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Everything posted by harteman
No, you see, I catch server hoppers with this all the time. Guys who have been to the barracks ten times in a row on different servers. Then they come to the one I am in, and I kill them. It is like I went server hopping myself, spending all that time, but I didn't. I killed that guy instead, and took all his hard work. Far more satisfying than going and doing all those server hops myself. I'm not killing guys who have no gear (I do that too, don't get me wrong), I'm killing fully-geared, dual AK wielding, backpack incepting guys. Often. Protip: I do this in newly restarted servers. Thats when they come, and come they do.
I will, until it is not effective. Then I stop. Right now it is effective, and has been for some time.
Can you give me a good reason why it can't be there for players like me, and ignored by players like you? If you favor a certain playstyle, having the option doesn't take anything away from you, unless YOU WANT TO USE IT. You can still play without, unless this is about your willpower to stay away from it, in which case I again argue it is useful. I will continue to use a map when I play, with or without one in the game like I talk about. How can you be against options, when it is you who has the choice? One last bit. Your argument fails on a certain level, because those maps exist, they are online. But yet, you don't use them. It hasn't taken anything away from you, right? Where the map is shouldn't matter to a guy like you, right? But to me, I see it as a great improvement, and a logical one. You are telling me that once you might no longer have to alt-tab out of the game to use the map, you might start using it? Why would you start then? What stops you from doing it now?
EVERYONE can use an external map, and I bet most players do. When I say add this map, I do not mean as an inventory item. I mean as in pressing "m" to open a map. Also, all maps that indicate distance are range finders. This is why I said that. When you have two known locations, you can pinpoint range. When I know my location, and another location, and can find them both on a map, I use a ruler or similar to find out the range. That is how we do in real life with maps, but in the game we can't? That doesn't make sense to me. I guess as a minimum, we should be able to use a piece of string against the in-game maps so that we can range find off of them. As for you guys not needing this, fine. DON'T USE IT. But don't deny everyone the option, especially when many if not most of us resort to using maps not found in the game. See, you could add this, and it would be an improvement for those of us who use external maps, and it wouldn't hurt you who do not do this one bit, right? So then why deny us? Because we aren't playing the way you do? Because if the option were there, you would use it? Is that even logical? Because if you are using it, it is useful to you, yes? If you are not using it, why would you care one bit? Other than to deny us the ease of use of a feature we want and use but have to go elsewhere to do so, why? Finally, while I am on the map thing, why do maps come divided for so small of an area? If nothing else, the map should be complete. I can't imagine buying separate pieces of map for such a small area. They would be turned down in the real world for more complete, all-in-one maps of the area, considering the size of the area we are talking about.
What is your typical playstyle? Do you play socially or as a lone wolf? How many hours have you played so far? Edit-Also want to add, you are the first guy I have heard say that the maps you find in-game are useful. I think you are in the extreme minority on this. Edit2-Also, from the hundreds of people I have killed, one of the least common items I find on a player is a piece of the map. I am not saying nobody uses them, but practically nobody uses them.
I have always played the game with purpose, so I never desired to be lost. I wanted to see all the sights, and have so far, but every time I did I set out with said purpose. When I want to go to somewhere, I want to go there, not elsewhere. Getting lost is dangerous, and an unnecessary risk, to me. When I am playing with friends (most of my time spent playing), I don't want to waste time finding them. And yeah, iSurvive is what I use mostly, with occasional dayztv use mixed in. My friends use the steam overlay.
Yeah I am sorry. Everyone I know at least uses a map. I, personally, use my phone. What I mean is everyone uses a map, due to the fact we all must have an internet connection to play. You, uh, do use a map when you play, right? I would be glad for someone to speak up and say they don't, if only so that I can gaze upon them. Since I am here again, is there anyone out there who either only uses the in-game pieces of map, or does not use maps at all, ever? If so, how do you know where you are going? Also, if you don't use an online or offline map, how many hours have you played this game so far? Have you ever used said types of maps? Share your words.
My friends and I use similar tactics. If we can't pick a weapon up and take it with, we toss it in the woods. In a game about survival, making it harder for others to kill you is ace in my books. I also pick up everything useful in sight, and when i am filled to the brim, I ditch the majority in the woods, for nobody to have. For those of you who truly enjoy the survival aspect, you are welcome.
True that, but can you explain the usage of gasoline then, if it makes it into the game? Seems like the trucks would stop delivering that, being the apocalypse and all.
