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Everything posted by SroSo

  1. Hi, i've been posting around some dayz footages on youtube and i just got an email that i can monetize the videos to earn money. I guess it's putting ads inside my videos and i earn cash for it. But i've been wondering. Am i allowed to do this? It did say that video game footages are not eligible unless the creators of the game have given permission.. So umm... am i allowed? Sorry if this is a somewhat rude question.
  2. Whoa is this legit? I was going to buy arma 2 when in sale
  3. There's a guy posting a screenshot that is very probable to be a duped item(100% sure) It's just that we don't have the evidence... Is it possible to report these guys?(I have their nicknames) Maybe the devs could check their items ID and see if it's duped? Yes, i know it's an exploit of a bug. But i really think it should be bannable
  4. SroSo

    Trading thread.

    srsly. don't dupe
  5. Even though this is a repost, this idea could have some attention the thread in the link had like... no attention at all LOL
  6. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=27491
  7. btw are you guys a clan or somethin? can i join?
  8. Whoa, that's awesome I'm willing to help if there's another project going on
  9. SroSo

    Eliminate M107 and AS50

    Dude you didn't get my point. AS50 and M107 is a seriously overpowered weapon to use in DayZ. I'm not saying that the owner gets immortal, but there should be a risk in banditry. Yes there's a risk to everything. But AS50 and M107 really doesn't have any zombie risk if the owner knows how to use it. And when that is happening i'm 100% sure that the owner isn't killing for loot.
  10. SroSo

    Eliminate M107 and AS50

    I wouldn't put a M1A1 abrahams and say the same thing:D
  11. SroSo

    Throw bottles to distract zombies

    This feature is already implemented. The effect isn't that big though
  12. Yeah i agree with this. Maybe gunshot range should change when this happens? The range to distract already aggroed zombies should be shorter than the range distracting normal-state zombies. I like this idea though. There would be more scenic moments
  13. SroSo

    What should our next competition be?

    Our next competition should be who makes the BEST scenario for dayz. The winner's scenario becomes the official scenario for DayZ
  14. SroSo

    Complete rehaul of food and water

    I like this idea, this would make food and water MUCH more important. I mean, food and water seems to be the most common resource in the mod right now.
  15. isn't 1.7 a beta patch right now? There are still some 1.61 servers right now. Did the devs forgot about making this patch official? lol EDIT: Opps, nevermind guys
  16. SroSo

    rebuilding buildings

    For the player-destroyed buildings. As far as i know, server restart will fix it
  17. SroSo

    My DayZ scenario

    Keep the good work guys. Who knows if Rocket would make this as an official storyline?
  18. SroSo

    Safe to play?

    Never been trolled by a hacker. Pretty safe except for few servers.
  19. SroSo

    Zombie health should vary

    I don't want it to be like some zombie movies where u shoot 20 bullets and still see a walking zombie. But 1 to 2 diversity would be fine.
  20. SroSo

    Raw meat

    I like this. Although shouldn't zombies aggroe to live animals instead of dead one? yea i know that's not likely. +1 to this idea
  21. SroSo


    I saw lots of aussies playing this. Even though this is a great idea of adding horror element, i don't want to lose all those aussies
  22. SroSo

    Play as zombie

    I don't think so...