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Everything posted by lilcrooky

  1. lilcrooky

    DayZ : Aftermath Mod

    The mod creator posted on DayzModIntel forum (i think that was the name) just over a week ago, he wants to revive this one from the ashes again, could be looking like AFTERMATH will be coming back to life again soon! \o/
  2. lilcrooky


    Server IP provided in the DayzDecay forum/twitter links, Just leads to "EU1-TRUE_VANILLA_SERVER" on the multiplayer {remote, insert IP} attempt to join it just brings up that the server rejects connect due to every single DayZDecay Addon file .pbo, the server is titled "vanilla" and your modpack install + IP provided to join to play DayZDecay, then rejects every dayzdecay pbo file in your mod download. GG. I tried for bloody hours to try sort it and get on the server to give it a fair trial, but your download or Ip or both fail to reach a connection to try DayZDecay. such sad
  3. DayZ Origins wants you back! and heres how [non-commander way, as commander no longer runs Official Origins updates] to do ithttp://i.imgur.com/uMuUov0.jpg?1 Hope to see you there..... [use dayz lancher NOT commander to joine servers commander and Official Origins server dont work together sadly, get day launcher to see Official Origins servers http://dayzlauncher.com/] Then feel free to join.... Official Origins Mod #LFS SWE/ENG | [sV] Fresh Database, 27/12,
  4. DayZ Origins wants you back, and heres how [non-commander] to do ithttp://i.imgur.com/uMuUov0.jpg?1 Hope to see you there..... [use dayz lancher NOT commander to joine servers commander and Official Origins server dont work together sadly, get day launcher to see Official Origins servers http://dayzlauncher.com/] Then feel free to join.... Official Origins Mod #LFS [NEW.2/1/2015 start][sSD][PvP][AI-heli-Huey][NewDb][Good Starting Gear]
  5. Great server, very active admin, always improving and working on the server to make it good as he can.... ............. Now if it had Advanced Alchemical Crafting {here} it would be the Best of the BEST servers. Hint Hint..... Put it in already lolol
  6. Welcome to CentralZ, Today Hem and I are launching our first DayZ server. This is a Overpoch Chernarus server. As of now the features are: Single Currency (CZ Coins)Overwatch Loot SpawnsOverwatch TradersBankers at Traders for depositing coinsAuto Refuel / Repair / Re-arm at gas stations (costs coins)Custom buildings (havent 100% verified these arent in conflict with any others, if any issues arise post them)AI Missions (w/ Overwatch weapons so be careful) Server is located at: IP: 2302Gametracker Banner: How to join an Overpoch server: DayZ Overpoch is a combination of DayZ Epoch and DayZ Overwatch. The base is DayZ Epoch with the addition of guns/cars from overwatch. Our server is further customized from there. More detailed instructions to follow, for now here are the basics: Download DayZ Epoch DayZ Overwatch 0.2.5Launch Arma 2 OA with mods: -mod=@DayzOverwatch;@Dayz_Epoch Thanks, McK & Hem
  7. http://banditzparadize.enjin.com/home Website info and all Server details and custom mods/scripts can be easily viewed here. Hope to see you ingame. Happy Hunting.
  8. Advanced Alchemical Crafting has made a HUGE difference and impact on the base building side of gameplay on this server, fully customisable potentual has been brought forth with the multitudes of extra buildable items and object that has come with this awesome extra, Im loving it, only wish there weere more Ores tos mine to go with it, with the Gem rate low as it is, on mining an Ore, im constantly out looking for Ores in the hope of a Gem, as each Gem gives access to a certain set of these amazing new builsable items, and try as i might, i just cant get my hands on enough Ores to scratch the serface of the Gem varients and therefore buildable varients, its keeping me flat out busy trying, thats for sure lol :thumbsup: :beans: :thumbsup: