what forum i use to say devs going in wrong direction for the game?? they are one step away from removing zombies and calling it a wilderness simulator BTW people got annoyed with arma 3 being to realistic you think dayz will be different? Sore feet from bad shoes getting cold and dying of hypothermia (often before being able to find better clothes) i can deal with the dead end game play and the fact that once geared all that is left is PVP (no point wasting ammo on these joke zombies) the fact that there are high amount of bandits, or the having to watch server restart times just to get loot before everyone else(BTW not everyone can do that so bit unfair to those who cant who join servers to find everything was looted 3 hours earlier) the trying to limit good weapons on the server(btw that means after a while only the bandits will be well geared this way) but seriously in a ZOMBIE apocalypse the biggest threat should be ZOMBIES not weather or poor clothes Stop trying to go for realism.....ZOMBIES ARE NOT REAL