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Everything posted by arlingtine

  1. arlingtine

    Read Only API

    A lot of the fun and a very chalenging aspect of this game is figuring out where you are and then using either a compas or the sun or stars to navigate your way around the map. I think being able to look up where you are would take from this greatly. It would be like survivorman taking a gps with him. Even if you are just using it for your own location it should not be added to the game
  2. arlingtine

    Lootable Zeds

    That would be awesome. Every time i kill a soldier zombie i think "this guy should have loot"
  3. arlingtine

    Can you feel the sarcasm?(I laughed a little)

    I dont like the idea of cars I feel untill you had one the game would be reduced to getacarandpartsz. Then after you would travel the map too easily and quickly and no one would venture off road anymore. Plus if you were careful all you would ever have to worry about would be gas. If transportation is that important they should just use horses. You would have to keep them fed and watered and if they broke a leg you would be shit outa luck. Plus if they got spooked they could throw you off resulting in possible injuries. Also you could ride them cross country. If a bandit (or target) had one you could just shoot the horse to stop him from escaping (though then you wouldnt get the horse) they might even break bones when the horse falls.
  4. arlingtine

    Player tracking

    You know... ill give u that. The bodies would probably add to the game. Probably drastically. However i maintain that the garbage from food and drink would be a waste
  5. arlingtine

    Sabotage other players loot.

    Nice that would just destroy the potential of that mosin. Such a good sniping gun
  6. arlingtine

    Sabotage other players loot.

    You could give them free gear like a gun and ammo and they will join u. But also give them some poisoned food. They will be with you till they die and then u just take ur stuff back
  7. arlingtine

    Sabotage other players loot.

    A lot of that is doable. You can turn some guns to sawed off so its harder to aim. You can cut up some things like if they are carrying burlap sack or tshirts. You can also spray disinfectant on the food they are carrying. It wont tell them but when they eat it they will get poisoned and very possibly die.
  8. arlingtine

    Idea for baseball caps

    After all these are implemented maybe they should make an arena so instead of guns we could rap battle with the zombies. This shiznat will be so gangsta.... yo.....
  9. arlingtine

    Idea for baseball caps

    You could even exchange all the f# keys for gang signs. Maybe add the ability to get a tear drop tattoo on your face...
  10. arlingtine

    Light fire to clothes.

    This would be fantastic. I think the more ways to do it the better. Fire would be great and would not be overused any more than poison already is. What i would like to see though is dismemberment. The ability to take an arm off of your hostage. Though i could really see this being misused as a man with no arms or legs cant kill himself so he would not be able to restart untill you allowed him to die
  11. arlingtine

    Idle Animations

    this is a terrible idea. first off there is already a large number of f button animations. secondly you can press space to lower your weapon. no need to shoulder it. if i dont trust you i would be an idiot to shoulder my weapon. also the idle idea... if im hiding its probably for a reason. besides even if you are roleplaying... if it plays random animations then it might not coincide with the roll you are playing. again making you look stupid. back to shouldering. here is a scenario. im masked up and out to take your food and ammunition. i approach you and am by myself. so instead of yelling threats i raise my gun and ask if you are friendly. instead of using your mic you shoulder your gun.... well..... thanks for the food and ammo hope you didnt have too many hours in on this one.
  12. arlingtine

    Player tracking

    though i agree that it would be cool. i think garbage and bodies may be a waste of resources. first off bodies may end up blocking paths. you could end up stuck in a room until reset. second reason would be even if they had the ability to do it would it not make more sense to just add more to the game? zombies. locations. loot. ect...
  13. arlingtine

    Motorcycle and equipment needs to be added first.

    maybe the ability to add a back patch to any shirt or jacket. the patches you would have to find in or around cities. then would need sewing kit to attach it.
  14. arlingtine

    zombie kill counter? killfeed?

    tooth necklace is a good idea. maybe teeth for zombies and ears for bandits. killcam... i dont think its as good of an idea. would be cool to watch but would make revenge to easy. one in a group of 3 is shot in head. watches killcam. then tells other 2 where the shot came from. that takes too much away from the game
  15. arlingtine

    Fix the zombies seriously!

    a timer on zombie respawn might be a good idea aswell. instead of respawning right after kill maybe 2 mins instead. that would give you enough time to move on so you are not killing the same zombie multiple times. if you are staying put then its your own fault
  16. arlingtine

    Fix the zombies seriously!

    thought the speed was to fast before... it isnt just take your time and dont shoot too much and it is fine. thought they were too strong before... they are not. if they were not so glitchy they would not always hit you. not to mention if they added zombie infection one hit would kill you not just make you bleed. i think all they really need to do with the zombies is fix the glitches. stop them from walking through doors (crawlers). make it so they actually have to be close enough to hit you to hit you. and make it so after they die they dont get one last hit in. also it would be nice if they all fell down when u killed them. the ones that keep moving are really a hassle. i think any other issues i have had are from my computer lagging so thats my problem.
  17. arlingtine

    How to stop server hopping.

    k... wow... now i understand. was saying before not to bitch about server hopping. so wrong. had never been affected by it before. then went to all the effort of spending over an hour getting to nw airfield. killing with axe so as not to attract more. only to find it cleared when i got there. not because other people in game cuz there was only 3 one with me the others nowhere to be found. then what? more people appear in the base because they are jumping. i get it now. you are right. it is a cancer.
  18. arlingtine

    zombie speed

    I have noticed that zombies in game tend to move quite fast. over the period i have been playing i have noticed the numbers increase aswell. also it seems they are respawning in towns you have already cleared. it is very frustrating to finally have good gear and have cleared a town only to fire a shot and then get run down by 5 or 10 zombies. i suggest making them slower and only respawning on server reset. then adding more would not make the game unplayable. large numbers would be unimpossible to kill and you could kill more than one with melee.
  19. arlingtine

    zombie speed

    i see what you are saying here but if that is the case then you cannot use logic to explain it. zombies would suffer from decomp so unless everyone on the map turned at the same time and it was within the last few hours the zombies would not be faster than us. i do agree however that its a shame that people are such a threat. and im not saying to make the zombies easy that would make the game boring. to be honest tho i just found the fast foreward function i was using reg sprint before. i am more than capable of keeping up now.
  20. arlingtine

    How to stop server hopping.

    i still dont see the problem. people shoot everyone they see right away anyway. what does it matter to me if you server hop? the answer is... it makes no difference at all. why waste time working on resolving something that doesnt affect anyone but the server hoppers when u could fix actual problems with the game. problems like joining the game stuck in a floor. there will always be people taking advantage of game mechanics. at least with hopping they will eventually die and have wasted a buttload of time
  21. arlingtine

    zombie speed

    I see what you mean by guns attracting them. I still think they should be slightly slower though. often you will get hit with multiples and are either forced to shoot or are overwelmed. at the moment they move the same speed as you and it is impossible to lose them. (i dont think it should be easy to run away but you should be able to to it if need be)
  22. arlingtine

    zombie speed

    Ya..... I should probably read things aloud before I post them... I still think it is a good idea. surviving long term on your own should be doable it should just be difficult.