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Everything posted by harteman

  1. harteman

    Logging out at Balota resets char?

    Don't immediately relog into the same server you were just in, there is a bug that will erase your character. If you want to join the same server, wait about 5 minutes.
  2. harteman

    More spray anyone ?

    You can kill them all the same, stop crying so much. Survival is supposed to be hard. Adding these things makes it HARDER. I'm down to make this game as difficult as possible to survive, on all fronts.
  3. harteman

    Starting to think I'm too nice of a player.

    If I see you at an airfield and we aren't already friends, I am going to try to kill you, bottom line. Unless, like, you are SUPER entertaining, in which case I will have to bring you along. Good luck demonstrating your entertainment value with bullets flying at you though, but then again, I said SUPER.
  4. harteman

    dont under-estimate the sporter .22

    My squadmate was shot by a sporter the other day, point-blank, and all it did was alert him to the guy. He didn't even seem to take any damage, to ANYTHING. Not even his assault vest. So indeed, sporter is elite.
  5. harteman

    Lassos and horses

    I know its been brought up, but I think horses and lassos would be a perfect addition to the game. Horses could be an excellent vehicle, you could even train them to come to your call. You could use the lasso to wrangle them, or to capture/subdue a player. It would be fun to have a horse as a vehicle, rare as hell, that you could train and thus improve, and it would double as a pet of sorts. Riding around trying to lasso a fresh spawn would also be fun as hell. My 2c.
  6. harteman

    Dragging bodies

    What is the deal with this? Last night at NWAF I came across a trio in the tents and ambushed them, killing one and wounding two of them. I lost sight of them for several minutes, then I noticed one of them dragging one of their buddies south west of the airfield into the tree line. How do you do this? I don't seem to have the option to readily do this, yet I am certain that was what I saw last night. It isn't the most useful thing I suppose, but there have been several situations I have been in where that would have been invaluable to my buddies continued survival. As a side note, after I killed the first guy in the tents, the other two came to my general area demanding I surrender my arms. I lit one up with an SKS and then after a dance around a 2 1/2ton wreck, I put a makarov clip into the third guy too. Who in their right mind would surrender to a group after having shot and killed one of their own? When they ordered me to drop my weapons and surrender, I laughed and continued to perforate them and their equipment with lead. Unfortunately, right after that, I put 3 SKS rounds into my buddy, thinking I was being flanked.... Awkward.
  7. harteman

    Lassos and horses

    My thoughts exactly lol.
  8. harteman

    Vehicular Travel.

    Do we already know what the average vehicle will be? Is there a list I can check out? All I have heard about so far is a bicycle and ATV. I figured there wouldn't be much beyond things such as those, since gasoline shipments would likely stop in an apocalypse. Just give me a horse and a lasso, please! I want to be a cowboy!
  9. harteman

    Friendly? oh please..

    Make your friends outside of the game. Hope that you will come across cool, friendly people in-game, but temper that with the expectation that you won't.
  10. harteman

    Is It International Crazy Person Weekend?

    Game would be a failure if everyone were friendly. Count your blessings that you get some action and come out on top. P.S. If I see you as a bambi and you don't see me, I will sneak attack you every time. Know what feels really good? Knocking a fully geared player out, taking his weapon, and running away with it like it was stolen, because it was.
  11. I was playing with a couple friends the other night, and all of a sudden I transformed into a black woman, and was surrounded by about 100 identical black woman characters, and it seemed like I could hear everyone in the game that was talking at that point as if it were next to me. Some of the character models moved around a bit, but most stood still, and I couldn't hit anyone. Was this a glitch, or a massive hack?
  12. harteman

    Base building and secureing your stuff

    Impregnable "bases", but have the ability to barricade all other doors in the game and have those barricades be damage based, so an axe or similar could break through, but perhaps could be used to stay safe from zombies, or even be necessary if roving bands of zombies ever become a thing. Edit- You can always camp someones base, so even if impregnable, it doesn't confer immunity to you, as you have to enter and exit at some point.
  13. harteman

    Lassos and horses

    Lassos and horses.
  14. harteman

    Is it to easy to gear up?

    Satisfaction should come after the game releases. Everyone knows this is in alpha, and things are being tried and tested. Nothing in the game now is indicative of the final product. Us being able to have access to things now enables proper testing. Beta is for balance. Don't worry, be happy.
  15. I had a hacker follow me around after I cursed his ass out for a good 15 minutes. I left the server, joined a new one, and as soon as I found a weapon, he appeared in front of me, and knocked me out, then shot me with it. Guys name was Recker.
  16. harteman

    About last night (and the zombie horde)

    I could be wrong, but it seems that the lower the population of players in a server, the more often things like this happen.
  17. harteman

    What's your favorite clothing?

    Tan tactical shirt Beige cargo pants Beige radar cap Brown gloves I also like using a black character. His skin color is tactical.
  18. harteman

    Should Rocket go sooner rather than later?

    Not my business. Don't even know the guy. Even if I did I wouldn't presume to know enough about his business to guide him in his life.
  19. harteman

    Tactical vest

    If you are talking about the vests that carry 12, those are still in the game.
  20. harteman

    Shotgun's quite powerfull now?

    Seems too random for me. My pal got shot, point blank, yesterday, in a stairwell, and the guy broke his arm and that was all. Point blank. Guy with the shotgun died a second later. Point blank shotguns should be death.
  21. harteman

    What new Rifles would you guys like to see?

    Grenade launchers and tear gas grenades. Something like an M79 would be perfect. I can imagine something like this being in the game as well, as a form of crowd control just before everything went to hell. You could use something like this to clear a building of a group of hostiles or a sniper. There are already gas masks in the game, this would give them a use as well. It would also add another dimension to banditry, as they would no doubt favor using these on armed targets. Also, if you add something like an M79, you can have smoke grenades, something this game could benefit from I think. Having options like this would be great for when you want to disengage from a firefight, smoke a snipers position so you can move through his field of fire, or to obscure an offensive approach.
  22. harteman

    Another game breaking glitch

    I have issues with this game and this game only, and guess what? ITS MY ROUTER!!! Not saying your router is shit, but i am suggesting there can be numerous things causing issues, including your own equipment. Hell, half the time i spawn in, I cant move. Funny thing is its my fault. My router is garbage and fights the traffic...
  23. harteman

    Helicopter crash differences

    Wait... Thats the only spot to find an M4? Besides hackers and dupers? What if I go to a crash site, then novod, then get killed by a bambi with a pipe wrench in the tower and he takes my M4? Im a hacker now? According to you I would be anyway. What a poor choice of wording. Now ill feel bad if I ever find an M4, because ill surely become a hacker.
  24. As long as you aren't the annoying guy who was running with us for a week before we had to part way due to differences, you can join my buddy and me. We are eastern time zone, usually start playing around 7-8pm, often finish at 4am. Look up [pet]gerbil and [pet]hamster on steam. We also have a private teamspeak server to utilize. We can certainly use a sniper.