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Everything posted by KRG123

  1. Hello, Today I joined a pretty full server, spawned in Berezino, and ran to the building near the police station. (I just respawned) Outside of the building it was a M4A1 on the ground, and I was very glad to find it. Every part was pristine, but then I saw the mag.. 6.67878e+0 08/60 (http://prntscr.com/4csnto) Is this a bugged mag? When I fired, I had infinite ammo, and when I ejected it, it just disappeared. I'm very confused right now.. What was that? Thanks for answers!
  2. KRG123

    I found a suspicious M4

    I think about the 5.56 30x2 STANAG magazines with infinite ammo, the rest of the M4A1 is "normal"
  3. KRG123

    I found a suspicious M4

    I tried empty the mag, and all ammo was gone. Then i tried to paint the M4A1, and the whole thing bugged away all over the map.. Found the buttstock in Kamyshovo. Now I'm back on track and trying to help people :)
  4. KRG123

    I found a suspicious M4

    Yeah, they have to fix this. I hope all hackers get banned, because as you say, it's not fair to the "real players" what they do.
  5. KRG123

    I found a suspicious M4

    Okay, thanks.. :)