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Everything posted by d-angelo

  1. this doesn't really answer what he asked about. This is how I see it. You character always "runs", I believe. The jog-like pace is the running, I think. I think this is default. There is a "sneak"-button or walk-button. I usually doube-tap the shift button. This slows your character's pace down to a walk. By holding shift, the character starts actually running, let's call this sprinting. At this speed, your character moves fast, and loudly. In the DayZ mod, there was an extra "speed". By double-tapping the directional walking key (w) your character would go into something I called "flee"-mode, "desperation dash", or "fast forward". I haven't tried it out on DayZ SA, but figues it's the same (?). Double-tap W to run at the fastest speed possible. Check this out: Double-tap shift = walk, slow w = jogg, medium shift + w = run, fast double-tap W = turbo, very fast
  2. So, I am new to this forum, new to DayZ standalone, but not new to DayZ Mod. I-ve been playing the mod since it was released and have encountered all kinds of people: looters, cheaters, hackers, killers, liars etc. etc. I stopped playing the game because my old pc couldn't hande it anymore. Recently I've gotten a new pc and decided to play the game again.I am a big fan of teh setting, the situation, the chaos and the desperation the game offers, and as the game booted up I got that special feeling. Just because I have little faith in humanity (especially in DayZ) I've started on servers with very few people, just to catch-up on the controls and actions. After three dayz, I am pretty disappointed... there are still very much wrong with the game. zombies: Zombies are brutal in this Stand-alone version. I had no trouble out-smarting these goons in DayZ mod, but here... this is insane. I've had zombies following me from town to town... across the forest, over "mountains", into the water. Damn it! I've crossed thte woods, ran zig-zag-like amongst the buildings, closed doors, ran upstairs and hid behind obstacles. Waited some minutes and suddenly see the very same zombie, from across the country, clipping through the door and clubbering me to my death. This has got to stop... kills the fun. loot:What the hell... where has all the loot gone?! I haven't found a single melee weapon in three dayz of gaming! I am fully aware of the "looting-system" from Dayz mod, and been searching all the right places. Too many times have I died of starvation. Another thing that totally ruin the fun... I never have any luck finding berries either. At this point, I'm pretty pissed off and close to shouting at the screen and calling this game "Crap" and "this sucks!", but I'll hold my tongue...for now.. gamepla/physics : this game seems to be too realistic at times. I used to love the fact that you could break arms and legs and needed to fix this in order to use these limbs again. But there aren't any supplies anywhere!! I fel three feet... THREE FEET and broke both legs IN HOSPITAL!! What the hell?! Where are all the medical suppiess?! I know loot is suppose to be scare, but come on!! Dayz mod was brutal, but this is close to becoming unfun... Never "save" indoors : Too many times I've saved when in buildings. When I've reloaded the game, my character is stuck inside the foundation of the house. No way to respawn, so in most cases I have to wait for my character to starve to death. Sorry to bitch and moan; but this game is pretty close to being unplayable... atleast to me. Any other "noobs" (to DayZ standalone) that can "help" me out, or offer their stories?
  3. d-angelo

    First kill, first interaction...

    Personal ROE?! Hmmm... I often try to communicate with people. I've not been a fan of mic earlier, but now I have opened up to using my mic frequently. It saves typing time and you can put emphasize in what you say. Most chats doesn't end well. I often run away when I spot somebody. I know I won't shoot/attack, but I never know what their mindset is. I raided some apartment blocks, deserately looking for some way to open my dozen cans of food. Suddenly, I hear a loud chewing noise. I look straight ahead into a neighboroughing apartment block and spot a dude eating some chips. I call out to him: "hey. Over here. Do you have any food?" He looks at me and immediately drops down to a crawling position. It doesn't help much... If I had a gun and were evil, I could've easily shot him. I try to communicate with him, and he eventually speaks. "What?" -"Do you have any food?" "You can drink"...? [alot of the things he said didn't make much sense] -"thanks anyway" I leave the house. I see him sprinting past me. I follow him to ask him again. I know this might seem like a stupid idea, but at the time; it made perfectly sense. I caught up to him. He's eating another bag of crisps. "Hey, i'm that guy from before. Do you have a screwdriver?" This is what I end up asking him. The guy turns and looks at me. Appearantly I've insulted this fine huntsman as he quickly unsheats his pickaxe and makes my face it's home. -You are dead! The last thing I hear is the sound of crisps being eaten.
  4. d-angelo

    Worn food !

    Is worn food safe in real life?
  5. d-angelo

    Your funniest moment in Dayz

    This may not seem so funny, but let's go: From my days of DayZ mod, I was known as "the medic" (ps: not my "nick"). I usually used a bicycle to travel across Chernarus to aid people (global chat) who needed help ; blood, food, medicine, etc etc. As I became a great resource for the server, I got a good reputation. Some of the guys helped me secure a fully functional helicopter, so that I could get to people faster. I was pretty humbled by this act. I did some test runs with these friends of mine and learned to pilot the heli using the "cheat button" (hover?). Some guy required assistance and I jumped in my heli; first save of the day. I flew up into the air and set the coordinates. The guy had gotten his legs broken near a heli site and needed quick relief. I sped towards his position, but as I came within looking distance, I accidentaly over-momented my mouse and the heli spun out of control. I ended up crashing the brand new helicopter into the poor guy, immediately killing us both. Haven't flown since.
  6. d-angelo

    First kill, first interaction...

