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Everything posted by arlingtine

  1. arlingtine

    1.14 Experimental Release

    Douche move dude. Make a ticket on the tracker if its still around but dont post game breaking exploits with directions on how to do it to the forum. Congradulations on discovering a problem and making it worse.
  2. arlingtine

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    I still have yet to find a chance to try this patch. Children sure take a lot of time when they first come around but are worth it. Liking how things sound tho. Looking foreward to hunting for food again. Like the idea of scarce ammo. Those barrel fireplaces look so sexy hopefully they make them persistant. Not sure what i think about lmg think i would like if it slowed u to a walk while carrying. They should make a persistant mount for it so it could be left as a base turret. Might balance it out a bit although im sure lack of ammo will do that anyway. Are there any screens of the lance? Curious what it looks like.
  3. arlingtine

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    The increased need for supplies/food/water is neccessary. It is to make the game chalenging. It opens survivalist game styles. If you only had to eat or drink a couple times a day then there would be no need to scavenge supplies. Some things need to be exagurated whereas some things have a need to be realistic to make the game entertaining for a larger mass of people. This game caters to several different playstyles and should never encourage/discourage one playstyle over another
  4. arlingtine

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    I understand your frustration but the beauty of this game is that you can play in such diverse ways. One day you can be a hero one day a bandit. Skinning and quartering is the same no matter what animal so you should gain experience in this field no matter what you are skinning. If you want everyone to be friendly maybe find an rp server or a friendly private server. If that still isnt friendly enough maybe a hello kitty game would be more your speed. We all get mad when we die but it is part of the game. There would be no realism without it.
  5. arlingtine

    Zombie immunity upon spawning

    Not a fan of this idea. Though I would love not to spawn a new character beside a zombie, I like having wait time where you cant see or do anything and people can kill you. It discourages server hopping.
  6. arlingtine

    'Temporary' Tent persistence fix.

    Tents are fine the way they are although i would like to see a camo tent. They are not supposed to be a massive bag you can take from one server to another server hopping is bad enough as it is. This encourages people to play on a single server which is awesome. Also adds realism. If you stash a bunch of stuff in a tent and leave it somewhere i should be able to loot it. This encourages you to hide your base well and makes it so your base isnt invincible. I hope they never implement this idea.
  7. arlingtine

    1st person only for copters and cars

    They already have first person servers this is good enough. If you dont like third person dont play on those servers. And you poll above..... slightly biased... because haxlol?
  8. arlingtine

    Cannibals Recognition Suggestion

    Though i agree blood would be cool i dont think this tells u if they were in a fight recently maybe they killed a boar or a cow and want to invite you to a campfire.
  9. arlingtine

    Results of killing (insanity, morality)

    Not insulting just keeping it real but i think this idea is terrible your morals should be that of the person playing. If i dont feel bad killing 10000000000 people a day neither should my character. I should be able to play as i choose.
  10. arlingtine

    Give Us the Option to "Give" Players Items

    The whole fallout series is fantastic on so many levels..... so great. Wont let you kill everyone in 3 and new vegas tho kids and storyline npcs seem to be invincible.... only disapointment.
  11. arlingtine

    Mousetrap + Rats/Mice

    And you can even get quite a bit of meat. My pet rat was around a good pound when he died. Most meat is safe if cooked properly.
  12. If you dont like 3rd person then play hardcore and quit whining. Suck it up buttercup not everyone wants only first person (this is coming from someone who plays on 3rd person servers and always plays first person). Infinite run... i agree they should take it out but not till there is a faster method of travel like cars. To boring taking hours to walk or jog from one place to another.
  13. arlingtine

    Give Us the Option to "Give" Players Items

    Awesome....... just awesome
  14. arlingtine

    Cannibals Recognition Suggestion

    I agree that there should be no downside to cannibalism. If you dont like it then dont do it. Shakin in your boots at the thought of being eaten maybe be more careful who u trust. In the apocalypse you should trust no one anyway. And before you childishly post it... yes i am one of those people who would enjoy gaming as a cannibal i dont see the big deal. Not lile i would eat everyone.... maybe just the judgy ones...
  15. I do like that last post before mine tho
  16. I think adding kuru at all is a mistake. If anything it should be a 1 percent or less and never get higher. There have been several cannibal tribes all over the world forever but one tribe in a totally different part of the world suffers from kuru so it has to be implemented? Just doesnt make sense. Not to mention kuru was from eating the brain not steak. Cannibalism is a viable method of survival and should not be discouraged at all. Even the butchering of the meat would only mentally damage the weak minded. A human is an animal like any other. If its chop you up and feed you to my family or let them starve... i dont think i would feel that bad.
  17. arlingtine

    Disable logout near military bases

    Though i agree that server hopping is a cancer that needs to be destroyed i also realize that they cannot solve the problem this way. If they let you log out less than a couple mins away from the local then it wont do anything and if they make it farther than it would be game breaking for the rest of us. People dont always have an extra half hour to get somewhere to log out. Also if you are forced to log out in the middle of nowhere then you end up losing your berings and being lost constantly. I work hard at never being lost. You cannot use a method to solve a problem that punishes people who dont take advantage of the issue
  18. arlingtine

    Morphine Addiction

    I like the idea. Injected morphine is much different than the pills. I think they should add an advantage to using epi pin like faster sprint without overheating with the cost of possible addiction. For morphine you could maybe heal instant and be able to take double damage for certain time with same chance of addiction. Then once addicted you could take away sprint and make aim terrible when not on the drug. Make addiction a 5 percent chance rerolled every time you take drug or something you could base on rng.
  19. arlingtine

    Skinning other players (hot topic obviously)

    I still think we should do it. When the world ends the ones with strong morals will be the first to die. Tell you what you come after me when shit hits the fan and i will skin your comrads and force feed them to you before i eat you. Look after number 1 first. That is how you survive
  20. arlingtine

    Skinning other players (hot topic obviously)

    Human is meat like anything else. It should be up to the player if they think it is bad to do. U dont like the idea of eating people then dont do it. Dont like getting eaten..... hide better or fight. Skinning would be cool but not much u could do with the hide. Maybe a mask... bloodyface anyone?
  21. arlingtine

    Human trophy parts like an Ear Necklace, because we are bored.

    Wow.... Twisted.... and awesome... would love keeping pieces. Though chances are i would eat my victim dont wanna waste good meat. As for the ears. Great idea and necklaces would allow you to do it without filling inventory. Y do u think walking dead tho... diablo was where we all collected ears first
  22. Play hardcore if you dont like third person...
  23. arlingtine

    Endless running - stamina/fatigue?

    Why does everyone keep complaining about this. Without cars if u had to jog or walk the game would get very boring. Walking through a field isnt exactly rivoting. Encouraging people to play in groups.... if you want to then do it. I shouldnt be forced to play a certain way. Maybe i find solo more fun. Not to mention the lag i experience when running with others. Right now they have already added something and it is overheating and forcing you to drink more. That is all that is needed. Besides this is alpha. We need to be able to travel the map to see what is added and find out what works and what doesnt
  24. arlingtine


    Ive noticed (not only after patch) that my sprint speed is significantly lower than that of the people i play with. My sprint is slower than their normal run. Do i have a setting wrong? I have tried sprint. Fast foreward. And run and though they are all different to me they are much slower.