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BugZ (DayZ)

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Everything posted by BugZ (DayZ)

  1. BugZ (DayZ)

    Character customization?

    Why we cant roam naked ? I had enaugh with that white vest and stupid pant. I want swim all naked
  2. BugZ (DayZ)

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    Not only cars he said on roadmap boats,helicopters,planes,bikes,ATV,trucks will be in game also mot important thing is base building system , barricading and many things will be in game. This game really need very very long time to be completed. They got 2.5 million dollars who cares players.
  3. BugZ (DayZ)

    Persistent bodies.

    What if dead bodies transformed to something like skeleton, ash ect. with low resulotion texture. Or maybe dead bodies can leave sign on ground for certain time like in dark souls 2 .
  4. BugZ (DayZ)

    Weapon Preferences

    Makarov is best Since long time only one I going with makarov. Makarov even better than sks for some situtions.
  5. BugZ (DayZ)

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    Sorry dear devs and dear game I selected hide full servers before ,I forgot to change it but stilll I hate you alll devs andd gamee look at those pingss and cant join empty servers.
  6. BugZ (DayZ)

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    They push experimental update but since yesterday I could not join server and most experimentel servers are empty even if not empty ping too high like hell and my connection drops. Thats stupidity. I really dont think that devs checking experimental properly before publish it. burn this game and all devs in hell. I am mad as helllllllll http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/40851718181252783/AC209B2EA79FCB355E6EC7BE0E7500AB1FD5C8CF/
  7. BugZ (DayZ)

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    Can someone say what the hell f.cks going on with experimental servers ? There is afew server and I unable to join.?
  8. BugZ (DayZ)

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    Hahaha no heavy military clothes available for kossers and bandits anymore. Take off your assult vest and fight like man! By the way will our clothes looks wet ? We should not be able to dry clothes without take off them ? In future with directx11 maybe we can see wetness on clothes ? Also nice squuezing animation should be implemented in to game ? Are those things possible ?
  9. BugZ (DayZ)

    I think it's time.

    I wonder when will they fix game engine? Lights still spreading through walls, when I aim sks to sun I can see sun from inside of weapon. Also zombies who stand behind door their arms legs and face pass through doors. Also ın berezino hospital I get in room and close door but zombies still getting inside through walls or doors. This game really need long longg very long time to be playable properly.
  10. BugZ (DayZ)

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    I updated but still version showing 0.48 on mainscreen whats that update for ? This is weird.
  11. BugZ (DayZ)

    I think there should be more zombies

    Instead of tons of stupid zombies We need proper zombies with proper texture and mechanics.
  12. BugZ (DayZ)

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    You must kidding or playing low population server. I hearing people with akm much more than before everything possible with server hopping thanks dean.
  13. BugZ (DayZ)

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    Welll stilll zombies running through doors and wallls Im done.
  14. BugZ (DayZ)

    crying about bandits/more emotes/weapons

    İts comfirmed it will be in game.
  15. BugZ (DayZ)

    Hacksaws uber rare now?

    In nearly 24 hour gameplay I only one find one badly damaged hacksaw its rare because its not useless right now you using it for make sawed off guns
  16. BugZ (DayZ)

    Reduce fall damage.

    ALso we need falling animation.
  17. Well I tried that too and its just boring this is online game so we should be able to contact with another players. But no everytime when I get in city people there with fully geared with akm,ak101 ect. I also want to get those guns but this taking long time to get and I really getting bored to do server hopping. Yes sometimes I take down fully geared people and got those guns but this is not happening everytime This is really depends on luck to takedown them with chambered sporter. I really wonder devs want to prevent server hoppnig or not ?
  18. 0.49 will be uselesss. Who using survival part of this game ? Everybody doing server hop and then p.v.p berezino. Unless devs force people to survive this will never end Server hop 100 times- gear up- p.v.p berezino same shits. What wıll happen in future. You wıll build your base or camp whatever its. Clans will continue to do server hopping half of day then they wıll have only misson to destroy your base or camp. Then you wıll ask yourself am I stupid to build base and survive while they gearing up easly via server hopping. They will get helicopter and search camps whole day and destroy them. Then game will be pretty useless and everybody will look another game. İf I want to p.v.p I would go play Insurgency instead of spending whole day for server hopping. But there is really mentally sick people who spending half or all of day with server hop just for p.v.p in dayz. Thats completely stupidity.
  19. BugZ (DayZ)

    0.48 - Ragdoll and Sounds

    There is no ragdoll on animals.There will be nor not ?
  20. Look at version number of this private server. Whats that mean ? http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/40851156764167094/03C0867645333242C1D24B5E4D795E910BDCCFD7/
  21. BugZ (DayZ)

    Runing with barefoot and shoe

    As you know when we run or walk without shoes or shoe both making same noise. I just thinking will we get diffrent sounds for every diffrent shoe and barefoot ? Also boots and regular shoes should make diffrent noises in reality. Do you think they will change sound effects of them ? This is important because when you encounter someone hiddenly step noise making problems.
  22. BugZ (DayZ)

    How to stop server hopping.

    I have best idea this is ; Cancel development process then refund everybody. Because there is no solution for server hopping which is not effecting gameplay. So just cancel game.
  23. BugZ (DayZ)

    How to stop server hopping.

    So you like to see everywhere clans with akm,ak101,granade ect.. guns and shoot you directly in berezino thats completely stupidity. What is point to survive then if you can get every item you want via server hopping ? Ohhh Im starving where is food oh wait a munite I can switch server I wıll be fine.. Do you know I didnt even get 1 akm gun since gun in game guess why ? because I cant spend time on stupidity like server hopping like other desperate loosers I and many people have not time for that. We cant spending whole day on computer for one shitty game. This is not fair.. Also server hopping doesnt require any skill or talent. Devs should prevent this stupiditiy completely otherwise they will see results. I dont even know why starving indicator iin game you cant starve in this game. Basically Rocket finishing his game by his own hands.
  24. BugZ (DayZ)

    Do you prefer fast zombies or slower zombies?

    Yes thats already known issue. Devs should know mechanics issues about zeds. I think they are not that stupid to think that we will accept zombies like how their mechanics now. But I guess they will not add diffrent kind of zombies and players so thats why I wanted mention that. They already added zombie with diffrent face but body shape exacly same with other male zombie, thats what I dont like. :facepalm:
  25. BugZ (DayZ)

    Do you prefer fast zombies or slower zombies?

    I want diffrent height and weight zombies and players too. Zombies jsut so stupid is it really hard to make some of them taller or fatter , muscular or skinny ?