I think most players are full of it. I played the game you know. You aren't all friendly. Matter of fact, most people are hostile to the point of KOS. Rationalization knows no bounds in this game. Hell, I am likely to kill you on sight, and I might be the most friendly in my group. Well I am at it, I'll confess to this as well... I loot. I loot A LOT. I loot for myself as well as my group. I gather dozens of AK's pistols and shotguns, a hundred magazines, thousands of rounds of ammo, backpacks filled with food, you name it, and if it is useful, I store it. I store it under pine trees in persistent servers. Not one server, either. MANY servers. I have lists, one for each spot in the map that I use to stash things, with multiple servers listed per spot. I could arm, feed, and clothe 20 men easily. Persistent servers go down often, so I stay ahead of the game by branching out across multiple servers. I also camp military barracks. It is where I get most of my loot. Off players corpses. I am a spider, the barracks my web, and you are my tasty treat, bringing me all the work you have put into your life so far, so I may feast, after I kill. I refer to players not in my group as loot berries.
Bah. Your post is trash because your logic is faulty as hell. I'll tell you why. First off, when you say you ran from Berezino to NWAF in 20 minutes, what the hell does that have to do with the discussion? You can't do that as a fresh spawn, you'll die. You need supplies to make a trip like that, or you'll find yourself starting over, wasting more time. Which gets me to my next point, wasting time. I play this game with friends. In this game, sometimes people die. Sometimes my friends die. Sometimes I die. Ever climb to the second floor of the fire station and die? Ever get killed by an invisible zombie? You ever just spawn in, then immediately die? None of those things happening make you bad at the game, only an idiot would think that. Now, when friends play together in this game, how do you imagine them playing? 2 at NWAF, 1 at Balota, and 3 at Electro? I ask this because you apparently don't have any friends, or you would know that friends who play this game tend to group up, in-game, because it helps with survival. It's a united we stand, divided we fall kinda thing. So guess what happens when a group of 5 guys in Electro run into another group, and one of their group is killed? Never mind, I will tell you, since your previous posts would suggest you coming up with something silly as an answer. That team member gets back to the group, as quickly as possible. Know why? Because the odds of survival, for both the individual and the group, increases when unified. So really, if you aren't busting your ass to get back to the group as fast as you can, you are being a prick. You could loot where you spawn, then set out to meet back up with the group, but when there is an option that is quicker, leading to increased survival odds for all involved, why would you not take it? I just gave you a specific reason, and it wasn't arbitrary. Sorry for picking on your post, but it was garbage due to faulty logic, and I had to expose that. Good day.
So... Is it just me or do servers restart way too often?
harteman replied to KrackProphet's topic in General Discussion
Last I knew, sharing food that is on the ground between two players crashes the server. That was about a week ago. -
You seem like a real piece of work.
Tents disappearing after Wednesday Gobal Maintenance
harteman replied to Opterix's topic in General Discussion
Persistent servers have issues. I lost more loot than you could imagine in the last 2 weeks... -
Well, I know I usually hop into newly restarted servers and camp the military barracks. I try to be the first guy in, then I camp and wait for the door to open, and I kill anything on the other side. My advice to you is if there is another person in the server, expect them to pop up, no matter where you are.
Horrible FPS in cities after recent patches
harteman replied to Mukaparska's topic in General Discussion
I thought the game was threaded for only two cores atm? -
Vests don't seem to survive server restarts, with or without items in them.
Da' great moments ... of organized group play
harteman replied to GodOfGrain's topic in General Discussion
My group does something similar, except we sweep the entire area for anyone we may find. Start north of the tents, and complete a circle around the airfield, then to the barracks to the south. We prefer assault to camping, cuz grenades. -
Removing the option to adjust the gamma will not prevent someone from doing the same via their driver software.
I thought private shards were the solution?
Describe to me how two given players, one who will find, say, NVGs, and one who will not, don't start out with even odds of finding the NVGs? Seems like same chance to me.
They will take your beans.
Magnum and cr75 do NOT have same damage. Have killed many many men to come here and ease your mind on that front.
That is simple enough, but what do you do when you are in the woods and you need to redirect to a new location, halfway through your journey? You could travel to the nearest town, wherever that might be, or, if you know the area well enough, you can just head straight there, because you already knew exactly where you were, even though you had been running through the wilderness for 15 minutes. I'm getting there. Slowly.
fire adveture is stop before finish
harteman replied to Shrub Rocketeer ™'s topic in General Discussion
You can open your Steam overlay in-game and look on there to see who you recently played with. Might help in finding people from time to time.