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Everything posted by harteman

  1. harteman

    Massivly unplayable

    Stop being so antagonizing. You sound like a broken record. You say the same things, over and over again, expecting to be listened to, when your words are as caustic as battery acid.
  2. harteman

    Massivly unplayable

    People who play experimental aren't usually the ones you find in PvP DM on the coast.
  3. harteman

    Massivly unplayable

    Calling B.S. on that one. I've played about 20 hours of experimental and the food situation is dire. In that time I think I found a can of tactical bacon, 4 sodas, no animals, and 3 powdered milks. This was all on the west side of the map, ranging from NWAF to Prison Island, and everything in between. The guys I play with report the same findings. Apples seem to be the only way to guarantee finding something to eat.
  4. harteman

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    My main question from several hours with the new build is where the hell are all the pants?
  5. harteman

    Gold Desert Eagle .44

    I just thought it was weird that a game dev team would buy 3d models from 3rd parties instead of doing things in house. Is this a new thing among game devs or has this always been the way things are done?
  6. Amen brother. I KoS ANYONE who has a gun. I've played 850 hours of this game, long enough to tell you that friendly players are in the EXTREME minority, and anyone with a gun will kill you if they deem it worthwhile (it's worthwhile if you have gear).
  7. harteman

    player interaction 0.55

    You're so disrespectful to others.
  8. harteman

    player interaction 0.55

    This forum is the biggest circle-jerk I ever saw. P.S. this update is garbage, I'm out for now, congrats.
  9. "Certainly there is no hunting like the hunting of man and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never really care for anything else thereafter." -Ernest Hemingway I saw this quote earlier and it struck a chord with me. At least Hemingway has my back on PvP in DayZ.
  10. You seem like a huge hater.
  11. harteman

    dayz runs better at higher render resolution dafuq

    Knowing what I know, that doesn't sound possible. Rendering more=more fps? Not in the reality I have been living in...
  12. 1pp will be my preferred playstyle, once sound is worked out well enough. Right now though, it is a clusterfuck. I need full use of all my in-game senses to properly defend myself. Not being able to hear a guy running nearby kills it for me. I view 3pp as a compromise. I don't have good hearing in-game, but the extra vision enables me to play as if I did.
  13. harteman

    9mm, .45 ACP and 7.62x39mm are military... why?

    I agree. My main complaint is that the SKS takes 7.62x39mm ammo, but by the time you get your hands on that (usually), you are also picking up an AK. Also, the 527 carbine is ridiculous. I have 800 hours and have yet to fire one due to the madness involved in getting that weapon up and running.
  14. harteman

    Clarification on "Base Building"

    As long as I can't just pop up and toss in a grenade and ruin your life AND base. So something more complicated than just boarding up a house, because those will be your own coffins.
  15. harteman

    Mil tents crashing servers?

    I had the exact same experience in .49 I believe it was. I would set up shop in multiple servers, and each would go down shortly thereafter.
  16. harteman

    player is invulnerable in truck?

    I've been attacked as well as another driver I was in a vehicle with. Can confirm, not invulnerable.
  17. harteman

    Poll:Kill a player in logout...

    Yes, I am always willing to give free lessons on how to play the game better.
  18. harteman

    Why am I so bad?

    #1 you fell through the floor. 2nd story elevations or higher carry this risk. #2 everyone knows to check the hills around elecktro. Now you do too. #3 never camp for long in an elevated position, people WILL see you and come kill you.
  19. L2p with all weapons, so you are useful when you have shitty guns.
  20. harteman


    Link to video?
  21. harteman

    How the North has Changed

    I find something being there better than nothing being there, because it gives all players a reason to go to that area. I see it as balance.
  22. harteman

    Are Helicopter Crashes Working in .52?

    Crashsites were working on the previous stable persistent iteration. I can confirm that.
  23. harteman

    anyone wondering why firefights are shit

    Depending on network bubbles and such, that could be meaningless, and could easily give false impressions.
  24. harteman

    How to find non-persistent servers

    Crashes are visible again.
  25. harteman

    Know your role, and stick to your words.

    Maybe someone wants to roleplay a guy like that though? I mean, there sure are enough in the real world to make it rather unrealistic if there were none in the game. Plus, without liars and other untrustworthy players it would simplify things perhaps a little too much, and lend itself to predictability.