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About Thomas.w

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    On the Coast
  1. Thomas.w

    Super map

    Imagine all the maps chernarus, celle, tavi, uetes, Fallujah, Takistan, Nalmask, Thirsk, panthera, oring and podogorsk.all combined into one big map. Chernarus and celle would make up the main land. Tavi and uetes would be up past berzino off the coast. Fallujah would be set at the other end of the coast behind some mountains. takistan would be behind Fallujah Nalmask and Thirsk would be off coast opposite cherno oring and panthera would be behind tavi and uetes podogorsk would be thrown in some where. A massive map where people could travel for days before seeing anyone. vehicles would be rare and so would army grade weapons. It would take a lot of work but it would easy be the best map in the world. As I haven't being able to find out all the sizes of the maps to see how big they would all be but it would be absolutely massive making just cause 3's map look minuscule. super map