So I understand that this game is in Alpha and shit is going to go wrong, or not work properly. Especially new content being released and worked on, this is all a given. What I don't understand is why its so hard for Devs (should any actually read this) to post updates on major things that occur. Such as, every tent getting wiped and every Official server resetting. Seriously guys why is this difficult, you can hire some kid and pay him minimum wage, hand him a "what happened today that was major" sheet and tell him to put it on the forums. Now I love this game, I love the potential this game has, but you can't expect players to be content with sifting through Reddit's numerous, and usually BS, threads to find a comment made by a Dev about issues that should have already been posted on YOUR forums. The first Tent wipe / server Reset was explained in a Reddit post, as an answer to a player not even its own post...what if that player had never asked the question, would that info had EVER hit the forums? This weird obsession with Dev's falling back on "it's Alpha, deal with it" is not a catch all. It works for random bugs, it works for random glitches, character wipes, things such as that. But only to a point of not getting pissed off when it happens. It is NOT a safety net for you NOT telling your player base what you are doing to fix these issues, or explaining why something was done when something major happens. Now that I have that out of the way, has anyone been able to find any new information as to why the Tents were wiped again, after they said that they fixed the Host Save issue earlier this week?