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Everything posted by harteman

  1. harteman

    kill stats,kill messages in game too

    Ok, sure. Give me stat tracking and I'd oblige your desires as well.
  2. harteman

    kill stats,kill messages in game too

    Since we have technology, I recommend using it, and adding said kill tracker pad to the game, in the form of stat tracking. Miles walked, beans eaten, strangers bandaged, elk hunted, bullets fired, accuracy, kills, everything. I am going to play how I play no matter what. Stats aren't going to make me a killer. I already was. You guys against stat tracking act like KOS and bandits aren't much of a thing in the game right now. Be real. You just don't want stat tracking due to your unproven belief that it will lead to more KOS. I am here to tell you I do that with or without. Edit- Since I think over half the population of the game will KOS anyway, why not indulge us, the masses?
  3. harteman

    Ghillie suit, rangefinder ?

    I rangefind by using a map that allows me to set waypoints. Binos should have built in rangefinders.
  4. harteman

    kill stats,kill messages in game too

    Then maybe I like your face. Come, let me have a look... Seriously though, I will be happy with the game just telling people who it was that killed them. That is all I require. Edit- I tell them anyway, as I dance around their corpse and tell them exactly how they messed up, leading to their noob deaths.
  5. harteman

    kill stats,kill messages in game too

    I am in favor of stat tracking in all shapes and sizes. I enjoy these things. Maybe others don't. Let me tell you right now though, I will kill you regardless of stats. I just don't like your face.
  6. There is a difference, and there are spreadsheets out there that show the difference. I would link you but I can't find it atm. I can tell you that the folding stock is the worst in terms of dispersion.
  7. harteman

    Weapons w/ Magazines

    Why would a few guys have to go running? In my unit, and other infantry units I knew of, there was one guy who was in charge of the arms room. That guy was responsible for it all.
  8. Only issue I have with the new patch is the server reboots. It wouldn't even be so bad, except for the fact it seems to put me so far back from where I was. Also, it is a literal game-changer, as many of my buddies have sworn off the game until it is fixed, leaving me lonely in Chernarus.
  9. My experience with the axe is more: 1) wait for zombie to close range 2) step behind zombie, before he swings at me, continuing to strafe to his backside until zombie is fully in swing animation 3) whack them 4) repeat as necessary. Usually 1 axe swing kills them, 2 tops.
  10. That is incorrect based on my field research. 3 stun batons did not down a fresh spawn. Battery was in, fully charged.
  11. harteman

    Primary Three Obects

    My 3 are an axe, a backpack, and a decent jacket. I have come to terms with food falling on the ground.
  12. harteman

    The 22 rifle

    Sorry, shoulda said I'll laugh at him while I am shooting him, with just about anything other than that .22. Keep believing that .22 is a worthwhile weapon. It doesn't do anything for your credibility, though. I would rather run around without any gun, than be seen with that over my shoulder. It makes me look like a potential threat, when I am not. Or maybe I am, but not a very good one. Budding at best. As for the guy apparently only talking about worthiness in relation to killing zombies, shooting them should be a last-ditch effort only. Unless you play alone, in which case shoot away. Good way to get better at aiming with various weapons and cameras.
  13. harteman

    My friends shoot anyone who is geared ...

    If everyone seems to kill on sight, aren't you special for thinking you won't get shot by strangers in the game? I get KOS all the time. I wash the sand out and get right back into the game. If you ALWAYS get killed on sight, maybe you are just annoying?
  14. harteman

    Cattle Prod

    My buddy did 3 hits to a fresh spawn last night after we saved him from a pack of zombies. He used the stun baton. 3 hits, nothing. It was loaded with a battery. After that we sent him packing with a chest holster, 1911, 2 clips, and 40 rounds. Fair trade for research.
  15. harteman

    The 22 rifle

    The 22 is horrible. The only thing going for it is it is quiet. That way when you do fire it, you have a chance of not being heard/murdered. If you bring that thing to a gun fight, I'll laugh at you. I once knocked out a guy armed with a 22, took the weapon from him while unconscious, and popped one in his dome. Most useful I have ever seen the 22 be.
  16. harteman

    Loot spawns - anyone else frustrated?

    Im all for the extreme rarity of guns and ammo. Bring it.
  17. harteman

    Early Game Survival and Group Size

    Group size matters more than anything. When that sniper sends you to a respawn, your squadmates will kill him, and protect your gear til you get back. It is like you never died. Almost. And you get to take the snipers gear as well. In the end, a net positive for the group.
  18. harteman

    New military base west of Myshkino

    Those bodies were there before it was moved away from Balota.
  19. harteman

    My friends shoot anyone who is geared ...

    Know what you need? You need guys with guns watching your back. When you don't have that, bad things can happen.
  20. Are the decently populated servers shutting down every 15 minutes? Is this a known issue? If so, what is the issue? Can someone direct me to that knowledge? I feel like I can't be alone here in noticing this, but the forums here don't seem to be talking about it....
  21. harteman

    Why use DayZ as an Ego-Shooter?

    Find servers, and players, that match your style. You seem to not have problems running into people, what servers do you play in usually? Also, role playing by yourself is begging for you to be shot. If you had a group it would be much better for you. Really, it is your expectation that you will successfully be a lone-wolf in a post-apocalyptic event that is doing you in. Safety in numbers.
  22. harteman

    where are the guns ?

    Same places as usual, just less frequently do they appear.
  23. harteman


    If you aren't entertaining, I am a bandit. If you draw your weapon while looking at me, I am a bandit. If you try anything cute, I am a bandit. If you flip me off, I am a bandit. I am always looking to add guys to our crew, but think about it, aren't most people morons, idiots, or worse, boring? Why would that make Day Z any different? Most people I come across in the real world I don't want to hang out with, the only difference in Day Z is I can shoot them to let them know this. Basically, there are few repercussions to killing you and taking your things. The only thing stopping me from doing so is my whim or your reasonable objection. Oh yeah. Guys with crossbows though, I will ALWAYS be a bandit and KOS all of you I come across. One too many bad experiences with guys with crossbows. Now it is personal.
  24. That is why I like to roll with at least one guy armed with a Mosin and a lrs. Take your pick, our sniper or the rest of us, but once you start firing, we will find you.