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Everything posted by harteman

  1. harteman

    Gorka E helmet

    I'll be testing that out on the first guy I capture. I have a spare helmet and an AK, gonna see if a headshot is survivable.
  2. harteman

    Easiest way to find a tent?

    Look in civilian apartment complexes.
  3. harteman

    Attachments 0.49

    I find attachments in the barracks buildings, as well as pso-1 scopes. Loot is more rare now, though, so keep trying.
  4. harteman

    The War on Wilderness - Reclaiming Myshkino

    We are talking about just the tents, right? I have no problem with this, and don't mind things being more spread out, encouraging more traveling. The tents are hardly the holy grail as far as item loot tables go. What I really don't want to see are areas that become known for particular things. For example, I wouldn't want an area to be known for guys hanging out in the woods roughing it, because then that is where everyone would go to kill them. I don't want all the decent loots like this either. Spread it out all over the place.
  5. harteman

    i5 4960 hd 4400 graphics

    Can you do me a favor and go into a full server and make a video in a town like Svet? Curious as to what your frames will be in a location like that, as opposed to out in a field. I am curious as to what your frames would be on the low end on that chip.
  6. I shoot on sight sometimes for practice, for when shit gets real. When I need to use my weapon, I damn well would like to have some training in it, you know? For survival purposes. So I don't get shot.
  7. harteman

    Coastal KOSers

    Target practice. How do you expect a poor shot to improve? Also, for your other bits, how do you expect people to learn? I'd expect experience as a good answer to the question, and you get that by doing.
  8. harteman

    Lovely People out there...

    Let people say what they will, I also have words for them, and bullets to follow. Saying you will kill my family? Pure fantasy.
  9. A fully-auto Mosin? Never heard of such... Edit- I wear mine with a ski mask underneath. Also, I think they slow you down, the helmets.
  10. harteman

    What a nightmare

    Hey op are you a FISTER??? Airborne 13F here.
  11. Yes, pistol with a clip, I like the Makarov and 1911 myself. I use them when I am in a firefight and I'm about to come around a corner to kill. Hella accurate up close and personal.
  12. How about keep your distance from guys better geared than you, and if you must engage, aim for the head and knock them out?
  13. harteman

    DayZ Server Hopping Gone wrong!

    I always leave the door open, because I want anyone around to either think it has already been looted, or that there is someone inside the building, which there is. Closed doors are more inviting to people passing by.
  14. harteman

    Item Tetris is it worth it ?

    I'm not autistic, so IDGAF much about the inventory at this point in time.
  15. My guys and I, we run around in the city streets, as I get on comms and tell everyone to come out with their hands up. Leads to insults and bullets flying every time. then we kill them all.
  16. harteman

    Turning positive paid off

    But bro, shit posts are setups for awesome posts. Circle of life.
  17. harteman

    what's your favorite backpack to use?

    Prefer everyone not me and my crew wear mountain backpacks, or if none are available, taloon backpacks. It makes spotting you infinitely easier. Nothing says "look at me" like a red mountain backpack. Nothing says "I am carrying useful shit" quite like a mountain backpack either.
  18. Well, judging by your spelling, and your poor choice of spots to stop and have a drink, and the fact that apparently you were caught off-guard, combined with the fact you took the low road by combat logging.... I'd say you are a winner.
  19. harteman

    List of things that bug me when playing DayZ

    The server lag seems to happen when the server fills up, not from the ping. More people=more lag.
  20. harteman

    Unpinned grenades dont explode when not thrown?

    In the United States Army, we practiced cooking off our grenades in basic training. We did this in simulation of assaulting bunker-style defenses. This was in 2000.
  21. harteman

    Invincible Bullet Catcher

    I was shot in the head point-blank with an M4 3 times, and each only knocked me unconscious. After that the guy was amazed and let me go. His weapon was silenced, maybe that had something to do with it.
  22. harteman

    The 'war on snipers'

    Snipers are the kings of infantry combat. Nothing instills fear in me like knowing a scoped Mosin could be around. You have the drop on everyone else is the game when it comes to range, and you can pull an mp5k out of your ass for close encounters. I see no problem in reducing the most OP aspects of the game, and skilled snipers are up there. At least the map seems designed to hinder them.
  23. harteman

    Kiddy Bandits

    Good to see we have the moral police even after an apocalypse. I knew your kind would survive.