    What a sunshine-story! Good for you! Just outside of Electro, I saw a group of heavily-armed men; at the moment they were fighting off a zombie. I immediately dropped down and slid behind some bushes. They kept hovering about, I stayed prone. Suddenly a semi-naked man appeared running towards town. The guys stopped him. They were close enough so that I could hear their voices: "Hey, what's the rush... hold IT! StoP!!" They barked orders as if they were some kind of police. The man stopped. He uttered some wordsd in Spanish, I think. "Do you speak English?" Can you understand me?" At this point, I was highly skeptical... I had just gotten some decent gear (see other post "Still lots of work"..) and didn't want to die..again. There were three of them, all dressed in tactical gear. Long rifles and helmets with goggles. The man became quiet and they continued to talk to him.They pretty much blocked his way. At this point, I decided to stand up and make my position known. I've played DayZ all my time as a friendly character. In the mod, I used to be known as the "medic". I travelled cross-country with medical supplies to aid people. I waved to the men. They didn't notice me at first. I walked towards them, no weapons drawed, slowly I walked. "Hey, there's a dude behind you!" "Yo, is this your friend? Were you planning an ambush?" I refused and tried to talk to them. My fate was already sealed... They told me they were the guardians of the town and that there was a toll for passing. "Gimme your pants!" , "Take off your pants" The other guy quickly dropped his drawers and continued doing wiggle-wiggle motions. They laughed. They stated that we had to fight to the death. I refused and tried to take a few steps back. A shot was fired and I started bleeding. The other guy rushed at me and started pummling me. What an obidient guy....I kept dodging his blows and I heard the boys laughing and placing wagers. I was just about to dart away...flee and go down in a hail of bullets. That's when they chucked a grenade at us. We died... our outcome was decided from the start. I don't like these guys...taking control of cities with their superior firepower, picking on smaller "prey" that barely have any gear. I have never killed another survivor in DayZ.
  7. d-angelo

    First kill, first interaction...

    Sorry to seem noob'ish, but what do you mean by 'kos' ?
  8. d-angelo

    Lots of work to be done...

    All good advice, thanks. I'll not be joining any crew just yet... had some bad experiences with "crews" back in DayZ mod. Speaking of DayZ Mod : are people still playing the mod? It has to be more stable and an overall better experience? I think I've got a good selection of gear now, and heading towards Electro if I'm not mistaken. What I need now, is a handgun or ranged weapon of sort...just to be sure... I don't really trust the melee weapons a hundren percent just yet. In Electro, I know my bearings; Cherno and Electro were the places I used to hang around in in DayZ Mod. I know they are hotspots for looters, bandits and zombies, but ... I gotta check 'em out. If the maps (DayZ SA map vs DayZ Mod map) remain the same, I am not far from Electro. How is the pvp in DayZ SA? Still a lot of bandits killing on sight?
  9. d-angelo

    Lots of work to be done...

    Earlier, I've found nothing! Books, yes, and a couple of gas canisters. That's all I've found. Not even berries or kindling. Now I have swapped servers to one that is "non persistence", and straight off the bat I found a raincoat, children's backpack, pickaxe, couple of apples and oranges, flashlight for a pistol, machete, screwdriver and so on. Are there still police stations around? I've visited one fire station, but found nothing.. (earlier server). oh, my friend, I AM sprinting... my ass off. I've run for minutes, looking over my shoulder, making sure the zombie is long gone. I crouched behind some debris to apply some bandages. Just as I was getting up I heard the o' so familiar zombie sound, look around and sure; it's the same god damn zombie. How I know it is the same? It was a military-fatigued clad zombie; the exact same from before. This is uncanny! I tried to outrun zombies before, but I never get far enough away it seems. I run and run and run. The zombie escapes my field of view... I pause for a minute, looking back...what do I see there...long away in the horizon...the same god damn zombie. My major concern for the moment as I just got some loot (read above). I tried spazzing out. Didn't work, so I left the computer on for a while, came back: dead! Respawn. @chodeofwar : Well, yes. But if these zombies keep this act up, I'm gonna quit sooner rather than later. I have no problems being in desperate or dire situations as long as they are "fair", but wall-hacking zombies, zombies that follow you for hours and hours, that spawn right in front of you..that's got to stop.
  10. d-angelo

    Lots of work to be done...

    Just being truely unlucky, I guess? One thing I've noticed in the SA-version, is that most buildings now are searchable/being able to enter, but many buildings have nothing. This is how my "runs" usually happen: Spawn...tear t-shirt into rags. Look around. If urban location, sneak towards buildings and search. if rural, run. After I've searched 4-5 houses, finding nothing, I get impatient and start running around (streets, alleys). When I am done with one town, finding zilch except copies of Great Expectations and other literary works, I run in search of another town. This is where I usually end up running for ever, or encountering a zombie. The zombie "chases" me until it kills me... It's been awhile since I've played so I have forgotten the layout of the cities. Right now, my character is situated near a city, Olsho, or something. I know Electro and Cherno, so I usually head south, but I've never gotten to either one of 'em. Zombies have amazing eye sight, by the way! In DayZ Mod you could escape them or miss them by crawling or being perfectly still...
  11. d-angelo

    Lots of work to be done...

    Yes, this is all true. I am familiar with the DayZ formula. I guess I needed to vent my anger since I've not gotten a single melee weapon in three f***** days! I've tried to stand my ground and fight with the zombies, but it often leaves me bleeding, broken and half-dead. Add the fact that I have yet to find any usable loot... you can have my copy of "Great Expectations"... I'll man up and keep at it. I'll check out some more info from this site
  12. d-angelo

    Lots of work to be done...

    fixed, thanks