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Everything posted by gcriseightysix

  1. I came to the realization long ago that there will be always be people who in some way, shape or form cheat in DayZ. We have had countless updates to battle eye and hear news that there are hundreds of public cheats blocked in the game, yet people are still sit in walls at the ATC and Jail buildings. I understand that a reliable gameplay experience cannot be guaranteed during the development process, but It is so shitty to have the game look as good as it does in its current build,and still have this issue. In .60 alone I've been killed several times at the NWAF due to people swimming in floors or hiding in walls. I love this game (to a fault at times) and feel this glitch should be a main focus (if it isn't already) as it provides players to have a huge tactical advantage over an opponent who plays fair.
  2. gcriseightysix

    2200 hours on DayZ SA, and wall glitching is still a thing

    Who are you? The dayz forum police?Dude the last thing I am is an ignorant person. You were rude. I suggest you scrub the cheeto dust off your fingers and be a little nicer. The problem with forums like this are keyboard rebels like yourself. Have a nice day.
  3. gcriseightysix

    2200 hours on DayZ SA, and wall glitching is still a thing

    Nothing says you've given up on life like posting 3400 times on a forum. I was discussing something I felt was relevant and you insult me. I could care less about being reported. Eat shit.
  4. gcriseightysix

    2200 hours on DayZ SA, and wall glitching is still a thing

    No reason to be rude, this a place to discuss topics not insult people. Fuck your mother. Your welcome.
  5. gcriseightysix

    Anyone else miss the NEAF?

    I'm at 1200 hours, and I've travelled all over the map. While I really enjoy the NWAF and myshkino tents, I really miss the days of pvp at the NEAF. Does anyone else feel this way? I know it was better to promote player movement out west, but I feel the airfield and surrounding towns (krasnostav, cernaya) are most desolate since the airfield was demilitarized. I would like to see the airfield make a return to military grade loot, maybe similar to the loot attainable at the stary tents or even balota. Any thoughts?
  6. gcriseightysix

    Anyone else miss the NEAF?

    I had heard that too, but if you spawn in cherno you are a five minute walk to balota. I think the de team could find a happy medium by limiting weapon spawns to tier 2 weapons (magnum, shotguns, certain bolt actions)
  7. The .57 update has been the best stable patch yet, to say the least. I know more of the "survivalist" type players may not agree, and I can understand why. Let me just state that I enjoy the game in many ways depending upon the mood I'm in. At times I enjoy scouring the map in a sparsely looted server, town for town hoping that I may be lucky enough to find food. Other times I enjoy the convenience of spawning in, finding and AK and getting into some PVP action right away. I think it would be cool to implement a choice of different loot economies based on the server you choose. I'm sure this has been discussed, I just don't see how it won't help the issue with kos and difference of play styles.
  8. gcriseightysix

    Developer Appreciation

    Love the Dev team for what they've done, but I'm thinking over 3 million early access copies sold is thanks enough haha
  9. gcriseightysix

    It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...

    Update: Got home from work and logged on, my character from last night is back! must have been related to server maintenance as stated this morning....thanks for all the input!
  10. gcriseightysix

    It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...

    Well my point was that it may be the worst of times for other players who may not be so crazy about looting up with such ease. I personally love it, but I could understand how survivalist players would prefer a map that's harder to loot.
  11. gcriseightysix

    SVD Dragunov Spawn

    Really enjoying the update, despite the lack of loot persistence. I've been pretty excited to fin an SVD and give it a whirl but I'm not sure where t spawns. Has anyone found one? If so, where?
  12. gcriseightysix

    SVD Dragunov Spawn

    Thank you, my friend. I've logged 700+ hours so not a new player, I just don't post in the forums a lot.thanks for the help
  13. gcriseightysix

    I feel like an asshole

    This post really intrigued me when I first read it. I'm very surprised that you have held on this long without killing a single player. I mean seriously, you would think eventually it would happen by accident. While I understand your attachment to your gear (I'm the same way) I feel like the real thrill of DayZ is taking risks that not only jeopardize your gear, but your character as well! For example I ventured out to prison island last night in search of AK's and ammo, but was killed within five minutes of arriving there. So when fully geared and in complete admiration of said gear, what do you do to pass your time in dayz?
  14. I REP THE MOSIN HARD. That's it, That's all. I prefer scouring the map in search of other players with which to shoot at from a distance. I hear a lot of complaining about KOS from people in these forums, to punk admins who think typing a list of "rules" as their server message is actually going to change things. I never shoot fresh spawns, I only shoot other players who through the scope of my mosin appear to have a nicer kit than me. I kill them on sight and I ransack their goods. I'm just getting tired of hearing the complaints about kos when the developers have a clearly added the mosin/LRS to suit the needs of players like myself. so I'm posting this in part to vent, and in part to leave a little message to all you "friendlies". IF YOU CAN'T PLAY WITH THE BIG DOGS, STAY ON THE PORCH. Rant over.
  15. gcriseightysix

