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Everything posted by Chancer

  1. Chancer

    Remember when one bullet killed you?

    I remember me and my mate chased down a guy with a shotgun in the NWAF, I managed to shoot and break his legs, while he was down he fired off a desperate shotgun round and killed my mate from around 50m away, one shot.. ive never laughed so much in my life.The horrifying screams of my mate when it happened still haunt me to this day
  2. Exact same thing happened to me in Krasnostav, screen just went black in the top floor of the same house you was in.I assumed it was a bug, I managed to get a Svet spawn straight away and ran all the way back to the house and was there within 20 minutes, no sign of my body and the door was still shut at the front from where I went in the first place. Now I dont know how long bodys stay for after being killed by I know that you cant hide bodys inside a house.
  3. Chancer

    Am I doing it right?

    Been playing DayZ SA for just over two weeks now, never played DayZ MOD or any or game related to DayZ SA. My first character lasted over a week and had a Moisin with all the attachments and good gear, despite looking for PvP I only sniped one person and that was a bambi (mean I know but needed to get my first taste of a kill). I just cant seem to find anyone despite me heading to the bigger towns and patrolling the outskirts looking in from hills/trees and yeah i'm playing on full 30/40/50 man servers. Any tips on getting involved in PvP which doesn't require me to have to run gungho into the middle of a battlefield of a town. I've died twice in two weeks and one was when I was caught off guard looting a military base. I'm basically looking for some tips from fellow snipers on how they get involved in the PvP
  4. Chancer

    Am I doing it right?

    Hey thanks man for the tips, just what I was looking for, not sure why they are commenting about COD, its great looting a town and knowing someone may be watching you and you could die at anytime. If no one Killed on sight that fear/excitement would be gone. Anymore details on the factory town you talk of? isit before Elektro?
  5. Chancer

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    Bought DayZ today and my current desktop PC does not run it, its even awful on the lowest settings which is fair enough because this desktop is years old now and I do need an upgrade so deciding to buy a new desktop PC. I dont have a big budget as i'm not long back from travelling Australia. Would any of these be good enough to run the game for the next few years? http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=FS-018-OG&tool=3 http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=FS-020-OG&groupid=43&catid=2475