

    http://www.twitch.tv/frustyplay Dont be afraid,