    Who still uses Mosin (+LRS) for range kills?!

    survey says.... you suck with the mosin
  16. gcriseightysix

    kos vs. being a filthy sniper with a fetish for violence

    My age? 28. This isn't eharmony bro take a chill pill
  17. gcriseightysix

    kos vs. being a filthy sniper with a fetish for violence

    you will be pwned
  18. gcriseightysix

    travel more.

    For the life of me I can't understand why such the vast majority of players stick to coastal towns and cities. One of the most dynamic parts of the game is that the map is so large so why not explore it? Its understandable for new players as the coast is easy to navigate. Cities like Elektro, Cherno, Berezino, Svet are usually looted pretty fast and populated with hackers. Everyone is entitled to their own preference but I see so many people settling for 2nd tier weapons/gear by staying in the same old cities. Last night I was in a 50 player server and travelled from severograd through the NWAF and back all the way to gorka and did not see a single player.
  19. gcriseightysix

    travel more.

    my tactic as a freshspawn is to find enough food and water to energize/hydrate myself and aquire a nice melee weapon for zeds. at that time I make a b-line west to find unlooted territory. I also travel to novo a lot due to its size the loot tends to take longer to be claimed. also, a good way to learn the map better is to go to interactive map on your web browser and check it periodically when traveling so you can learn the landscape a bit better now.
  20. gcriseightysix

    travel more.

    I would at this point consider the mosin a tier 1 weapon. its my gun of choice, when accompanied by a magnum I feel its nearly unstoppable. unless of course youre caught against someone spraying 70 rounds close range out of their akm. then youre fucked
  21. Over the past 6 months, I've grown to LOVE this game to a fault. I've logged 450+ hours and absolutely love following the development. I think where we stand at .51 stable is a good place and I like where the dev team is headed with the final product. Normally I don't make suggestions, but I have a few ideas I think could really help the dynamic of the game, while not drifting far from the open ended survival game that Dean Hall had originally envisioned. I also realize the game is still in early development. I'm posting this in general discussion because I'm more curious to see what other players think, so please leave me feedback! Incentives- One thing I've noticed in the game is that other than losing your kit when you die, there is really no real incentive to make a player live as long and as prosperous a life as possible. I think it would be really cool to bring on physical development of a character over time. I would love to see my character grow facial hair, and get dirty from crawling in the rain, and even show cuts/scars on a players body as they live longer. I feel strongly that players would be less likely to KOS if they not only lost their kit, but lost the physical appearance of their character that could only be achieved by staying alive for a long time. Skills- Another type of incentive would be that a player gets "better" at surviving as time passes. The more fires you start, the better they will warm you/cook your food. The more time you craft an item, the better the condition of the item when its created. The more you use a specific weapon, the more accurate/powerful you become with it. The same could go for fishing, hunting and horticulture. This may also prevent the KOS problem to a degree. Why respawn as a freshie and lose your kit, your appearance and your skills in survival? Much higher consequence for dying, I'd say. Also, lets make the improvised bow a beginner weapon and not such a rarity. In all my time playing, last night was the first time I came across an ashwood stick with which to craft a bow. I was really into the bow it was really cool to see the animations while running/creeping with it. I want to state that I enjoy PVP in this game, but the amount of people marching up and down the streets with m4's popping freshies is a little out of control. Its actually the reason stay out of a lot of cities (berezino,elektro) because people play the game like they're playing Battlefield. I'm not saying I haven't KOSed before, but I feel I've had my reasons. Well, let me know what you think!
  22. gcriseightysix

    A few thoughts to mull over: incentives/skills/kos

    mull overVERBto consider something thoroughlysynonyms: think over · consider · dwell on · think about · reflect · ponder
  23. gcriseightysix

    A few thoughts to mull over: incentives/skills/kos

    You must be joking. Perhaps, if you used your "small smooth brain" you would understand that people are making suggestions BECAUSE its an unfinished game. Note that this isn't a complaint page. smh
  24. gcriseightysix

    Giving Away M4A1s

    gcriseightysix add me
  25. gcriseightysix

    A few thoughts to mull over: incentives/skills/kos

    By "powerful" I meant strength with melee weapons. Is would be cool I think if you had to work up to a one hit kill on a zed with a the firefighter axe