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About MasukaGP

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  1. MasukaGP

    Seattle 29 Issue

    restart the server.
  2. MasukaGP

    2 Hackers on DayZ - UK5

    They are wearing a spawned in clothing called "Soldier Clothing", I saw it in a tent once and got banned for wearing it.
  3. Got my hands on server logs trying to find out who is actually hacking... please confirm if this is a hack or just a part of the game. 20.06.2012 19:13:03: Murphy (-IPREMOVED-) 8db60480d22a1b52ff15131a9b357018 - #45 private ["_dummy"]; _dummy = [_this,"onLBSelChanged"] execVM "\ca\ui\scripts\handleGear.sqf"; _dummy
  4. I am interested, send me a PM with the teamspeak details so we can team up!
  5. MasukaGP

    PBE Clan Base, hacked weapons/items

    What part do you not understand, I have acknowledged the Bison is a legit weapon, I have for the last three posts been speaking of the Soldier Clothing, I do not care whatsoever what it does, the fact of the matter is that the only way to obtain it is to hack it into the game.
  6. MasukaGP

    PBE Clan Base, hacked weapons/items

    You are infact the one that battle logged, and what about the soldier clothing?
  7. MasukaGP

    PBE Clan Base, hacked weapons/items

    That's why im posting.. lol
  8. MasukaGP

    PBE Clan Base, hacked weapons/items

    damnit, already dropped it.
  9. US 6 Portland is the server I stumbled upon PBE's clan base, bunch of cars and tents, I saw someone at the tents, player [PBE]chaos0 or chaotic0, so I killed him. As I was going to loot his body the server restarted, when I rejoined none of the PBE members were in so I looked through the tents, I found items I had never seen before. I thought in general any hacked items in DayZ had no picture icon, so I thought the items were safe, the weapon was the Bizon PP-19 SD, I asked over teamspeak what this weapon was and someone responded its a rare from a crashed helicopter, I was extremely happy with my new weapon. I look into the next tent, soldier clothing? what the fuck? I ask again over teamspeak, what is soldier clothing? I get the response "DUDE THATS THE RAREST ITEM IN DAYZ OH MY GOD PLEASE LET ME HAVE IT"... Naturally me being an asshole I immediately equipped it and as I started describing how it looks (like a soldier...), he starts laughing hysterically and said he didnt think id be stupid enough to equip it, apparently it is a hacked item, aswell as the Bizon PP-19 SD. I did not know these items were hacked, PBE clan on the server listed above were the ones who had the tents, both items had pictures. I have dropped the soldier clothing and put back on my ghilly suit, have dropped the Bizon aswell, please look into this I do not want to get banned for this. Admin PM me if you would like the grid coordinates.